Bleach Thread 5.0 - MANGA IS FINISHED! Announcement is a Bleach live action movie lmao

I wish they implemented this more. As much as they talked about restricted spells early on, seemed like it had some possibility of being the trump card.

But then I just remembered this is Kubo’s world where logic and importance does not exist if you’re not named Ichigo Kurosaki.

Surprised to see more dialogue in this chapter.

^ yes, and good brief straight to the point dialogue too. I actually READ bleach this time.

Up till this point, i wasnt sure but is Ichigos “power level” the same as post hyberbolic chamber Ichigo, as in moments before Final Getsuga?

i think that he is not to on that level yet, but probably is on a more stronger level than before his hyperbolic training

I have to admit, this felt like almost a whole chapter…kudos Kubo.
Ichigo…simply unexplainably broken…

  • :bluu:

I guess broken seems to be the theme of Naruto & Bleach this week. So they are afraid of bankai that’s pretty weak.

Sent from Hueco Mundo using Garganta Talk.

(Lol. Did someone say that Akon was trying to contact Ichigo for any reason other to beg for him to save them?)

Yeah, the dialogue this chapter was actually…competent. Doesn’t really change my opinion of anything, though, considering that Kubo seems to actually like writing Urahara’s trolling, so it’s not really surprising; it just means Urahara isn’t horribly out of character (yet).

“Unexplainably”? Even assuming “he’s the main character” wouldn’t suffice as a simple answer, you listed a long list of the power-ups he’s gotten.

It’s pretty explained; that doesn’t make it any less bullshit, but explaining wasn’t going to have that happen anyway.

Chapter is meh I guess. there was reading for once. Pretty sure it’s been obvious for awhile that Quincies have been afraid of Bankai. I just find it hilarious Ichigo’s bankai can’t be sealed. Like make it even more obvious he’s going to job more than half of these guys.

Kudos to the guys who predicted EDIT: Yes Damned :stuck_out_tongue:


That Ichigo would go to Soul Society and save their asses. I figured there’d be more stuff to do in HM/longer battle while SS got raped and possibly some epic losses. The Urahara cheap-shot to end the fight was a bit abrupt tho…

lol niggas mad cause the hero doesnt have his beeper on him.

We are in the 4th wall so its different for us, but homeskillet who got sniped - it was ‘unexplainable’. “Z0mg I know everything about this guy, I’ve levled up as well, yet dude is just Beastly Sr. and I’m a step child to his power levels…wtf”.

  • :bluu:

i was thinking about something
now that ginjo is dead he is in soul society right?
nothing stops the possibility that he could return as a shinigami/hybrid whatever now, unless kubo simply forgot about him
it would be kinda cool if he returns for this arc as an ally,

So did dude get one shot killed by Urahara? Or is he still waiting for the inevitable job dealt by Plot Armor Ichigo and Co.? I have no clue where Kubo’s going with this, is that good or bad?

Was it ever explained what happens when a Shinigami kills a human (though Ginjo was part hollow)? It’s a high chance he could, but I thought Rukongai (largest part of SS) was so enormous, revived souls were so hard to find

Loving Bleach again

German Quincy running fo his life not knowing about Plot Armor LOL but but i went ssj3, I went to steal his trump card it didnt work, wtf what can I do now? If I call my boys they gonna clown me.

Then Ichigo c’mon fam if you have plot armor dont throw it in peeps face.

P.A. Ichigo:
Why you trying to steal bankai? Is it cause you aint bonecrusher?? you always scared??!!

Fuck you dawgs i aint scarred!!!—

My Fav Bleach Character:
Thanks Ichigo why you talking to this dude I benehime’d his ass oh yea phone for you we got static on the block.

P.A.'d Ichigo: Hello?
Anon: Yo Ichigo u didnt pay the bill my sub gami? Yo Quincy feds hittin us hard dude str8 jacking the bankai work.
P.A.'d Ichigo:Sup? really ok Urahara just opened the senkai gate see you in 2 secs my gami!!

Thank you Kubo Im in love with Bleach all over again.

ginjo wasnt part hollow bro
and i guess that when a shinigami kills a human he simply goes to whatever place he should depending on how good/bad he was on life

(For the record, the new subtitle makes me feel even dirtier for posting in here now.)

The concept of “Hell” in Bleach with the whole reincarnation thing is yet another thing that makes little to no sense among the Bleach’s almost non-existent internal “consistency”, but I digress.

Oh, I guess I get what you’re getting at. Maybe; I admittedly might not be getting it.

Meh. I can’t really agree with that since then you could basically make the same “excuse” for any person who gets rofl-stomped by a shonen main character or, basically, anyone stronger who wins effortlessly. When most of the time when characters utter “this is impossible” or some variant thereof, it’s some type of arrogance.

I mean, yeah, he doesn’t exactly know why the Bankai-stealing thing wasn’t working, but other than that, it’s not like he would have gained anything from asking Ichigo things given his internal dialogue. Hell, there’s nothing to say that he would won even he had managed to steal Bankai, especially since Ichigo probably still would have kept his Vizard mask or whatever.

Watchin the [as] dub again (from the start) thanks to the local cable.
Rukia’s “I’m going home (really Ichigo’s closet)” is the precedent for all the trolling that ensues in the series.

Those good ol’ days of Ichigo and friends hunting Hollows in town when Rukia slept in Ichigo’s closet gave me dirty thoughts back in the day. :rofl:

:rofl: DAMN!! I wanted to say it first. Always gotta call Ichigo when the shit goes down. They know it, you know it, I know it, and there ain’t shit they can do but make sure the phone is working. As we thought, the pimp nazis couldn’t keep this running forever. Now this is what I foresee. Ichigo arrives, shit talking ensues, fighting, brief pause for shit talking, hard hit, shit talking…

~~~~~~ About ten episodes of fight, shit talk, repeat goes on, taking out everything between here and Halloween~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ALERT: someone NOT named ichigo who is a good guy appears!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mayuri comes through with the Key to the locked bankai and the Z-warriors can get their shit on, Now knowing why the pimp nazis are afraid of the level 2 sword swingers. Boss man should drop in around New years or so.


lol the captain was tryin to wave dash on ichigo and bait him into bankai.