Bleach Thread 5.0 - MANGA IS FINISHED! Announcement is a Bleach live action movie lmao

Each new chapter seem shorter and shorter.

Damn. Shinigami are free to gimlets. Poor Kira.

And she’s wearing Dio Brando’s belt. She better be gdlk.

Yes…plz kill off more of the useless good guys Kubo…you are finally realizing you have too many. I approve of the bloodshed. Also I think there were three female nazis in that panel. I gotta check again since im reading at work. But it looked like a young cute one in the middle…a crazy one and a grandma.

Damn, Jobs, Jobs everywhere to everyone.

-Kira got Fuuuuuuuuuuuucked up, shit reminded me of Aizen when he got donut in his chest, shit was brutal. Kinda sad really, dude was one of my fav VCs…
-Quincy looking strong as hell, lets keep it that way.
-“Introduces new characters… Kills them within the next 3 pages” ~ Kubo Logic
-Is it me or did the chick quincy with the hearts look so out of place?
-Chapter was short as hell but it was one of the better chapters if not the best IMO.

Yeah, they’re definitely gonna need to release [S]the Kraken[/S] Aizen in order to beat this team. hell, they’d probably need him just to have a fair matchup.

Unless, of course, Kubo wants to kill of some people’s favorite characters just to give other characters plotkai. Like, we already know that Hitsugayguy isn’t gonna die. Kenpachi is gonna get fucked up but win. Byakuya is gonna win beautifully. Soi Fon might die, though. Shinji will win (and taunt). Kyouraku will win (and taunt). Kensei will die. Rojuro will die. Yamamoto is going to go all out (and maybe die). Kurotsuchi will be hilarious (and maybe a traitor (and maybe die)). Renji and Rukia will have less problems than any of the captains. Unohana will win. Ukitake will die (finally). Dogface will die. Matsumoto will be fine. Hisage will die. Madarame will live. His pretty friend will also live. Finally, I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone from Kurotsuchi’s division is wiped out.


This is Bleach. The good guys can lose their head and somehow still be alive. Kira’s fine.


Ok ok Kubo I see the work!!

This is what I visioned with Aizen and the Arrancar. I saw peeps just taking names and bodies and not giving a fuck. I didnt expect Aizen to beat everybody solo already knowing he can but this chapter was hella hype!!!

You guys joking lol but I always liked Kira, i thought he had a very cool and unique zanpakuto.

I just re-read the chapter and it was hella awesome. Even the killer quincy saying sorry but we were told to kill ya’ll!!
Capts need to get busy cause SS is getting chitauri’d where the Avengers when you need them.

Also this image… (as much as I like the Vizards)


Doesn’t have jack shit on the throwback.


that girl was cute.
otherwise FUCK that was bad and it looks like it’s gonna be a gatdamn massacre



Finally folks atelier getting their shit pushed in .Kira’s simping is beyond pathetic bro I’m glad he dead

I just love the half moon holes getting put through people in this manga.

I definitely think there will be some bigger losses on Soul Society’s side this time. Squad Zero still needs to get they shine on. Isshin, Ryuken, Yoruichi, and Urahara gotta get they shine on.

everybody needs to…


They should rename the First Squad to the Geezer Squad.

Ichigo needs to hurry up and Fullbring that mask out and do some damage. This isn’t filler, he needs to stop playin around with scrubs.

the moment I saw that panel, only thing which came to my mind was a line from Far Cry 3 E3 teaser :smiley: Start is @0:47

Thats why I worded it the wa I did…I fully expect him to get healed back together.

HOWEVER, I’m not surprised by what happend. These guys should in theory be on equal footing powerwise - well if they sent 16 players - then they are more than likely ‘Captain tier’…and the Captains are LLLLLEEEEEAAAAGGGGUUUUEEEESSSS ahead of the regualr shinigami. The 1000 in 7 minutes is no different than all the Captains being dropped in HM and going hog wild in 7 minutes. This will mean more when there is an actual Captain or plotkai induced VC fighting.

My theory however is that this will actually lead to the oft discussed King’s Court. The whole beef between the two is based upon balance verse destruction - so inherently if the Qunicy win or are winning, things will gt knocked out of balance, with things ultimatly falling into the King’s court - who would be responsible for fixing the balance. I am Unreall and I hope you enjoyed Manga Theories 202 - The Study of Future Arc Progression. Next class we will discuss Sasuke becoming a good guy again and the deus machina built in place for it.

  • :bluu:

all I know is that I see a Quincy Unohana.

Good shit Kubo hitting Kira of all people. Are we trying to kill off all of OG 3rd seats?

Kira’s Zanpaktou was actually cool though…

His weapon doubles the weight of anything it hits, then when they bow down underneath their own weight, he comes up with the hooked blade and decapitates folks…

Couldn’t they have killled off someone less cool… like Renji…

Yea kira is infinetly doper than renji. He’s so garbage…

Sent from my NiggaTech using Tapatalk…yeaa buddy

I’m waiting on the eventual Hinamori stab.

Sent from Hueco Mundo using Garganta Talk.

To add more salt to the wound, his Zanpaktou actually was referencing a story on how the opponent carries all the weight the sword bears (hence the double weight added to the opponent’s sword) then comes in with the hooked sword to pull off their head.

or something like that. In other words, just like Gin, his sword was actually well thought out.

Shit, I cant wait for another Kenpachi’s killstreak and pwnage, so hyped right now, brrrr.

Renji should have been murked first