I will admit Naruto fillers, when I did watch it all the way up to that big first Naruto/Sasuke fight, had great fillers (or at least bearable ones) that included a good amount of the side cast to develop their character or story. I ended up liking Shikimaru a lot due to the huge playtime he got and the guy ended up being my favorite character (and somehow bags the fan chick on the way).
Bleach on the other hand…after seeing that boring and drawn out Bound arc, I gave up on the anime once the sword filler came around and apparently that was better than the bound. But at that point, I didn’t care and just stuck with the manga. (as if it was any better lol)
(I really wish it was easier to convey sarcasm in text outside of outright noting you’re saying something sarcastically.)
Should we even joke about Yoruichi dying? Considering she’s “black”, she basically has everything stacked against her already, so it hardly seems “sporting”.
Indeed. For he has returned to tell Orihime that now he truly understands what it is to feel.
Ugh. Like I said back when it happened, the way Gin got peaced out was pretty lame. They were like Wolverine and Akuma. Avon Barksdale and Stringer Bell. Gin is definitely 100% dead though. If the writer brought him back it’d be pretty dumb at this point.
Anyway, Bleach is booty without Aizen. The last time I can remember really enjoying it was when Aizen was wrecking everyone’s shit in Fake Town. I’m too lazy to link my post about Aizen being the hero of the series, but it’s true. Everything went in a completely useless direction after the Aizen saga. Fullbrought crap and now this Quincy steez, pffft.
I like that the writer is trying to “shock” us by showing these captains getting bodied. “Ohh, captain chronic gets shot in his eye!” Whatever, at least they’re fighting.
Negro I just want to see them. It’s one of the things that kept me reading this manga. Also, some of these captains talked hella shit. I wanna see them put their money where their mouths are.
Agreeing with razor. I know not to get my expectations up, but I’m still just so disappointed in this manga and author. There was so much potential in Bleach, that’s what made it so good during the SS arc. But the dude seriously pissed that away after that. I mean, this book is really going to end with the main fucking character only knowing ONE technique. ONE. This makes no sense whatsoever to me, and that’s why I’m so easily frustrated/trolled by his efforts. Also, too many damn threads created for this story. I seriously think we’re gonna finish this book without seeing the Royal Guard. How fucked up is that?
And Gin went out like a fucking tramp.
And to Starhammer, I’ll switch it up and go with worst falloff ever. SS arc was the fucking truth, and translated beautifully to anime.
Am I the only one who wasn’t feeling the SS arc? It made Chad and Orihime forever useless (at least until we found out she’s broken), made everyone look like incompetent assholes and had way too many surprise faces (though I guess that is the trademark of Bleach). At least some of the fights were good. Ichigo vs. Kenny was pretty bitching, Ichigo vs. Byakuya was great (both of them he couldn’t spam Getsuga Tensho), and Aizen vs. Everyone if only for the fact that Ichigo goes Bankai, hits his theme music, is going in…and Aizen says fuck that and we don’t hear Number One for…damn, I don’t even remember how long after that.
Oh, I well understand being hella disappointed in Bleach. Believe me, when I actually cared, even though I was hardly ever a “diehard” fan, Bleach’s wasted potential, pointless direction and huge internal problems were all really glaring and pissed me off. Hell, that Tousen “fight” alone was extremely dumb as I pointed out immediately, but I digress.
Thing is, as I pointed out to Saitsu when he accused me of wanting everyone to quit, is that I eventually also realized long ago that being mad at Kubo isn’t going to change shit or make him any less shitty of a writer. Seriously. Considering we don’t even buy the manga and aren’t Japanese and aren’t withholding sex from him, even if he knows about us, he has no reason to give a damn. You’re basically setting yourself up for disappointment by having expectations when it comes Bleach still. Massive, massive disappointment.
Similarly, you have to realize that the Aizen reveal all the way back in Society Soul arc more than half a decade back already is basically when Bleach jumped the shark. After that, it basically kept flying off into a horizon full of failure.
If you really want “good” Bleach, then find some (supposedly) good fan-fiction of it to read cause you’re not getting shit from Kubo save from a few sporadically cool visuals.
Man, that is a sentence ripe with hilarious imagery.
pictures Gin in Halibel’s outfit considering she got the exact same treatment
yep, thats pretty much true, but now we have 2 cliffhangers, Urahara offline and byakuya, and I wonder where the fuck will Kubo go now… some flashback of Renji probably, how he remembers Byakuya and all that stuff, but I bet, that Byakuya is not dead yet.
btw was I the only one who thought, that Ichigo has some sort of new attack? Gekka Tenshou lulz
You talking about hilarious imagery, but the worst part about this is that I could actually see this happening during a filler arc before we ever get to see Captain Commander’s Bankai in the manga. Oh, and Comical World would start playing the moment he did that too.
So, while digging around this afternoon, I stumbled over spoilers for next week’s chapter already. It’s a rather early, but they seem legitimate, especially since I can’t say that I’m surprised Kubo would cut back to who the person in Hueco Mundo is just to keep it ambiguous whether Byakuya is actually dead or not.
“Now that Aizen’s throne is empty, I, Velma, shall stand in Heaven.”[/details]
I’m totally shocked.
Hunh. I never realized how repetitive “Comical World” is.
But, anyway, yeah, I could easily that happening in an omake, whether its “accidentally” or off-screen as a background event considering how often people get “Marshmallow Hell’d” (read: their faces jammed into breasts) in (the) Bleach (anime) and how much fanservice the anime has in general.
Given the previous title before the current weeaboo about Bambietta, I thought the anime had ended already, though.