Bleach Thread 5.0 - MANGA IS FINISHED! Announcement is a Bleach live action movie lmao

which baffles me, because the only reason why he has the sasuke protection is due the stupid fans that believe that he is the 2nd protagonist :rofl:

damn hipstergaya, i usually dont hate any character, but he along sasuke managed to break that

Add Komamura to that murk list. Hands down the most useless Captain ever to be witnessed on Bleach. More jobs than any high-level shinigami Iā€™ve seen. AND the most ass Bankai someone could have. Dude is the epitome of waste of space.

Actually his Bankai is quite ass. If you hurt the Bankai, the user gets hurt too? Shit is WACK. Yeah, with Tousen dead, get rid of this fool please.

Maybe Aizen will resurrect and pull Tousen out of Komamuraā€™s shoulderā€¦ [/Naruto]

  • :bluu:

Buckethead is a bigger jobber than Renji. Thatā€™s saying a lot.

So will the mystery sword be revealed?

How will Ichigo escape his prison?

Will [S]Byakuya [/S] a captain actually die?




Itā€™s up: 502

Fucking Kubo and his short ass chapters. Anyway, shit got real! lol

WOW shit got REAL this chapter.

Bleach is still NER*D status, but the last couple of panels?

BOSS status (literally)

spoiler Warning - no answer to owner of the swordā€¦

  • :bluu:

welp biakyua is dead.

To Renji


I swear the captains are pussies when fucking Zaraki with no bankai (hell no shikai) can take out a Quincy no problem you got to step your game up.

Sent from Hueco Mundo using Garganta Talk.

(Well, I guess that answers both-Bankai related questionsā€¦)

Still, Iā€™m not sure if As Nodt was talking to Byakuya or Renji when he said the shikai thing. Iā€™m thinking it was Renji, especially since then Byakuya is extra dumb for not using Shikai when that was effective against As Nodt when he showed up.


[details=Spoiler]Oh well. R.I.P.

I wonder if that means heā€™s like pretty much the only person whose soul was destroyed since he was technically killed by his own weapon than a Quincy technique. Not that I think Kubo will ever answer thatā€¦[/details]

Good to see that Quincy El Fuerte got off his fat ass. Not good to see Kenpachi show up in front of ā€œthe bossā€. It means heā€™ll probably end dying (or jobbing) even earlier than I expected.

Kuboā€™s really trying to speed this along.

damn, the chapter was short, lol
but it was cool over all :slight_smile:

kenpachi has a shikai, he its the same as ichigo, that his shikai is perpetually released

He didnā€™t even job. lol. He got rushed down by the assist. lol

Great chapter. Funny how some guys in one Bleach forum still repeat the claim that ā€œZaraki has no shikai.ā€ Despite being proven wrong a few times, one guy in a thread just refuses to let it drop.

Ha Kenpachi is the best, always.

well its the only acceptable way to make kenny lose

you know how are the japanese, they think that not everything needs to be explained in order for the story to be enjoyable, not that there is something wrong with that, just that for the way that stories work on the western side of the world can be annoying, lol

yeah, its amusing, its like they donā€™t read the manga at all

Okay, I Read the chapter andā€¦

Damn. So byakuya is doing the big GGPO? I see the proof, but Iā€™m still gonna say go pick that nukka up and take him to the doc. :rofl: @ Renji. ā€œBANā€¦!ā€ Iā€™m still wondering though. Is there some reason they canā€™t just steal the shikai? Couldā€™ve made things simple IMO. If there is some reason that they canā€™t take the Shikai, Iā€™d say do the obvious and keep it in first gear vs. the sword thieves. OH SNAP!!! Kenpachi is here and he already gutted a quincy? Ah well. canā€™t say that was unexpected. At least now we may get a look at what the leader of the pimp nazis can do.


Well, Kenpachi is about to get fucked up. If they have data on the vice-captains that have Bankai, you damn well know they already know about Kenpachiā€™s skills without it. Plus you donā€™t just skip to Wily after taking out 2 bosses, you gotta make sure the other 6 bosses are done too. Especially when the two dudes he took out were nameless. Nameless dudes arenā€™t special.

Then again, Kenpachi still has one plot armor remaining, which is Bankai, but if itā€™s stolen then youā€™re just breaking the Quincy leader even further.

Good chapter though.

Oh I doubt Byakuya is dead. Didnā€™t have a proper flashback.

Byakuya flashback next chapter. :V

I was hoping Renji would be the one to bite the dust first but it was still funny how he was STILL gonna use bankai against that quincy. Seems like people still having fun with the Rukia melted faceā€¦
