(Yeah, pointing out that Kenpachi is still alive & kicking and is in Soul Society is only going to make people wonder even more why he hasn’t taken down or at least given one of these guys trouble yet. Seriously, what the fuck is doing right now Kubo?)
Well, considering how broken Aizen’s shikai is and how Byakuya’s shikai actually seemed to be effective against As Nodt before he decided to go “full retard”…yeah. Aizen’s obviously not going to save the day or anything, but he’d still be threatening.
Well, at least until he went horribly out of character and finally revealed his Bankai only to get it stolen.
I asked because I wasn’t sure if they went to Hueco Mundo during the…Fullbring or whatever arc that was before this since I wasn’t reading Bleach then at all.
I’m still not, with the what little exposition Kubo tends to have, but that’s besides the point.
It’s bad fucking writing. I went back and read up to the current issue and I just thought to myself, “You know, Kenpachi doesn’t use a bankai and he’s in Soul Society. Why didn’t the old dude send him into the battle at the very beginning since he already knew the Germans shut down bankai. Isn’t that the most logical choice?” Yeah you can say the Captain Commander is a terrible leader, but I’m going to blame Kubo for thinking his readers wouldn’t come to this conclusion in 5 seconds.
The Captain Commander is a bad leader too though. Only reason why no one tries a coup to get rid of his incompetent ass (who you could say is the Author Avatar for Kubo) is because he’s freaking broken.
^True. Knowing that Ken could most likely kill a bitch with a tree branch and an evil look would make me put him on the top of my lockdown list if I were mister big boss. However, the Quincies seem to have overlooked that little fact in true bad guy botch fashion.
Pimp nazi Quincy: "Once he uses his bankai, I’ll steal it!" Ken: “Nice plan.” SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!! “I guess you weren’t well liked since they sent you after me with that game plan. I don’t have a bankai, and you don’t have a chance…or a lower body.”
speaking of bankai, I have to wonder what captain mom’s bankai is. a big flying people eater that heals you while you’re inside it is…well, what you might expect of a head nurse. Still, I have to wonder what the EX version is gonna be like. If she has a zombie spell in there, I’m gonna freak.
Because Kenpachi doesn’t take shit seriously right off the get-go and he can’t take on all of them at the same time anyway. They had to learn what was up with the bankai-stealing business, so holding Kenpachi back made sense as a possible trump card and because he’s useless for determining the enemies tactics.
Unless this motherfucker is on some RETARDED speed shit, it would have to be Gin (YESSSSSS). Look at the distance away from Umehara that the Nazi was split from. The next panel shows mad speed lines zooming toward him and the next thing you see is a sword blade. I’m guessing [Gin] used his God Killing Spear from a distance and swung it downward (kinda how he was doing against Ichigo), then shot it at Umehara.
(As bullshit as Gin’s death was, I’m pretty sure he’s staying dead. I’d sooner expect Kaien to show back up than Gin.)
Yeah, super speed isn’t exactly difficult to come by in this manga. It’s just a matter of whether your fast enough to keep up with the newest bullshit level of speed the enemy pulls out.
The answer is almost invariably no, just like how no one can run fast enough to escape the shitty plot arcs.
I suppose I can’t fault the characters for that, though. Not even light can escape a black hole.
While you have something of a point, that only really works if a) Kenpachi was ordered to stay back and b) the four Captains were ordered to “sacrifice” their Bankai to see if they could get it back. Considering that at least b) was seemingly independent of formal orders (and yet somehow done simultaneously) and that we have no confirmation of a)…yeah.
Not really sure what other tactics they would need to wait for someone else to reveal before Kenpachi can “jump in” considering that they already knew about the Bankai-stealing thing and that obviously wouldn’t affect Kenpachi.
What I mean is, even using Dubstep, no one has really been shown as being faster than Ichigo, Ulquiorra, Catgirl, Honeybee, and Aizen. And you gotta admit, whoever did that would have to be on some BLAZING speed shit in order to completely decimate this dude AND threaten Urahara, while being stationary long enough for him to recognize the person.
Then again, Gin wouldn’t fit Urahara’s reaction. Gin was a good guy. It would have to be one of the Espada, Aizen, or someone we haven’t seen in a long, long while.
Actually now that I think about it, watch it be Chad. The shocked look on Urahara’s face is clearly because he never expected Chad to do anything useful.
Peop[le make the assmption that Kenpachi isn’t tearing shit up (1), people are forgetting Kenpachi doesn’t fight seriously off the bat (2), ICHIGO is the main character (3), Akon cried for Ichigo’s help…not any of the Captains…
I am fine with it, I love that bastard (if it is actually Grimmjow). It was some time since we’ve seen him for last time, so it was obvious that I do remember sword shape and “color” from anime, which was almost year and half (thank you fillers once again) later after manga came out.
anyway, finally some hype after those blunt pages showing retardness of Cpts.
God i would love to see Kenpachi trolling that Quincys something like,"So you are my oponent, I wont go easy on you, Bankai - Blaha Lablaha, opponent will go for stealing bankai and double slash cut incoming in 3…2…1, but as we know his character, thats not gonna happen, I also want to see Vizards again with masks!
That requires Kenpachi actually applying thought. Real men don’t do that, they use their overwhelming strength to blow shit up on impact MUAHAHAHAHA
ICHIGO’S COMING! (hahaha iChuckled)