don’t soul soceity by now learn not to trust ppl with glasses and that style of hair?!:bluu:
Man, don’t blame me for this bullshit.
Should be one of the ten commandments of bleach.
shitty chapter. Makes sense on why I didn’t know who you guys were talking about at first (kabuto dude)
This series doesn’t need more fucking side characters when the main ones don’t even have actual background stories yet.
lol Bleach.
We’re back to the original “what happens when the Ghostbusters don’t do their job” theme.
I like how the 6th seat’s explanation about the Quincy’s goals made sense until you realize what would happen to the Quincies once SS and the material world collapsed on each other. Um, wouldn’t the Quincies die along with everyone else? They have a death wish, apparently? Nazi Quincies make no sense.
So this makes, what, 3 Aizen clones now?
it seems that the quinzy really wants to die since it became more monster like
Hahaha. Yeah, as soon as that happens, regardless of the lack of any sort of flashbacks, it’s GGPO.
And dude really was chillin’ up there for THREE FUCKIN CHAPTERS . Homie’s just floating above the city drinking a non-fat, decaf, mocha cinnamon latte with his newspaper while daily life goes on beneath him and NO ONE NOTICED the man-shaped black shape against the white sky (thanks Kubo). I swear, the shinigami are oblivious to anything that’s isn’t physically within reach of them. lol.
Gawt damn, that was free. This new dude’s goon squad gets shit done. That was as bad as when old guy used “Captain’s Corridor: Flame Edition.”
How do you not up your security after you’ve been home invasioned so many times? Put the metal bars up on the windows, get Sloman Shield or ADT, and some cameras.
lol Allon stay getting jobbed. And I dont care if this dude is wearing disco boots or not, nigga is a BEAST. Can’t wait to see the other quincys fuck shit up. If they all have the ability to enslave spiritual energy then the fights are going to be NUTS.
Yeah shit reminds me of how Allon lost to Old as Dirt. Nigga was looking hard as fuck fighting the weaklings then a real challenge comes up and he gets his shit pushed in in like 2 panels lol.
Good chapter though. Was it me or did it look like the Quincy dude’s power was peeling the skin off of Chad’s face?
It looked like it did he absorb the other two as well?
Man if it’s just this one guy rest of soul society is doomed, whatever Zaraki won’t give a fuck.
Sent from Hueco Mundo using Garganta Talk.
Grimmjow incoming at 5…4…3…2…1…
and more than likely he was absoring Chad and Inoue’s reiatsu cause you know…they absorb their powers because they’re not the same as reiatsu. (or whatever was explained a few chapters back on the quincy power absorbing the surrounding air.)
I’d love to see that bastard again
I wanna see Grimmjow, Koyote Stark, and the guy ichigo first turned hollow against. Can’t remember his name lol.
the quincy currently remind me of the nazis lol
My thoughts on the latest chapter…
I personally don’t see why the unemployment rate is so high 'cause These niggas in bleach STAY jobbin!!!
1st hollow transformation was against Grimmjow in karakura town, then against Ulqiorra
Newchap on MangaPanda…
Not worth spoilering…Shinigami get ROCKED, one of them is borderline killed (that we care about) - 1000 die in 7 minutes…
- :bluu:
A female Nazi? <3
Oh and something about Kira or whatever. :wonder:
haha, kubo introduced characters only to kill them