Bring Aizen Back. Get people even more hyped.
i have the impression that the quote was more like he shouldnt be weak, instead of he is hiding his power
considering that until recently his father never trained him, perhaps the other quincies assume that he could be as powerful as his dad
Kubo struck a nerve with this chapter… good grief you guys are ranting like tree-huggers at a lumberjack convention. :lol:
So, ways the Shinigami can survive:
- Kenpachi decides to see what all the fuss is about.
- Mayuri sends his little minion with info on his “latest research” that saves their Bankai
- Vaizard powers to the rescue.
- Byakuya/Tessai/Hachi Kido Jam.
- Urahara shenanigans
- ?
(A wild Azrael appeared! A wild Azrael liked your post! [/fangirls])
Speaking of horrible loose ends, I’m guessing nothing has come of Nel’s existence still, has it?
Now you’re just being mean. Meanie.
Seriously, though, most of the ranting is me being a windbag like always. I was always ranted when I used to pay attention to this manga, which is part of the reason that I stopped bothering with it entirely despite it taking only 3-5 minutes: even I have better things to do.
Because, seriously, Quincy powers are pretty much the only thing Ichigo doesn’t have at this point.
Might as well go for broke.
Kinda wish they did a bit of a backstory for the Quincies we are seeing. Would make them be more engaging.
But maybe we will still get that.
Sternritter son. Making Shinigami stay free.
They will. When Aizen starts murkin’ niggas. Dem flashbacks for days, bruh bruh.
Oh, and LMFAO at Ichigo with Quincy powers, Renji getting left holding an old broken monkey bone, and The Damned’s Renji analysis. God I love this thread!
holy fuck…aint been in here for weeks and all i see is essay written.
Word, I think I could re-read the last 300 chapters of Bleach in a shorter amount of time it’d take to go through this page.
I don’t think any Captain is going to get jobed. If anything, its going to get bad, and then each captain is going to job each Quincy because the Bankai themselve’s will some how break their seal’s and return to their Captains. Thus revealing how to Ulitmate fusion dance and then proced to job the fuck out every quincy except for the last guy.
here is an idea, what if spirit king make’s an appearance and decides that the captains are no longer suitable?
the irony of this thread is that there’s way more text on average per post than an entire weekly bleach chapter
i mean that’s usual for us, but damn…not like this.
Nah blood. This page has more letters in it than the entire previous two arcs combined. D:
My money’s on the question mark.
yall whine too much.
this shit is fun, i like hitsugaya, bankai being stolen means they have to play old school style no xfactor bankai ass pull shit. hope to see komamura really get down, luh dat nigga.
could NOT care less about hueco mundo unless babe nell pops out and sits on ichigos face
Because the main character got put in ‘Hell’ and is locked up. Why continue writing NAruto if Naruto dies?
- :bluu:
- Bullshit + Plot Armor
- :bluu:
(I guess I’ll take that disturbing face-sitting comment to mean that Nel hasn’t reappeared. I can’t say I’m surprised.)
Something just occurred to me. Has Kubo said approximately how much longer Bleach will be if this is the last arc?
Yeah…you lost me.
Because then Kishimoto gets to call it Sasuke or St. Itachi, which is what Naruto already “secretly” is?
I’ll back this prediction. Ichigo’s mom is probably a ex-Quincy or some shit.
Nah. Mom was probably part hollow, and grandma and grandpa was probably Quincy black ops or ANBU squad in hell mexico or something. Yeah. I’d love to take snapshots at THAT family reunion. Come to think of it, no I wouldn’t. They’ll probably Getsuga a bitch for touching the barbecue grill. Knock over the Green tea and you’re HISTORY!!