(The more I think about it, the more I’m beginning to think that Bleach would have been a lot better as a once-a-month manga like Fullmetal Alchemist even without improvements to Kubo’s writing. However, that assumes that Kubo would have ended up padding monthly Bleach a lot less than his weekly installments and that he actually was able generate good ideas post-Aizen-reveal.)
Who wants to bet that the Quincy who stole Bankai are able to use them? Meaning that Byakuya is extra dumb for giving up his? At least Soi Fon’s and Komamura’s suck; hell, Komamura actually gave his enemy a weak point if that’s the case. Meanwhile, Senbonsakura Kageyoshi pretty much brutally murders everything it’s come against that hasn’t had plot armor or been Ichigo, but I repeat myself.
I am again reminded of how pretty everyone neglects to use Kido (and Hado) even though there’s at least 100 of those spells, Aizen nearly killed Komamura with a one-third strength high-level one and at least one part of Soul Society specializes in it (supposedly). Sure, it might not help here, given that these Quincy can subjugate spiritual energy and what not according to what someone said earlier in this thread. However, it’s just always bugged me how it’s only been used probably a dozen times (and at least three of those were the same spell) and just seems really clear that Kubo hasn’t thought (ab)out that system at all, like most of the core elements of his story.
Despite being disillusioned about DBZ more than probably anyone on this board who doesn’t outright hate it or anime in general, I’m going to have to call “bullshit” here, at least in the sense that you can’t blame Toriyama for Kubo being inept at writing and pacing. I mean, I’m sure you’re only using it as a figurative comparison rather than a literal one given the “Big Three” (at least when Bleach was part of that, ha!) were all inspired by him, but I might as well address both points since I’m a long-winded bastard like that:
Literally: Yeah, pretty much everyone but Goku was completely useless during that saga, even Mystic Gohan. The only person who wasn’t that useless was Gotenks, who was (far too effective for) such a silly concept. That said, compared to DBZ, Bleach is arguably either better about more people being useful or even worse.
In possibly being better about it, half of the captains are at least legitimate threats without needing plot armor to protect them, even if it’s against mostly against lesser beings. Yamamoto, Byakuya, Kenpachi, Kyoraku and even Soi Fon & Mayuri will fuck you up if you underestimate them, especially Mayuri since he tends not to go by pure power anyway; I’m not counting Hitsugaya here because he’s literally covered in plot armor thicker than Sasuke’s, who at least trains on top of having hax. Komamura sucks and Ukitake’s TB acts up at inconvenient times way too often for them to be legitimate threats. However, we’ve still not seen Unohana fight and she should at least be moderately powerful, though whether she’s actually effective for all the time we’ve had to wait, especially when she’s a woman in Kubo’s manga, is…up in the air. (Read: Unlikely, unfortunately.)
Additionally, at least two of the vice captains are pretty dangerous and not-jobbers due to Kira & Hisagi, though that’s lowered to one apparently with Kira’s possible death. None of the other vice captains are useful, unfortunately, sans maybe Madarame & Yumichika, but they both have their heads up their prideful asses and constantly hold back for different reasons, so they’re never going to live up to their potential; seriously, though, as shitty as Madarame’s Shikai is, I’d take his Bankai over Renji’s even though Baldy’s is a lot more straightforward.
Given that Vice Captains being useful is pretty much akin to Krillin still being useful…yeah. They don’t have to always depend on Ichigo to get everything done…
Figuratively: …Although, that’s also arguably what makes Bleach even worse: Despite not having to rely on Ichigo and his damn mask because Kubo didn’t write himself into a corner plot-wise with Saiyan physiology given that he intended to stop right after Planet Namek finally blew up “five” minutes later, that’s what Kubo constantly does. He goes out of his way to make side characters useless right after supposedly giving them power boosts.
Take Chad for example. Poor, poor Chad. Has he ever even won a fight that wasn’t against some grunts outside of against that Afro dude, who was basically still only an elite grunt and whom he still only barely beat before immediately getting cut down by Nnoitra afterwards? We constantly are told he’s gotten stronger…to no actual avail besides beating up slightly stronger grunts. Hell, he was one of way too many people who jobbed to fucking Yammi off-screen. This is the same Yammi then immediately got cut down by Kenpachi and Byakuya without being able to so much as touch them. Yeah.
Ichigo himself is vulnerable to this. Horrifically vulnerable, actually. I’d argue he’s the most susceptible given his lead role; it’s just a lot more subtle because he gets “wins”, even though more often than not they rely on plot armor or his “Superpowered Evil Side” taking over and getting shit done.
He gets power-ups out the ass and still struggles and loses constantly. Hades, he’s even died multiple times. He even died repeatedly in the same arc due to Ulquiorra being that much better than him till Ichigo Dark-Phoenix-plot-armor’d his ass a “victory” that even he was upset with. (Let’s ignore that Ichigo then immediately, idiotically offered to cut his arm off since he got so damn prideful despite the fact that defeating Ulquoirra wasn’t the end goal. Because, you know, Ichigo could take Aizen with only one arm before the stupid power-ups happened on both their ends.)
Ugh. I’m using the bold function too much. Still, Ichigo getting his ass kicked so often is worse than Goku because while Goku also got quite a few powers up, they a) tended to be between (longer) time-skips and b) actually helped through out the saga as a whole.
(With regards to part a, let’s not even bring up how stupid and ill-set up the prison-train dimension’s time-flow was. At least the Room of Plot and Device/Hyperbolic Chamber was explicit about it from the get-go.)
Sure, he tended to rely on Spirit Bomb almost as much as Ichigo relies on Getsuga Tenshou, but that was after everything else had failed usually and even then it was because Spirit Bomb actually worked; meanwhile, Ichigo whores Getsuga Tenshou out the ass and it tends to do a whole lot of nothing more and more.
TL;DR: Basically, Bleach, despite having the chance to be better than DBZ because it has more side characters who are “useful” just due to sheer numbers, is arguably worse about characters being useless because the protagonist, whom everyone still relies on, is himself mostly utterly useless when not covered in plot armor. That combined with the fact that Kubo wasn’t bound to the Vizard plot like Toriyama tied himself to Saiyan power-ups just makes the squandering of Bleach’s potential even worse. [/over-analysis of bad fiction]