So… basically u miss that 1 frame window, u welcome a big ass combo the oponent is trying to do after the cross up?
this is a very high risk, very low reward technique…
honestly, I would use it only vs Vega’s walldives.
So… basically u miss that 1 frame window, u welcome a big ass combo the oponent is trying to do after the cross up?
this is a very high risk, very low reward technique…
honestly, I would use it only vs Vega’s walldives.
We should probably practice it before we dismiss how effective it may or may not be. If it’s legit, it might be possible to incorporate as part of an option select as well.
It’s new tech to most of us, which is amazing considering how old and thoroughly played this game is.
I’m especially interested in the fact that it may work on other games as well
So you have a 1 frame window to return the joystick to neutral? Sounds hard as hell.
I can’t see the logic in how this is supposed to work. Up is not a blocking direction, so why would pressing up at a certain time initiate a block that will block crossups from any side?
At best the only thing I can think of it using it as an escape for badly timed crossup combos, meaning you get hit by the crossup and instead of sitting there blocking the right or wrong way, you initiate a jump command and since you get knocked out of it between the crossup hitting and the second hit of the combo, you do the fall away animation which makes the combo whiff. I do this occasionally but it’s not good against someone with good crossup timing.
It should be easy to test, just set an emulator running, get claw to walldive, frame step through and input an up direction on different frames and see if it ever works.
If the guy was saying it works offline, then that’s something, but online I dunno. It could be the emulator getting confused or predicting wrongly for all we know
… and if it’s 1 frame timing, it makes sense that japs would get hit by crossups… i mean, pobody’s nerfect.
We tested it with Orf last night. I once blocked from holding down during wake up, and releasing to neutral on standing, and my character did block. I’m 100% sure of my execution. The main, huge problem being, I managed to do that once in a 5 mn non-stop attempt, so whether it’s actual or not, it’s incredibly risky and hard.
Orf did it also, even if he said he was unsure about pressing maybe unwillingly the counter direction. If not, he did it 4/5 times during the same amount of testing time.
So basically the risk-to-reward ratio is REALLY bad for this technique?
I still cant understand how this would work. Can someone set up an autoit script to automate the crossup/wakeup situation and run it with a lua script showing the hitboxes and stuff?
I’m skeptical, but there’s also that charge technique that allows you to eat a meaty (aerial only?) attack while holding down, but with the standing hitstun animation, which recovers much faster. You would do it by moving the stick to ↓ or - I don’t know - and it also does not make sense at all. But it works. Go figure…
If it works, than it depends on the ability to hit ↑ with a 1-frame precision. Which, in turn, would depend on the player’s timing, more than anything. But we should recall Unessential’s statement: pobody is perfect! :rolleyes:
It’s not up direction you need to do in that 1 frame, what you need to do is stand up. I’m guessing during the stand up animation, for 1 frame, your character will block from every direction.
In theory, with perfect execution, it’s viable. But what I’m saying is that is it worth eating a damaging combo or ToD combo in a tournament match, in the off chance that it might work? I don’t think so, unless we find some way to make it consistently work without perfect 1-frame timing. It seems more prudent to simply choose a direction to block. It doesn’t even seem like the very best players in Japan are doing this.
It’d be great if we could a way to test this using scripts, in a controlled setting, to at least verify it works 100% of the time if done properly.
This is an interesting theory. I’m excited to see what we are able to figure out about this. If it turns out to be a matter of 1 frame execution instead of it being a property of standing up, this would change a lot.
Would frame skip make it so this isn’t 100%?
I wonder if this does work, that there is some connection between this frame that you auto block on, and the frame where you can wakeup throw when getting up from a knock down. I wonder if there is some weird propery about the first frame when you stand up.
Nice speculation! Makes sense
Why is this still even being discussed? Set it up in TRUST and try to make it happen once on video. Turn on input display and advance frame-by-frame. Stop the bending of spoons already. I found out recently that some ridiculously high %age of people actually believe 911 was some kind of inside job.
You won’t believe the amount of idiots who think Apolo 11 was an American fraud.
I found out about that a long time ago actually, and was shocked to read that 6% to 20% of the population even in the US thought the moon landing was staged. That’s one thing, but I think the number is actually somehow higher for 9/11. When I run into these people I want to quote Alex P. Keaton’s dialogue from an episode of Family Ties where he and a work colleague were in a cramped hotel in Chicago on a business trip, forced to share the same room, and he finished it by saying something like “and this, this is really just my basement, Chicago doesn’t even exist!” but I haven’t found it online like on youtube or the script from that episode. Obviously because it is a government conspiracy cover-up.
I found out about that a long time ago actually, and was shocked to read that 6% to 20% of the population even in the US thought the moon landing was staged. That’s one thing, but I think the number is actually somehow higher for 9/11. When I run into these people I want to quote Alex P. Keaton’s dialogue from an episode of Family Ties where he and a work colleague were in a cramped hotel in Chicago on a business trip, forced to share the same room, and he finished it by saying something like “and this, this is really just my basement, Chicago doesn’t even exist!” but I haven’t found it online like on youtube or the script from that episode. Obviously because it is a government conspiracy cover-up.
Never underestimate the ignorance of the general populace of the United States. Here is a video of some guy trying to get Buzz Aldrin to swear on the bible he went to the moon.