Bleach Thread 5.0 - MANGA IS FINISHED! Announcement is a Bleach live action movie lmao

I’m thinking more of the lines of Renji getting hit with that Haggar assist.

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Some of you guys really think kenpachi is going to do shit?? Smh…he’s there just to be a sacrafice to show off Quincy kings power. Honestly kenpachi will probably be ko’ed by his assistant

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Renji getting counter hit for 1 million damage.

Byakuya might be dead, but not permanently. Like I said before, no member of the TTT can truly die. He’ll come back…bet it.

I’m thinking that Ken is going to lose, but he won’t job like everyone else has been so far.

All this talk while Rukia is ignored who was she facing anyways?

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Kenpachi’s got a second plot armor in that he’s also Kubo Tite’s favorite character. If he’s going after the top dogs, best believe Captain Commander is gonna join him. A tag team match for the ages. That probably won’t happen, of course. And Byakuya’s officially on the three second food drop rule. He better hopes Unohana steps in save his sorry ass.

OMG @ that second to last image in the chapter. This shit is just like when came on the scene against Nnoitora.

yeah i also think that he would be the scrificial lion

until that moment, i think that she wasn’t engage on any battle

So I might have been wrong about the shikai, I’m not sure if HannibelQuincy was talking to Byakuya or Renji when he made that comment.

But it’s good to see Kenpachi fighting off-panel and finding the leader. I figured the OMG PLOT HOLE HAX comments were too early.

Probably Bambietta.

Oh nooooooooooo!!!

Can’t believe that one of my fav capts is done, Im not gonna believe it till I see a funeral. Do I like the drama yes I do with the head Quincy just looking around like nothing bothers him.

Kenpachi shows up on his Goldberg like yo! Who’s next? Guess they gotta send a statement cause if Byakuya and Kenpachi go down within month of each other then shit is truly fukked in SS.

At this point Ichigo plot armor might dent a lil bit lol.

If it requires the Quincy boss to take out Kenpachi, I’m okay with that. It just shows how strong Ken was. But if he dies to the assistant, I dunno, because I get the feeling the assistant would lose to people like CC, Capt. Mom and Aizen.

It doesn’t matter what their file on kenpachi says because even he doesn’t know his own abilities.

And we are saying he doesn’t have a shikai because he doesn’t have any abilities besides clobberin’ time. Even ichigo who is always released gets his getsuga, kenpachi doesn’t even have that.

Buckethead Komamura is up against her.

I honestly want to know who she encountered…

and the thing with Kenpachi is that even if he were to lose, he’s strong enough to stall time for either Capt. Com/ Royal Guard/Ichigo assist/ whoever to keep his ass alive.

Hopefully this kenpachi thing will get this story around to the point where someone in soul society remember that they still have enough people strong enough without Bankai to beat these guys.
My guess is Kenpachi’s fight with their leader will be broken up by the old man or Ichigo.

At least from a strategic standpoint the bankai guinea pig should have been Soi fon since her Bankai isn’t her best weapon, but whatever

I also expect Kubo to go back to ichigo and the HM gang. That or another Captain/Quincy fight that isn’t Kenpachi and Quincy leader.

Lol huh? So you’re saying that kenpachi can take the ppl listed above?? Bc…IMO kenpachi is around byakuya tier.

Anyway I agree with your point on soi fon blackshinobi. But that would a made too much sense obviously.

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Nah, not beat but strong enough to belong in their group, especially if he learns Bankai. Kenpachi w/ Bankai is level 5 Frank West. But Quincies steal Bankai so I guess that makes that power up moot. I wouldn’t put Ken in Byakuya tier though, if Byakuya is mid then Ken is upper-mid at worst.

byakuya doesn’t do anything BUT bankai. He doesn’t even move. His fights are guys trying to cope with how stupid of an ability it is, and failing because it turns out to be dumber than they expected.

you’d figure someone using your bankai, you know how to counter it or at least make an attempt not get hit. Byakuya needs to make a phone call to Uub.

On to the more important stuff. WTF death of a captain? and Byakuya too? Kubo finally wrote something interesting.

Kenpachi wouldn’t beat byakuya because its a counter pick, Its Cable vs Gief or Morrigan vs Ironfist and there no way Byakuya would ever come near him; with that said Kenpachi is probably the stronger of the two.

Byakuya however falls under the rule of “Kakashi’s Law” for being unfortunate enough to have gone all out in the second arc of the show. He can no longer win any battles on strength as is would imply the opponent was weaker than SS Arc Ichigo which at this point would make no sense at all. While Kenpachi lost to ichigo he clearly wasn’t at max power due to not having a bankai so its still possible for him to beat people. Byakuya’s espada fight was also a counter pick, and I didn’t read the filler arc.

Byakuya beating people doesn’t imply that they’re weaker than SS Arc Ichigo. Everyone got a power boost over the course of the series, Byakuya included though it was more based on his Fighting Style.