Haha, Kenpachi said fuck the small fry, give a me big catch. And I swear I read that chapter in 30 seconds…
No flashback = No death. People have gone through far worse shit and came back.
Haha, Kenpachi said fuck the small fry, give a me big catch. And I swear I read that chapter in 30 seconds…
No flashback = No death. People have gone through far worse shit and came back.
Honestly I thought I wouldnt care about Byakuya’s death. Then I saw that nigga bleeding in the 2nd panel and damn. Pretty sure if he is really dead though we’ll get a flashback next chapter.
Kenpachi bout to fuck some shit up then probably die like a boss and still no sword owner…shit I aint even mad chapter was hype.
no flashback no buy. he’s alive. even the shitty fullbringers got flashbacks.
why would Byakuya need a flashback a this point?
It has been stated at the start that if you don’t know the name of your shikai you can’t unlock it’s complete power and abilities hence why there is disharmony with him and the sword when he did “trust” his sword he was able to take down Nnoitra because he got some of its power as it stands right now that’s about 95% Kenpachi’s power. So technically it’s a shikai with no ability.
Sent from Hueco Mundo using Garganta Talk.
lol no, the only thing that was stated is that kenpachi and his shikai are in disharmony, nothing more, yes he doesnt know the full abilities of his shikai, but that doesnt mean that his sword is not in true shikai state
also kenpachi won against Nnoitra because he used the basics of Kendo, not because he obtained part of the strenght of his shikai, seriously people, its like some of you dont read the manga at all
Kendo “way of the sword” come on man there’s a reason Yama taught him that because all Kenpachi uses was raw energy when he finally used it of course he gained some power from the sword. It’s similar to Ichigo and his growth with the sword just not at the rapid rate.
Sent from Hueco Mundo using Garganta Talk.
The fanon is strong in this thread
Was that Ichigo’s old Zanpaktou guy? Looks hella like him.
He does look like zangetsu…just without the prada sunglasses lol. That would make zero sense tho. I call kenpacji getting served by king quincys right hand man
Sent from my NiggaTech using Tapatalk…yeaa buddy
Oh god, when I saw that reiatsu pressure on one panel… I knew whats gonna happen!
If Ken-chan is in the end of chapter, my interest in next chapter IS OVER 9000!!!
just watch how kubo trolls everyone and sends the action to other place
As long as it isn’t Hitsugaya they should go to Shinji.
Sent from Hueco Mundo using Garganta Talk.
Wait, were was the evidence for Kenpachi’s shikai? because I can think of a small list of things that all point to him not having one.
also Ichigo’s sword being on permanent shikai was a function of his zanpakuto not of him pumping so much energy into it that it was on permanent shikai.
I’m not saying I’m absolutely right, but I can’t remember much evidence for the other side of this argument.
Did Renji get hit by the Horner Bomber assist? Shit threw his ass back 50 districts
I thought the whole Kenpachi thing was explained back during the Kenpachi/Ichigo fight. He can’t control his reiatsu (which is why the eyepatch sucks some of it up) and his sword is constantly in a shikai state. It doesn’t heal because Kenpachi doesn’t talk to his sword (but we know he’s trying to lately…with no luck I assume.)
and I honestly don’t see Kenpachi getting jobbed/scraped. If there’s anyone that’s going to take over Baby Aizen status it’d be Kepnachi
and useless Renji. What else is new.
Bleach has stepped their shit back up after that travesty the last story arc. Captain Hot Blood finna boss on these niggas, he’ll probably die though since he is against the main goon. Hopefully some of the dudes who get lesser shine like Yumichika will get a chance to step up after all the captains die. He was supposed to be more powerful than letting on, but didn’t want to piss off Kenpachi or Ikkaku.
Ichigo and Kenpachi have permanent Shikais because they cant control well their reiatsus (they are just to strong, since their reiatsus are way op), they cant seal their power beyond shikai
also kenpachi explicitly said that his sword is always on shikai when he fought ichigo for the 1st time not to mention that in the chapter that yoruishi explains the existence of the bankai to ichigo she compares him to kenpachi, that both have their shikais always on
Man Renji got him by the she-hulk assist and Ken omg KEN@@!!