^ not really, so far only random shinigamis have died. we went through 3 chapters and none of the captains have actually started fighting. I say the situation is bad went someone important dies.
but Bleach is NER*D status - No-one Ever Really Dies.
I just love how Kenpachi got excited about Ichigo…such a strong mancrush…
- :bluu:
Put his ass in a wheelchair with spinning rims on it and turn his sword into a pimp cane. Matter of fact, give him a rubber cane so that shit lets him fall over when he tries to stand up with it. I haven’t seen him do shit but murk a furry that evidently came back. Other than that, his leadership skills remind me of an angry wuss hitting on a hot, stuck-up bitch. In both cases, their opponents just make them look stupid and inefective. Get him outta here already…
Jees chapter was hella chaos, Quincy’s just toying with everybody and tsk tsk to my boy Urahara best protect ya neck son.
Im so pissed at this chapter its like we all need 501 right this 2nd.
For issue 500 Kubo did somethign special for us. I might be the only one who caught it…
Chapter 500
He penned an entire background BLACK instead of white gasp
He saved the ink for a special occasion. That same page he managed to DOUBLE the dialogue of a typical issue of Bleach. My man!
- :bluu:
i bet that its grimmjow, the one at the end of the chapter is grimmjow, im sure of it
- Isn’t he ‘dead’
- Would he REALLY be that on par with Uruhara at this point that he could sneak him like that?
- I thought hte arrancar swords were different form the shinigami swords…
- :bluu:
Quincy supersoldiers tearing shit up, Soul Society in panic, Captain’s bankais trapped, Technology Division overrun, Ichigo stuck in garganta…
Just As Planned.
kubo already said that grimmjow would be returning for this arc, im secretly hoping for stark to be alive, but he simply shrugged when it was asked if he was dead or alive
at this point, we know that kubo does what he please
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but can you shoot quote/link or soething on that I’d be interested to read about that…
And if that’s the case - then I’m pretty sure the reason Ihey can’t take Ichigo’s bankai is tied to the whole mask bit/Ichigo’s hollow side and similarily - the Rose guy and ?Hirako? (I suck at the names sorry) should be kosher using their infinity gems.
- :bluu:
I thought the King’ Guard point would have been touched during this. The ex shinigami captains who were strong enough to become goons for God or whoever it is that officially runs Soul Society.
iirc its on the specials that kubo maid before starting the arc, thos of 1 or 2 pages that were published when he went on vacations, on them he said what arrancars were more probable to come back, and who would become ichigos partners for the arc, grimmjow was one of them
i can see that happening, but who knows
who says that they wouldnt touch that in the later parts of the arc
My guesses on who’s the shadow getting Urahara shook:
-Ashido Kano (filler guy from HM arc that Kubo took out of the Manga due to time issues or w/e, he actually talk about some backstory on him in an Q&A somewhere, so it’s possible)
-RG member
-Aizen (I think its too soon… Why the fuck would he be in HM?)
-Random shinigami jobber
Knowing Kubo, I’m going with #5…
it could be also ichiin
now im wondering if his bankai its like ichigo’s that can’t be stolen
after all, it seems that they share many traits, like the getsuga tenshou, and the final getsuga
plus is have never been expained yet why he used the final getsuga the first time yet, perhaps, it was on the previous war between shinigamis and quincies
i have my theories on the subject (like any one, lol)
IMO, Grimjow isn’t strong enough to do that sneak attack. I’m guessing Kenpachi. I don’t recall seeing him in K Town that much. Maybe he was travelling to Hueco Mundo.
The final slash and the split now the guesses of who the mystery saver is…Ishida lol.
My guess is Isshin.
Man, it hasn’t been that long and Ichigo’s been going through more hell in the time skip than all of previous Bleach. First, Tsukishima mindraping everyone and turning them against him, and now he’s stuck in a cage while listening to the Soul Society get slaughtered while they’re waiting for him to bail him out.
Now we know what to call the timeskip. Bleach: Ichigo Mindrape Edition.
Crosses fingers for Aizen…
I hope Aizen shows up to merk everybody, Shinigami, Quincies, all that shit…
Aizen seems to be the only dude that can kill Urahara… I think Urahara is probably one of the most powerful people in Bleach…