Bleach Thread 5.0 - MANGA IS FINISHED! Announcement is a Bleach live action movie lmao

They show a picture of Kenpachi - - panel 6 (or 4 if in reverse)

  • :bluu:

Yup, Also he’s shown in 497 page 6. He’s around, Kubo just hasn’t shown him doing anything yet.

Aizen’s sword is white (in manga), if it is actually Aizen. then wtf Kubo?
Isshin, Grimmjow, Gin have also white swork, maybe new character?

But I do remember that sword… but who owns it…

I like how Kenpachi’s all “=D” when he heard Ichigo was coming. How cute. :rofl:

It looks to be Grimm - the sword looks like his sword…

  • :bluu:

Grimm must’ve gotten an upgrade then, because idk if Urahara would sweat him that much.

Well its been a year or so, and maybe he absorbed all the dead hollows or something… shrug

  • :bluu:

Yeah, also his sword isn’t shaped like that. Either way, I’m wrong.

lulz looks like i was trolled by animators, I swear that in anime he did not have black part…

Yo real talk watch it be the sexy one armed bitch that hasn’t been in a damn panel since the middle of the save rukia arc.

Nah but my real guess is probably Ishida’s father or Grimmjow

Well remember that manga pages are different than animation. Just assume that the black part is just the blunt side of a normal Zankpaktou (I’m assuming that’s what it is because…when’s the last time we’ve seen a normal sword?).

Soooooo I admit I haven’t read Bleach in a while, and I completely gave up on the anime during the friggin’ Princess/Amagai arc, but I do read up on the manga via wikis so I can keep up with conversations with friends…

But goddamn…Kubo’s lost his damn mind when it comes to naming people. I thought he was pushing it with Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, but Bambietta Basterbine? NaNaNa Najahkoop??? Stick to Japanese names, dude… o_o

This is where Kishi has the advantage. Instead of bringing in new people has to name, he just has everyone fight resurrected villains. Same amount of fighting, half the naming.

(Even Akon better hope he dies before Mayuri gets his hands on him. That or hope Mayuri dies.)

This chapter was surprisingly decent, though I’m still not “hype” since it’s probably Grimmjow. There’s only about like three other people it could even be of characters we know:

  1. Aizen - This is unlikely, especially this early.

  2. Nel - I don’t think she even knows Urahara, so pointing a sword at him would be “believable”, not that Kubo’s going to care about characterization that much in this final arc. I’m also not entirely convinced he even remembers she exists.

  3. Isshin - I’m pretty sure his normal sword looks different though, right?

I guess it could also maybe be Yoruichi since we’ve never seen her sword, but I imagine she’s shown post time-skip, so probably not.

Heh. “Mancrush”.

That makes Kenpachi’s choice of words even more amusing.

Yeah, Yamamoto is pretty ineffectual and was part of the problem with the Winter War in the first place, “light toasting” hilarity aside. Maybe you’ll get your wish and he’ll die this arc, especially since he still only has one arm and it would give the illusion of “meaning” something.

I’m pretty sure he remembers Nel exists as Nel is the one that got Ichigo to go to Hueco Mundo in the first place.

(This is what I get for what not being around at least for the past…two? Three years?)

I’m assuming you mean got Ichigo to go Hueco Mundo in this arc, right? So she’s actually shown up again then on-panel?

Yes she’s shown up again on panel. And yes I mean in this arc (not that it could be any other arc, he only went to HM in one other arc, and obviously Nel wasn’t the one to get him there).

I hate how Kubo is purposefully writing around the one glaring fault to this arc: Kenpachi. He’s never relied on his bankai and that alone gives him the advantage. I’ve seen kids in remedial classes writing more concise stories than this clown.

Indeed. If these jokers are shitting bricks about Ichigo with his bankai, then how is it that Kenpachi hasn’t laid waste to all of these fools yet?

As much as I’d like to see Aizen return in this arc as the next guy, how much of an impact is he really going to have on the overall outcome of the war? We all know Ichigo is going to win with plotkai so aside from delivering some god tier shit talk (which btw I am very much looking forward to) I don’t see Aizen getting involved too much in the story. Although I’m hoping Aizen can pick up a win over one of the Stern Ritter Quincies before Kubo relegates him to cheerleader status like the rest of SS.