Blizzard Overwatch

I’d give that to mei in general or bastion with dedicated reinhardt+mercy assist.

Tracer’s probably only of the few characters that can constantly a harass a 5 man team while deep in their flanks, get plenty kills and live a whole game without dying if they’re on point. That being said, only the good/comp level tracers can be consistent at it. It’s pretty much her role, just doing her thing away from the entire team and she can live off rewinds and blinking away to health packs.

2 genjis work fine on offense if they’re decent but it’s fucking the classic tf2 team building pubs like to do where they stack snipers on offense and you practically don’t do any real pushing unless you’re countering some ultra cheesy comp like triple-quad bastion/torb. Specifically talking about multiple widowmaker, hanzo is more of a utility pharah that’s far more inconsistent/less mobile unless you’re amazing and land a ridiculous amount of headshots. Scatter shot is pretty nice vs stationary or shitting on a bastion/reinhardt in the corner, does top DPS otherwise if you get to fire away and land all shots. Hanzo and widowmaker aren’t really the same role, more so the fact that widowmaker is ridiculous at her role.

I try to do more things than just always spam and set up traps, bomb jump to better maps (to spam), and yeh. I wish we could air strafe like TF2, but, I’m slowly getting how to bomb jump properly.

I dunno about Mei. She is actually really god damn bad in higher levels of play. I think she’s one of the higher skill capped heroes because of how reliant she is on positioning and properly pushing her abilities to their limits.

There is nothing wrong with spamming one choke point with grenades. That is what the hero is designed for: area denial. In an organized group (or pub, in rare cases where people communicate well), you can easily deny an area to flankers just by spamming grenades and having strategically placed traps.

Also, it’s more of a playstyle preference, but I almost never have my concussion mine active on the map. I prefer to use it with a grenade + mine combo for huge burst damage during skirmishes or fights. It’s also great for getting away with people that wreck you at close range, so I always like keeping it handy. The only time I like throwing my mine out as a trap is possibly when there’s a Tracer on the enemy team. Trap + mine activation is a 100% kill on Tracer.

You can do some fun stuff at the start of the game with early mine on a door that opens downwards. You’ll be able to bounce off the mine door and then have another mine off CD to bounce off again.

Last I heard she was picked a good majority of the time for competitive and was joked about how often she was picked. Perhaps I gotta check back with seagull for an update lol. Bastion did go from like… nonexistent in comp to reinhardt/mercy/bastion being a thing in practically a week.

Oh also back on the whole mine usage. Majority of the time I have it on hand, having a instant mine explosion on demand is too good. Few times that I leave it out early as a trap would be like the lijiang tower - garden map with the cliffs surrounding the backside. Having a mine near one of the entrances to potentially knock more than one guy off a cliff is pretty good. Otherwise if destroyed it’d sorta function as a psuedo widowmine as a early warning that someone is there. Lastly you’d also still have your next mine ready by the time you need it.

So this just happen

(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

I don’t know anymore at this rate. TBH competitive scene goes through flavor of the week shit all the time. lol

I wasn’t expecting much from this but holy shit is it fun, I don’t know if I’ll get it day 1 but if it’s played a lot a few months from now, which it most likely will, I’ll def pick it up. Mercy <3

Just had a nice round with Mercy sadly we lost at point B, but man them heals and buffs are good.

Lost to a team that consist of 3 Widows, 2 Roadhog, & a junkrat. . . I don’t know how I feel about that.

Yeah, really need someone to teach me this game. Nobody has a clue in pick up game.

Mercy blowing her ultimate to res me as Hanzo, into a 4 on 1 fight.


No one cares in QM games, they just all go for dps heroes and go for kill while never playing the objective or trying to use teamwork. That is why 3 man premades or more wreck the shit out of everyone.

I beat a lot of teams with randoms. Mostly as D.Va if not Mercy or Pharah. I got lots of play of the game/MVP, teammate/vote points, team leading victories, even though we can’t see each other’s full stats, I did really well in most of the matches and lots of the matches we got beat in, is because of some sucky teammates that try to attack from a distance instead of concentrate on the objective, the other team is going to divide and conquer of the attackers/defender don’t get into the objective zone so the teammates that do don’t get overwhelmed. I got highest objective timer in a lot of matches too. lots of gold medals, it’s cool that the loot box starts to drop currency to get sprays, colors and stuff.

it’s a really awesome game, though Blizzard will have to frequently add more heroes and maps to the content ot keep people interested. since they are free, not sure how often they would add them, but this isn’t an MMORPG, people will be thirsty for more new content sooner. I’d say more heroes and maps should be added bi monthly if not every month.

it is smart they kept all the modes within the same quick match for faster queue times, that keeps the community together. and its nice at the start of each round, some teammates say hello and show off their sprays and stuff. I like the starting areas too, especially the Overwatch spaceships, they are so epic!!! I check out the whole ship, especially the front and the area below the front with all the computers and stuff. really great details. all the maps are gorgeous, and the art style and graphics is like the greatest Blizzard has ever made. and at 60 fps!! it really is a arcade multiplayer masterpiece.

Just came out of a game with DSP in it and wrecked his team. He even went so far to ask us check out his stream and donate to his Patreon. :rofl:

I really like D.VA the most of the characters I play, but I gotta see McCree is probably the most dangerous motherfucker that I play. The fan fire alt is no joke. Dead Eye is ridiculous if you do it from behind Reinhardt’s shield in the middle of a fight.

I feel like Winston really doesnt have a place though. that shield of his is pretty god damn weak and is ult is a joke if he isnt in a narrow hallway. I see people pick him and switch like 5 minutes later.

Having watched Seagull alot I came to the same conclusion he did, McCree has no bad matchups and no counters. He does well against tanks and squishies alike and can single handedly turn fights from any distance.

Winston is solid, but not OP. He excels at picking off squishies on the back line by jumping in, throwing down a shield, killing one hero, then jumping out. You need to pick your time to go in to make sure you don’t jump into the entire enemy team and get blown up. lol. He is great for picking off squishy heroes though. He cannot be your only tank though.

McCree definitely really good right now. I don’t think he has any bad matchups really except maybe Widow, but smart movement should help him stay out of harm’s way. Depends on the map too. I think a good nerf would be adding a damage drop off to his ult. No reason he should be able to one shot squishy heroes from across the map.

My tier list (no order):

S - Tracer, McCree, Lucio
A - Soldier 76
B - Widowmaker, Reaper, Genji, Reinhardt, Winston, Zarya, Mercy, Symmetra
C - Mei, Pharah, Hanzo, Junkrat, Torbjorn, D.Va, Zenyatta
D - Bastion

Mcree’s bad matchups are just dealing with multiple targets upclose since he can only take down one at a time and otherwise can’t escape. Otherwise he’s solid and amazing if positioned correctly. Mccree did take a nerf recently though with his fan now having much more recovery recovery still can be canceled the same as old, traded for a buff to his stun

Winston I see more as a tanky flanker similar to dva but is especially good at punishing a genji/tracer/widowmaker/reinhardt/symmetra heavy teams that are lacking his effective counters; Zenyatta/reaper/mcree/bastion/soldier from range etc… Yes unfortunately his shield is sooooooooooo much more weaker than before, it got hit with a pretty heavy nerf and he was compensated with a jump having less CD.

My personal tier list based on what i’ve seen from competitive play and playing it out since closed beta started. The further down you go the more situational they get

S - Widowmaker (on defense), Lucio
A+ Reinhardt, Symmetra, Mercy,
A - Soldier 76, Zarya, McCree, Pharah, Tracer, Reaper, Genji, Roadhog
B - Winston, Mei, D.Va
C - Junkrat, Torbjorn, Bastion
D - Hanzo

S tier I feel are notably strong heroes at their role and bring ridiculous utility to a team. A competent Widowmaker on defense I feel is a must, one of the massive hurdles of defense to get through.

Much of A and A+ tier are generally proven strong characters that’s often part of a strong comp that are interchanged depending on map/opponents composition/often notably strong synergy with much of the cast, otherwise standard shell teams like pharah/lucio/mcree/mercy/zarya/reinhardt. Though this is all provided if you’re aware of proper team building and synergy. Like say Zarya does amazing in the off tank role with one of the most game changing ults out there and great damage, but she’s certainly not someone you pick to solo tank. Much of the offense characters all have their use and are all very strong at what they do.

The only real main tank being Reinhardt unfortunately is the reason why he’s up slightly a tier. Mercy being a great and safe dedicated healer is also why she’s up there, often paired with lucio/pharah. Symmetra previously had the highest winrate of any hero, and even with the nerf I still feel she still does her job well. Zenyatta is also among the problem characters that got nerfed recently with double zenyatta/symmetra on offense being so strong that they had to nerf them both lol. He’s still quite strong at his role, and will punish a tank heavy composition/pharahs/and other targets that struggle from long range. He gets one shot by widowmaker however symmetra shield brings him out of that body shot range. Often a pair.

Roadhog is pretty solid overall, excels on maps where he can retreat to cover under the safety of his team’s sheer defense to self heal. *Hanamura, first point with widowmaker/bastion/torb/symmetra etc… covering the doorway.

B tier are generally slightly more situational heroes, Mei I feel i gotta check up on but normally i’d lump her with A. Winston I also need to check up on because his shield feels extremely underwhelming now prior to the nerf.

C tier you’re likely specifically using for certain points of a map vs certain matchups, generally on defense, with bastion being usable provided if you’re running reinhardt to cover him. In pubs Torb/bastion of course goes up a tier.

D - Hanzo for competitive play is near nonexistent if at all. Used apparently only for wiping teams near spawn and swapping. His role sorta overlaps with pharah but is less consistent and survivability is much lower. Practically needs a character specialist aka someone so amazing for him to really get picked. In pubs if you got a solid hanzo he’s more than passable if you know where to use him. He’s fun too.

However don’t put him in the same role as a sniper, he’s more like junkrat/pharah for area denial/high damage barrage from mid-far range. If your team needs a sniper you get the actual sniper. Like say you don’t pick hanzo to “counter snipe” a widowmaker.

Due to what Spirit juice said is true; there being a flavor of a week meta that constantly shifts, that generally supports the idea of having a plenty of A tier heroes with some situational heroes on the side.

I’ve been playing Mercy, D.Va, Genji, Mccree, Widowmaker

Mercy - Her Ult is ridiculously OP and her heals/buffs are good enough to play a key role in winning or losing. As long as I’m alive and healing/buffing I’m gaining Ult, the other team wont be able to push forward until I’m taken out. There were multiple times were I was the winning/losing factor in payload or defend.

Genji - This is imo the strongest 1v1 character in the game while being weak against multiple players. Pretty much hit and run tactics. His mobility is the best in the game too making extremely difficult to kill.

D.Va - Literally MLG. Her team-shot (terms from competitive gaming) is so good. Her pistol’s rate of fire + godlike strafing easily makes her a strong 1v1 character out the mech too. I honestly didn’t except her to be able to do much out of the mech at first. She’ll probably be my main when I’m not on Support.

Widowmaker - Straight forward character. If you’re good at sniper then she can pretty much push the team from a far. Her close combat is meh. I need to find out how much damage she can do with Mercy buffs (situational).

Mccree - This is THAT nigga.

Out of that list juice posted I would move Mei down to D, Symmetra to C, and Bastion up to B. A single half decent Bastion on a team can save a game. That dude does work.

Is Bastion the Mech that can transform in to a stationary cannon by pressing right in the d-pad?