Nahjakoop reminded me of Coolio. I honestly thought he was Tousen’s brother at first.
and the dude I thought was a girl but is actuall a guy reminds me of…
oh wait. Grimmjow got it lol.
Nahjakoop reminded me of Coolio. I honestly thought he was Tousen’s brother at first.
and the dude I thought was a girl but is actuall a guy reminds me of…
oh wait. Grimmjow got it lol.
chapter was dope I love the pace mixed with bodies getting dropped.
Byakuya shows up that means one of those OP Quincy’s is about to die!!!
You know what I love about Byakuya is that he really dont care. He sits at home working on his skills then when shit goes down he thinks as long as fuckers don’t make the picture of my wife fall down—picture frame falls from vibration due to the enemies reiatsu He flash steps right there with this look of utter disgust/arrogance most of the time he dont even open his eyes or turn his head in the direction.
Then he always say some witty shit, “So Renji why you playing around fam? Kill these bitches!!”
If this pace keeps up and Aizen some how gets freed all will be forgiven lol.
Byakuya and Kenpachi have been the 2 consistent captains who always show and don’t fuck around. Like SS captains should be. When they show up, you know they’re not playin around.
For some reason, I read the “Pulverize them with all your might” part in a brooklyn accent.
Don’t know why, but it made it funnier than it should’ve been. Of course, now that Byakuya is involved, the tide will turn, and Q-Nazi heads will roll…down the stairs.
LOL at all the entry level Shinigami getting sliced in half. So unless you’re Captain level, you’re getting steamrolled by these Nazi Quincies like you’re the French military.
That’s almost what it seems like smh… How about “unless you have a bankai or have captain-level reiatsu, then you’re pretty much dead as fried chicken”?
Byakuya always had one of the best lines. That’s what made the chapter for me, Byakuya telling his subordinate to man the fuck up.
I think Japanese Heaven should prohibit any Shinigami from fighting unless they have Bankai and/or Captain-level Reiatsu like Kenpachi. In fact, make it so that you can’t graduate from the Academy without obtaining one or the other because this is just fucking embarrassing.
“But, I have top marks in all areas! Why can’t I graduate?”
“No Bankai or gdlk Reiatsu, no Shihakushou.”
This arc could become really good if they do it right .Its interesting how the characters seem to actually be in real danger
What danger?
No one looks scared outside of the peons.
I mean…I want to see danger out of the captains if anything and I haven’t seen that at all yet.
This feels like a true ending arc.
Has Ishida even made his appearance against his own people yet?
Not yet. I’m telling you, he’s gonna be so fucking OP in this arc that it’s just going to alienate us and his shit’ll get cancelled. lol.
I’d be genuinely surprised if Ishida gets a large enough power boost to pose a significant challenge to the Euro Quincies. Its gotta be a pretty big leap since having his arm blown off in the Ulquiorra fight.
Or maybe he was always secretly a hitler youth member and he switches sides to join the Nazis. I kinda do want to see Ishida finish his fight against Mayuri.
If he doesn’t at least take out half of these scrubs when he enters the fight, it’s a disappointment.
I was thinking that , too. Maybe his father has him brainwashed or indoctrinated. Regardless, Kubo better put the No. 1 Quincy in battle soon…
Oh man. If Ishida level’s up, I’m gonna be leaning back in the seat like “WHAT!?!?!” :wow: I hope he does though. He’s gotta be tired of getting sonned by everything that walks down the street, so he better start kicking the asses soon. if he powers up, maybe chad will too, but that could be putting too much on the plate too soon for kubo.
Ishida is the Yung Berg of Bleach. :lol:
Ishida being jobbed by Manga filler fodder is probably all the motivation he really needed to get the power up.
was thinking the same damn thing lol
[details=Spoiler]nigga stole my bankai
Tried reading it on mangareader but couldn’t so this is the alt till mangastream puts theirs up.
Well didn’t expect them to seal the Bankai’s this quickly and that Quincy at the start of the chapter looks a bit like Szayel. But seriously wouldn’t they still be fucked if they had to rely on the vice-captain since most of them are jobbers
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It’s all up to prep-time Mayuri…I’ll cry if he ends up jobbing also.
Kenpachi must be laughing his ass off about now.