LOL. Pimp nazis goosesteppin on the jobbers. The boots may look weird, but what else is really new?
LOL. Pimp nazis goosesteppin on the jobbers. The boots may look weird, but what else is really new?
Yo since when did people start hating on Renji? lol I always thought the tribal tats were fresh as fuck. I’m probably alone on this but I think kill off characters is overrated. Chapter was good as shit wasn’t expecting anyone (let alone an actual likeable character) to get fucked up so bad so quickly.
Probably ever since this happened, so the moment he appeared in the manga. Even released his Shikai and still jobbed to Ichigo who was running off of Rukia’s shinigami powers at the time.
Maybe because he is the shinigami fodder equivalent of Chad.
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Well someone got rocked…
Those Quincies look too clutch (and they ain’t playing either smh)… I can’t wait to see some new bankai because those would add to the hypeness in Bleach once again. Here’s my question to you all:
How would Ryuuken Ishida fair up against some of these new Quincies in a fight?
Nigga Ryuuken is clearly holding back.
is one of the dudes name really genshirou?!
is out on mangastream
Hahaha so the Quincy who bodied Kira might have “made a mistake” and Kira might still be alive after all.
And Jesus Christ, dem names.
“Bambietta Basterbine”, my nigga? “NANANA NAJAHKOOP”, bruh? That’s how you’re gonna end your magnum opus?
I’m telling you, this nigga bases the names off the sounds he makes when he fucks, b.
What the fuck is an Ulquiorra?
I can’t pronounce any of these names but wow all these Quincies look really fucking OP. Especially the nail person. Then again, we all though the same about Espada and they all got rocked. But these new guys…it seems like every time they introduce one they’re absolutely wrecking everyone and there’s a whole group of them that fight together? I don’t know how this is gonna turn out.
w/e, lemme know when Kenpachi bodies everything.
A real kinky sex position involving two pillow cases and black paint…
ok, now this is the chance for kubo to
a) show some captain’s bankais (specially if he ever decides to kill one or 2)
b) kill a good amount of characters (sadly we know that he would create new ones to kill before killing the established characters, even when they usually dont add much to the story, lol)
Seems he doesn’t just create them randomly, he just happens to pick out the most random sounding ones, lol.
Meh chapter. Just the “introduction” and the “pair up”. I didn’t see Kenpachi anywhere so shit’s not going down yet. Preparing for:
Komamura to get jobbed with his Bankai (like always)
Rose to fuck uh NANANANANANANANA NAHJAKOOP via Bankai and/or Vaizard powers
Soi Fon dragging shit out
Byakuya making Renji become unjobbed.
Basically the typical captains/Vice captains fighting. Let me know when Kenpachi, Unohana, Ukitake, vaizard captains, or something new comes along.
I like when Bleach gets like this and people just fight mainly because Bleach isn’t really good for anything else. Lets get to some transformations!
Whenever Byakuya shows up cool stuff happens. “Stop being a pussy and kill these bitches dumbass”
I really dig how the fights are starting so fast. Hopefully the Quincies will be give monsters the Espada SHOULD HAVE BEEN. They sure as fuck look like it. lol @ the Luchadore qunicy.
And tell me dude in the first pages doesn’t remind you of this:
The one Byakuya is about to face reminds me of this guy.
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