Bleach Thread 5.0 - MANGA IS FINISHED! Announcement is a Bleach live action movie lmao

Kenpachi gives no fucks about this turn of events.

lol as the story goes on the shinigami look more and more screwed.That shit had to the most hilarious turn of events I’ve witnessed. Why the hell would you go Bankai from jump to see if they’re gonna take it or not and entrust the majority of the battle to your continuously jobbing Vice Captains? smh.

And you know damn well all this shit isn’t gonna fly when Kenpachi touches down.

inb4 “next level” shinigami powerup that can’t be sealed by the quincy

it will be called


Pretty much this. He must be somewhere taking a nap or some shit.

real talk I was scared by the end of this chapter. Quincy’s is str8 negating/jacking bankai’s?? Yep lets Que kenpachi asap!! lets free Aizen Asap!! about to rock some Air Aizen’s w/a free Aizen tee.

Cause right about now this the first time Ive actually been worried for the captains.

Thought for sure Byakuya was gonna one panel kill that dude great chapter!! sux so bad I cant see any of this animated smdh!

The Heart etc etc

Seriously. I’m actually worried about them now, and I didn’t feel like that even when they fought Aizen.

Save us, Based Kenpachi ;_;

Kenpachi will wake up, laugh at these fools for relying on Bankai to deal with a threat, and just slash through fools with no effort. Can’t wait for the “Kenpachi stroll through the park” chapter. ::coffee::

On that note, Byakuya is a fool to let Renji clean up. Guy must be really out of touch.

Idk man, Renji been on dat grind, he just might be able to body these fo-


Either that, or Ishida will learn the Quincy equivalent of Bankai…

…eh, who am I kidding? Your idea’s a 1,000 times more likely.

jesus gimmick powers again. and captains must be retarded, they should order Lt. to do bankai and not this…

Yeah, that shit made no sense at all.

“I think there’s a sniper around the corner”
“What should we do?”
“Well, I’m the commanding officer, so I’m going to poke my head out. When I get shot, figure out which way the bullet came from”
“And then what?”
“figure something out” pokes head out and gets shot. accomplishing nothing

Yeah, and let’s make it so all the captains use their bankai. Why not have all the captains watch 1 guy (Renji) use bankai so they all won’t get captured?

We’re talking about the same captains that thought they could beat Aizen eventhough he already told them hes got them under his shinkai right?

Lmfao I think the captains didn’t believe the reports. They thought hey how bad can it be we all go bankai and crush theses ants with a sledge hammer!

Then shit got real and now the caps looking like ants lol.

Aizen is NOT pleased that his look alike got jobbed and displayed such ‘fear’ in the face of…what to Aizen is a not even a trivial threat. Lord Aizen didn’t even pull out his bankai…

  • :bluu:

Aizen is NOT pleased that his look alike got jobbed and displayed such ‘fear’ in the face of…what to Aizen is a not even a trivial threat. Lord Aizen didn’t even pull out his bankai…

  • :bluu:

What if the commanders are “Good Guy Gregs/Good Girl Gabys” who put their subordinates’ lives before their own. :slight_smile: :rofl:

Kubo just watched Enemy at the Gates confirmed.

I’m just going to let this series rest with the… incarceration of Aizen. Maybe I’ll check in on it again just to see what some of the other Captains Bankais are. I guess they are really trying to think up some outlandish shit. That’s probably why the series is still dragging on. I was really dissapointed with Sui Feng’s bankai.