Bleach Thread 5.0 - MANGA IS FINISHED! Announcement is a Bleach live action movie lmao

Kubo likes byakuya to much to kill him off…hes safe. As nodt is kinda interesting tho…I didn’t know Quincy had unique abilities well.

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I’m not accepting that shit. Especially when he died off a simple slash. Not when boobs Rangiku and whiny hinamori are damn near ripped in half and still alive.

Well okay, then here’s the thing, what reason would Brokihime have to revive Gin?

Hey now you’re breaking the rules of logic in Kuboworld.

Honestly brokihime didn’t even have to reverse Gin. I expected Kubo to either let Gin die in a better fashion for a well developed character or at least put up a fight.

Ichimaru is one of my fav characters too…but unless he’s the mystery person then its safe to say he is dead. It was a chest slash…but one from perfect hair butterfly aizen. Remember that

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I also liked Hiroshima Rukia. Kubo showing he still can draw well when he feels like it. Perhaps I just like morbid things in general. Maybe that’s why Berserk is one of my favorite mangas. Between that panel and the overall nature of this quincy’s fear based powers (Which makes me think of TV tropes Adult Fear), its a nice mature change of pace from the kind of happy-go-lucky type of writing typical of Bleach, though I don’t expect it to last at all. I fully expect Byakuya to activate X-factor and job this guy in some silly fashion eventually.

Its a shame more zanpakuto don’t have interesting powers like these though, could have added a new level of depth to fights other than the typical “My bankai makes me stronger-faster-fucks up your senses.” Though I suppose that would require too much thought/creativity on Kubo’s part for a manga he has to write every week.

Also, damn you Damned for getting me hooked on TV Tropes a long time ago

TV Tropes ruins lives…don’t make me go back…

My guess is Bankai has more to offer (or does) but Kubo’s crappy pacing and laziness doesn’t allow him to delve into the deeper things Bleach could offer.

Or maybe he will since it’s the final arc? I’m not holding out any hopes though.

Yeah Gin was a badass and it was kind of sad when he die. Kubo needs to kill of the fodders though. Because they’re fodders.

Welp, you heard the man. Renji, it’s time for you to go.

It would be some great character development for Rukia if Byakuya died.

(Hmmm…I suddenly have this urge to start linking to TVTropes again. Wonder where that’s coming from…)

Orihime could have easily healed/revived Gin if she wanted to unless his body got utterly, atomically destroyed by Final Getsuga Ichigo bitchslapping Butterflaizen around and even then her powers are generally busted enough to probably be able to do that. So either it was that or somehow losing an arm and getting a “simple” slash across the chest ended up killing way quicker and way more permanently than literally dozens more grievous injures that Bleach characters have survived even without Dragonboobs’ help.

There’s really no reason for her not to have helped him either, though, especially considering that Orihime has healed way shadier people, she’s pretty forgiving and she’d probably be easily swayed by learning he was doing it for Rangiku considering that she considers Rangiku her friend.

Gin got killed off simply because Kubo shortchanged his character arc and threw him under the bus like pretty much every other Aizen lackey who wasn’t Grimmjow, Wonderweiss or, technically, Nel. (See especially Tousen.)

It would have been interesting see to how “redeemed”/“Secret Good Guy” Gin would have interacted with Kira had he been able to live and come back to Soul Society, but, alas, that is well outside of Kubo’s talent range.

To be truthful, I’m still not even sure how I feel about Gin being dead since I’m still not sure how I feel about him being a “secret good guy” in the first place, especially over something seemingly really petty from what little we know.

(So, basically, he managed to secretly hold a century-long grudge over something Aizen’s goons did to Rangiku when they were both children that was never referenced before? Even if she was possibly raped and/or repressed the incident, that always seemed like a huge stretch even recognizing how petty some people can be.)

As with most things in Bleach, meh.


All should remember the power of Perfect Hair Forever.

Yay! I ruined someone else’s life without even having to try.

I feel slightly better now.

This is the final arc. There isn’t anything else after this. He needs to stop fucking around with crouching surprise guests, hidden powers. Lay it all out like a fuckin G and stop playing. He’s seriously gonna go down in history as the worst mangaka in the world. Worse than the dude who did Hellsing, and his ending was garbage.

If we don’ t get to see the unseen captains’ bankai this entire series is shit.

I already told myself back in the SS Arc that we’ll see majority of the Cast who either have bankai or are bankai level go unseen before the series ends.

so far i’m looking right and time is only dwindling down. I can only imagine what shit kubo would pull to even explain backstories on half of the unseen bankais. Let alone Kenpachi who at this point, needs his own side story to explain the damn character and the whole 11th seat “Kenpachi” ordeal.

Not counting Kenny right?

(Surprise twist: Kenpachi getting and attempting to use his Bankai is how the series ends.)

Seriously, though, Raz0r. There’s really no excuse to have any expectations of Bleach at this point, even if you are “old”.

Same with you, JayGee. Did Winter War teach you nothing?

That wouldn’t be a twist, that would be expected.

Hell, I’m half expecting Kenny using Bankai to be the thing that causes the apocalypse.

^This. Right. Here.

If Gin had to go, all I’m asking is that he go out right. They hooked Kabuto up. You KNOW they did Orochimaru right. Deidara, while not so highly ranked in the series got a good send off. Gin? he’s down there around Brolly tier endings. Would’ve been better to get murked off-screen than THAT lousy GGPO. Kubo gave him the fake gold watch and a half-eaten sammich for his retirement present.

Well, we know how final a “Final” arc is. while it is the last one we’re seeing for now, they can spin off any number of side stories as long as the yen keeps coming. I see what you’re saying as far as kubo should be tying up some of the loose ends. Still, I can’t stick him with title of worst mangaka in the world. he may end up with worst fall off though. If the ending don’t make my brain fap, he dun goofed.

I still wanna call it right here though.

Byakuya doesn’t die.
The owner of the mystery sword is…Ulquiorra??? :wow:
The visards will be here to slow down the jobing of the shingami in at least two chapters, but no more than four.
I will still be calling soi fon a bitch.
Yoruichi will end up dying.
Ichigo will hit SSJ Insert a level above where he is now And save the day…again. :coffee:
Bleach will return in the future.


Don’t forget Kisame. Dude went out like a TRUE ninja. He does nothing for most of the series then turns into a G when it matters the most. I shed manly tears.


And this sort of goes back to me liking Naruto filler over Bleach filler. I honestly don’t give much of a damn about anyone in the series of Bleach. Ichigo and Orihime are too haxed for me to care, the rest of the Karakura town heroes are hella jobbers, and everyone in the Soul Society are asshats. Wait, go back, I care about Kenpachi and Yachiru. Kenny fucking things up makes my day so bright and shiny. So when the filler comes and tries to bring in some non-canon development…I just don’t care… Of course, some of the blame goes to Bleach’s story arcs being so long they basically have to tell you filler’s coming compared to Naruto’s more mission based storyline telling where they can fit in filler a lot easier. And I also care about a lot of characters in Naruto. Since a lot of characters don’t get time to shine battle wise in the main stories, the filler does well. Never really had too much of a problem watching Naruto filler.

Naruto, while it has tons of flaws of its own, at least makes me care about a good amount of characters. Bleach…not really. Kenny, Yachiru, Harribel, Grimm…yeah, that’s all I could think of right now.