I mean I knew what it was symbolizing, it was just freaky as fuck, even by Bleach standards.
Rukia pic mindfucked the shit outta me. Still that was pretty anti-climatic.
Now we wait another week FML.
I don’t mind it. Needed something out of the normal considering bleach hasn’t done that like…ever.
It was mad random though.
i thought that it was sexy
That Rukia panel was on some Hiroshima Nuke shit, good fucking lord.
And that chapter was aight, just don’t like Byakuya getting jobbed so effortlessly. Also, fuck Kubo, making so damn hype for no reason:bluu:.

Oh GAWD. Dat gif.
Cant wait till they try to anime that Rukia panel… oh wait
was anybody really fucking surprised? like seriously this shit was mandatory cock blocking
this is what this fucker is doing to us
This is the one chapter they had to keep me hooked. They failed. I’m going back to ignoring Bleach.
sigh We probably won’t know the owner of that sword for another 2 months minimum.
And oh look, Byakuya’s about to get peaced out? Been spending too much time with Renji, his jobbing has wore off of Byakuya. He’ll still find some way to BS out of this one.
Smurf Nutz.
And I wouldn’t worry much. They ain’t got the guts to get rid of byakuya. still, WTF @ the Kuchiki pic. :wtf: All this time and he’s STILL trippin about her? Suck it up son.
I hate cliffhangers so much…
which its funny because every chapter of bleach ends with one
How would you feel if everytime you look at your adopted sister you see your dead wife’s face?
It’s been a long time, at least a year maybe more, since I’ve paid attention to Bleach and its arcs. Have we ever gotten to see Unohana lay into some ass yet? You just know she’s a killer.
What the? I had a wife? Did I hit it?
Seriously though, That would be freaky the first few months or years maybe, but at sometime, you get over it. She ain’t that person. He’s so shook up he even saw the flies eating her face off, which led to him getting all ate up during his battle. It’s game time now. Get ya head on straight and gut that pimp nazi!!
…And now even Renji is calling him out on his tactics? Yeah, ya dun goofed Byakuya. Ya dun goofed.
Wait so Byakuya doesn’t trust Renji to expose an enemies abilities but trust him to analyze and find ways to beat it.
Sent from Hueco Mundo using Garganta Talk.
Oh Kubo…you and your writing.
Oh Byakuya, you and your belief in your jobber lieutenant.
It’s like Byakuya took Renji’s jobber status…