Bc hes broken.
No really…
I agree with Unreal too btw. Why is Byakuya acting like he cant just shunpo+stab these niggas?? Plus hes a beast with kido…i dont see how he cant compete without bankai.
Bc hes broken.
No really…
I agree with Unreal too btw. Why is Byakuya acting like he cant just shunpo+stab these niggas?? Plus hes a beast with kido…i dont see how he cant compete without bankai.
didnt you see what the low level quincy did on hueco mundo, if he can cancel stuff like santen kesshun that is a really powerful kido ish defense technique, we can be sure that those who more than probable are way stronger would nullify any attempt of kido, also, its not like they cant move fast to as well using their hirenkyaku, so its not like he has an advantage just because he can use shunpo, add that they dont know what kidn of abbilities they could have
Didnt Quincy lose the war to shinigami tho? If not having bankai is a deal breaker i dont see how they woulda done that. Also…Inoue ultimate defense or whatever isnt that great anyway. Im sure theres kido out there that can rape on the scale of a Bankai or greater. Hell just look back at the setups Urahara was using on Aizen. Or see the kido Aizen himself was using way back when.
If them losing their Bankai means that I get to see Unohana bust out her kendo skills alongside of CC, and Kenpachi, so be it. These dudes are acting like scrubs though. Zomg I don’t have 5 meters to turn Dark Phoenix, wtf do I do?! Mayuri is right.
Im just shocked that byakukya or whatever you spell this last blade 2 rejects name is crying like a bitch.Urahara like Ep said was pulling out all types of wild shit on Aizen and Uroichi .It was completely out of character for them to summon their bankais all at once and not without assessing their opponents abilities first.This mass incompetence is ridiculous .
I want to see what Unohana can do since she’s supposed to be god-like in kendo. I also didnt think that the quincy that Captain Lazy was fighting got him that bad until they showed his eye all jacked up. He’s got a broken shikai so I think he’ll be alright.
^Pretty much. When there’s trouble they know who to call. Soi Fon’s Shikai would be good here since it’s two hits, one kill. With her speed, her and Yoruichi would be slapping Nazis outta their pimp shoes, but NOOOOOOOOOOO…Everybody got amnesia apparently. Forgotten how to fight, have we? Good thing ichigo’s on speed dial, or they might be in REAL trouble…Again. Mother fucks might want to consider getting him some property up there if they gonna keep bugging him. Aizen would’ve beat these bitches the fuck DOWN by now. Too bad he’s in lockdown. I would be terrified to see what Unohana does when she finally gets loose. At least we’ll all finally know why everybody is scarred of her.
Ha! I get it… but in a different way.
These Quincy are going to get jobbed so hard.
cuz niggas hit the assist button for ichigo? nah their gonna goose step over his ass.
I could have sworn bankais don’t really increase your overall abilities a thousand fold.Hell in some cases it makes you easier to hit and drains your reitsu faster.i think shunsui implied they are gonna need to actually use their swordsmanship ,hand to hand and kido to win.
nah, Ichigo has nothing to do with this. Remember how some captain in the Hueco Mundo arc said that if there are more than 6 level espada soul society was fucked. Same applies here.
Nah mang. The second his music starts you know he’s gonna…
…Oh. Wait.
(waits for Million to post “that” jutsu…er, I mean, video)
Haha at you guys acting surprised at characters acting extra-stupid and nothing actually happening as usual Kubo pacing.
Walls of text aside, what the fuck did I just get done telling you guys?
Anyway, so that this post is more than just an “I told you so”, as much as I relish those, I will take the Devil’s Advocate position somewhat since even Rodimus’s optimism appears shaken; oh, how the might have fallen. I cannot let Daidalus stand alone against the darkness (read: your Blackness); he needs someone to stab in the back/push him off the edge, after all.
Three quick points:
(That said, her Shikai is still better than her Bankai would have been, especially at close range and especially if she got a lucky double-tap in, so that’s the “Idiot Ball” kicking in there. Also, I’m not entirely sure Kubo actually remembers that conversation; I’m just pointing out that it happens to work here.)
(That said, very few people in general even bother remembering they can even use Kido or Hadou, like how Hitsugaya had to yell at Matsumoto–who I was expecting to get stopped–to warn everyone else…even though three other captains had somehow decided to do it at the exact same time. Lol. Also, this doesn’t even taken into account Kubo’s rather lacking, incoherent central structure with its glaring and gaping numerous flaws, one of which being that basically everything in Soul Society is based on spiritual energy, so the Quincy should basically automatically be Gods/reality manipulators in that realm, at least when it comes to things that don’t have a consciousness. Also ignores how Kubo hasn’t even bother telling us what all the Kido and Hadou are, since he obviously doesn’t know himself and realizes that not using labeling them all gave him a lazy ass deus ex machina if he needed it; see Aizen’s “protect your neck” “jutsu”.)
(That said, it still doesn’t excuse him about being “extra-stupid” between not ordering Renji to be the one to sacrifice his Bankai and not continuing to use the already shown to be effective Senbonsakura until either a) it stopped working or b) As Nodt was dead. Renji is his freaking subordinate; as long as it’s not for cowardly or sadistic reasons, subordinates are acceptable losses if it is absolutely called for compared to the Captain.. Also, if they do still have their Shikai, then Byakuya is looking rather “bitch-made”. So it’s pretty lose-lose, characterization-wise.)
All that said, the only real “cool” things about this chapter were the look of the “angelic” guy who shot Kyoraku in the face and Shinji & Mayuri calling out everyone on being dumbasses; not that Shinji really has room to talk after single-handedly fucking up his century-long-awaited revenge against Aizen by spontaneously deciding to be a braggart (after specifically not being one against Grimmjow), but still…
(Also, angelic motifs are kinda played out, but Quincy’s have had the Christian motif going on since the beginning, so I can’t rag on Kubo here for putting an NGE and being egregiously needless about it.)
Everything else sucked, but that was typical for Bleach, so I’m not going to spend time addressing or lamenting it further.
That’s cause these niggas outside of Kenpachi suck. Especially with hard asses like Byakuya going soft now.
i always interpreted that as if there were 6 vastlords/vastlords arrancars
and weren’t there like 6+ of them?
nigga’s are sandbagging hard.
Meh, despite Qunicy ability, its effectiveness would be predicated on the speed and strength of use. Otherwise damn forgetting the qunicy jobbers name would have owned up Mauryi without going all “Ichigo Last Attack version 1.0”…to stun him. Same goes for Soi Fon’s ability where someone who simply is stronger can negate it. Flashback like 5 chapters and Ichigo just BLASTED BACK the attempt to steal his bankai. Flashback a couple chapters and dude who just absorbed Allon - is getting attacked by Ichigo and seems to actually be on the defensive about it. The qunicy powers are NOT absolute.
Can they hurry up and get to the actual fight? This bankai thing is filler at this point, no on besides ichigo and Mayuri who is still relevant in this series has ever used their bankai.
The non quincy side still has
Yama jii. (didn’t read that last filler arc before this but I’m assuming he is back to full power)
Mayuri - Whose bankai is the least threatening thing about him
Even Soi fon should have gone Shuunko, which she still has, instead of using her useless bankai
And again unless something change in the filler arc that I refuse to read every vaizard has another level of powerup that has nothing to do with bankai.
They can still win without bankai once anyone with a brain realizes, that they can’t win unless they move the fight to someplace where the opponent can’t absorb the walls ground and air for a power boost.
BTW soi fon is ten ten, the implicitly deadly nature of her attack style forces her to be useless in the story because if she wasn’t she’d kill everyone they every put her up against almost immediately.
I’m wondering if they stole the entire “spirit” of the swords? It seems to be more than just the bankai “mode” or aspect… Ice-boy there was looking at his sword like it has now been reduced to an ordinary sword that isn’t really alive anymore. If that’s the case, then that cuts shikai out of the equation as well.
I still have a love/hate relationship with certain aspects of the art in this series… at least in black & white, it’s difficult to tell exactly what’s going on sometimes. This is one of the reasons I’ve always preferred Bleach to be in animated form… with animation and color, there’s no moments of “…what? What is that character even doing in that panel?! What kind of attack is going on there?”.
Great Memories of Bleach----
One of the last cool moments was on my mind lately; when Aizen did “Kurohitsugil” with the full incantation that time against god-status Ichigo…
Ignoring the goofy butterfly wings, that shit was awesome… the obviously pissed off tone of voice, the music building with the chant… the colors and the look of that spell, everything about that kicked ass.
*…which reminds me, it would’ve been nice if more of the spells were used more often.