Bleach Thread 5.0 - MANGA IS FINISHED! Announcement is a Bleach live action movie lmao

Next week we’re going to see Renji wreck shit.

Byakuya and co are just lol

“We captains are just all bankai at the same time and work with the LT. to get it back, cuz we dont trust LT’s to bankai for us.”
“However we trust them enough to critically analyze the situation on the spot but not enough to fight in our place so that we, (experienced, cool, and with superior fighting instinct), would have better chance of doing the analyzing work.”

Epic strategy, it might just work.

Yeah, and Tenten will plant a kunai between Madara’s eyes…

If Renji does anything half way worthwhile, it will come out of left field. He stated his goal of training and pushing himself so hard was to be able “to fight Aizen.” So beyond just trying to match Byakuya, Renji has an even higher goal he’s been working towards. Old Renji will die after Byakuya or be completely incapacitated like Byakuya. But if we finally get more of the “new Renji” that shrugged off rock-busting blows and didn’t flinch like in the Fullbring battle, I’d be the first to say to Renji: About time you became a fighter.


Suicide by Kido

Sent from Hueco Mundo using Garganta Talk.

C. Flowers jobbing…no bueno. I have half a feeling that Renji isn’t going to do much of shit, and Rukia is going to come through for “Revengence.” Hopefully, Renji doesn’t job.

Swear to goodness. Urohara better not have gotten peaced out off panel. :confused:

Last time I ever read this thread before reading the chapter. Thought you guys were talking about something incestuous Byakuya was imagining with Rukia. Then I saw the panel.

I wish they would kill that bitch. Hell, I wish they’d kill everybody in Soul Society. Then Ichigo would kill himself. And while his soul travels to hell, Kubo Tite’s face is superimposed over it. Then that motherfucker can go jump from Tokyo Tower. FUCK this manga.

(I also liked “Hiroshima Rukia”, though not in the way that Hecatom apparently did…)

Heh. I don’t know what’s funnier. People being mad about being “cockblocked” when it comes to the owner of the sword or people realizing just how much worse Kubo’s already bad writing is going to become in this arc with people eloping with idiot balls.

Oh well. At least I don’t need to point it out anymore given how utterly egregious it is (and, frankly, always was).

That said, I do find it extra-amusing that not only is Byakuya getting called on it by Renji, of all people, but he also wasn’t letting Renji do shit besides supposedly having such faith in him (all of a sudden).

If you’re going to be so adamant that Renji keep the damn Bankai, then shouldn’t you, oh I don’t know, make sure he can use it before you rush in get yourself killed instead of sticking to long range fighting? When rushing in isn’t going to make As Nodt reveal shit he doesn’t want to, especially when you’re blatantly talking about it front of him? Especially since you don’t actually have all day what with Quincy El Fuerte presumably coming back sometime soon.

(Seriously, did Kubo forget about him that quickly? He seriously couldn’t have fallen that far.)

I’ll chuckle quite a bit if, due to Byakuya’s death, As Nodt can now steal another Bankai, namely Renji’s.

Speaking of As Nodt, it’s a shame that he’s stuck in Bleach. His character design is actually rather decent, especially since he’s pretty much the only Quincy with a non-silly-seeming name, and his ability is interesting. Given I mentioned it jokingly earlier, I find ironic that he pretty much is a Yellow Lantern right down to probably being yellow who talks about the role and universality of fear since Kubo can actually do basic philosophy somewhat competently much of the time.

Oh well. He’ll eventually die/job like all the Quincy. Probably sometime after Kenpachi jobs, which I honestly look forward to seeing now with regards to how stupid that will be.

Still, As Nodt’s a pretty cool guy and he makes everyone afraid of anything.

About to? Pretty sure Byakuya already got mortally wounded hence the “R.I.P.” on the side, though you know how “reliable” Kubo is.

Still, Jobyakuya seems already dead…

refuses to make Hokuto No Ken joke

Lol. “Hopefully” gets misused as it is since it literally only means “full of hope”, not “I have hopes that…”.

However, hoping that Renji doesn’t fuck up like always?

Worst. Use of hope. Ever. [/Comic Book Guy]

I sense that you are unhappy.


After seeing Hiyori get cut in half and come back I’m not trusting anything until the funeral’s held.

Besides, Brokihime shows up, Byakuya’s good as new.

(…Geez, I had to remember who the hell Hiyori is/was.)

True, Dragonboobs could save him…if she can get to Soul Society and isn’t actually dead or unconscious already. It also doesn’t look good for Byakuya given that Urahara seemed to want to keep her (and Chad) in Hueco Mundo for…some reason before he did the utterly out of character of turning his back to someone he wasn’t absolutely sure was dead.

So until Orihime enters a Gargantua humming “Rock the Dragon”, I’m just going to count Byakuya as a loss, especially since I was expecting him to die from the get-go.

orihime’s godlikeness never really came to fruition.

great chapter

The melt face sold the chapter…and pan to rukia sensing a petal flutter by…or gas.

Well if he really is dead, it’s all because he told Tsukishima that Ichigo made him a changed man. Genre Savvy he is not.


Captain commander will save soul society but die in the process of pushing back the Quincy people, and we will have Soul society 2099 Apocalypse version where it is all fucked up as they wage this last holy war and the ice dragon captain will come into his own as the new CC with help from the zero squad, who are the only real power (besides Ichigo) that keep Soul Society 2099 alive and well. The drunk captain, doctor captain and maybe cancer captain will die too.

True. Dude pretty much read his last rites when he said that.

This is what I said.

I also said the same damn thing about Gin. See where that went?:shake:

Gin attacked Aizen to redeem himself (sort of) and kill him for Rangiku’s sake. That was putting both feet in the grave.