So you’re voting “All of the Above?”
Raws are out
Spoilers…a bunch of pretty much nothing ‘z0mg my bankai!’…there are I think ‘two’ attacks thrown in the entire chapter.
/typical Kubo pacing
- :bluu:
I’ll just leave this here and go somewhere…
Soooooo is it me or did Mariyu’s mask change again??? Oh and goddamn Renji is stupid sometimes.
No it changed when the arc first started.
And yeah…Renji is stupid…come on fam, thats common knowledge…
- :bluu:
SS gonna rely on 'Berry… again.
LOL. No goku, no win streak.
Funny to think about it, but Soi Fon might proove usefull. Her bankai is so useless that they would give it back. She’d have to get a hit with it too. That there is the 60 billion double-dollar question. If she’s like TenTen, then I retract the question.
I get to work before my staff gets in kick back que up my read bleach manga theme music Torn Apart and I get “Get a line to Ichigo before it’s too late!!”
Im thinking to myself damn Megatron fuck shit up so bad captains trying to tell Optimus?? When? and why call ichigo? yes would back up be a good idea right about now? hell yes but last time I checked there are capable peeps right there in SS lol. Ichigo got his own problems.
Shit Kyoraku in trouble, the captains that still have their bankai’s need to get there asap! Even thos not too much has happend Im still all in, seeing captains shit their pants while the bad guys crack jokes is >>>>>>>>.
The royal guard gonna have to show up soon cause The German Quincy engineers is taken shit and not giving one fuck.
“What are you doing you dumbasses!!” ~ Hirako Shinji
Pretty much sums up feelings for this chapter…
And Kyoraku getting swepted? Nah, it can’t be. Not with that Jigsaw “I want to play a game” zanpaktou he has.Shit too OP. I’m really waiitng for them to just bring in the Royal Gaurd which we all know is gonna happen. I can see a sqaud like this:
-Grandaddy Kuchiki
-Hikifune (the one mentioned in TBTB arc)
-Former Kenpachi (even though previous ones supposedly have to die)
-Old man Yama’s apprentice/mentor
-VC’s that got too legit and had to be put in the RG
-[S]Vasto Lorde Grimmjow[/S]
SMH Renji, thats some 8th seat shit right there…
Wait why are these niggas acting like they aren’t skilled swordsman.This shit is beyond pathetic right now.So you mean to tell me none of you all know how to fight without that shit anymore.Come the fuck on Kubo.First arc was all about sword fights and actually being knowing how to fight .Kenpachi and his team might be the only folks unaffected by this at all.
so grimmjow confirmed :rock:
i guess that as usual, im the only one or at least one of the few that enjoyed the chapter
my guess is that the quincies are
- zoners
- use techniques of mass destruction
- the nature of their abilities nullifies kido and other stuff that the shinigami could do
Wait wait wait…you telling me they stole your joint now your going to cry about it!!! Come on guys since you cant pew pew doesn’t mean you guys can’t do some kido coffin magical rope thingy.
Mayuri summed it up pretty much, also damn Shunsui losing an eye that quick.
Sent from Hueco Mundo using Garganta Talk.
Still wondering why the fuck Soi Fon even had to use Bankai. Or maybe it’s cause Aizen rendered her Shikai useless for the rest of the series and Kubo might have remembered that.
I’m also at a WTF (mainly at Renji and the sealed Bankai captains) on their swordsmanship. I’m sure Aizen is laughing his ass off right now because I remember him talking about how in order to be an effective captain/shinigami you need to know skills in swordsmanship/Kido/hand to hand combat and right now none of these fools can do either because they were so quick to go Bankai. Shows how much they rely on Bankai.
and yea…why are we calling Ichigo? Maybe they know his plot armor is the only thing that could possibly turn the tides until the Royal Guard show their faces?
I don’t think it’s so much that they rely on their Bankai, I’m sure many of them are effective without it.
More likely, they’re pissing themselves because it’s likely their most powerful attack or what have you; to have something like that snatched away from you in the blink of an eye can be rather jarring ;p
Ultimately, Swordsmanship/Hand to hand/Kidou may simply not be enough to fight these guys on an equal level.
All of this will go out the window when Ichigo fights them, of course
I don’t think they’re crying for help, I think he’s trying to warn him.
I still voting for Vaizard/Kido to save at least a few. I dunno if anyone important will die tho, unless Kubo is going to play for keeps with this last arc… CaptainCommander could be sacrificed somehow…
Where is Kenpachi? Since everyone else forgot how to fight, Ken needs to come and save the day.
I thought Old Man Yama was the founder of the Shinigami? I always figured the Spirit King himself taught the old man if he wasn’t self-taught.
Why does Captain Shunsui always fight a dude with guns?
Somebody get Shunsui an eyepatch. I’m hype for Big Boss Kyoraku