wow, I’m the only one kind of hype to see roidolph the red nosed reindeer come back? dude one shot rangiku with a fingerbang. yeah, the old man beat him, but he should still wreck this fancy pants nigga
I think it’ll end up being a team effort, or Ishida will finally get his power-up and get another win under his belt. My money’s on Ishida because of the way the pimp nazi’s powers are sucking up spirit particles. I’m guessing you gotta counter an energy vaccum with an energy vaccum.
Ishida becoming useful? Fuck out of here.
Nah chill. Fancypants was confused when Ichigo told him that Uryu’s arrows are weaker. This leads me to believe that one highly unlikely and one much more Kubo solutions are in play here. You can either choose between Uryu sanbagging every fight since he got his powers back, or Kubo will give him that Heuco Mundo/Soul Society environment card powerup. One or the other will come in play and Uryu will play a Crucial role in this Conflict.
ok, so, ichigi has his powers back right? so he just needs to soul bomb the german king guy like aizen and we have a win right? or final tensou getsuga him? I hope its a fight to the bloody death because he should have lost his powers for good. Yama should die too. he needs a warriors death. its the only thing he can add to his resume at this point right? Plus he’s old as shit. anyway, it would be cool to see another 100 chaspters of ichigo just fukcing up quincy’s left and right and then die in battle killing the german king (ala superman/doomsday) epic right?
Rukia with dat ass.
Another five hundred years and she might get shit popping like that, but until then, GTFOHWTBS. lol.
So, the chapter is out, and [details=Spoiler]for a minute there, things were looking good. But then, Fucking Apache derped out and went over to dude who got his ass whooped up and caught a shaft in the throat. Of course.[/details]
I don’t trust anyone in this Manga wearing Aizen glasses and a smile on his face, to do the right thing. Looking like Aizen’s brother n shit.
Lol @ the Quincy dude getting back up, ready to put work in.
Kabuto is in this manga now?
He knew with all the Itachi trolling that his time was limited, so he had an exit plan to another manga.
So it finally ended. God damn it, I have like ++200 episodes to catch up on… Hooray for summer break!
That’s what I was thinking when I saw homeboy. I was like, “Yeaaaaah son! my nigga BACK!”
I thought Japanese Heaven banned eye glasses ever since the incident with Aizen. :lol:
Damn that panel where Click-Clacks held his neck made me cringe. And why the hell are we introducing MORE shinigami when a majority of the ones we have now have bare minimum back story?
Didn’t dude(Bearded Guy) step into SS? lol he’s been standing there for 2 chapters.
How the fuck did that dude survive that? Oh yeah I just got smashed around everywhere and my neck is most likely broken in 40 places but it’s cool I’ma kill you guys anyway. Quincies are supposed to be human right?
Shoutouts to the Avengers and Hulk destroying Loki similarly (no gif cuz im lazy as balls)
That dude with glasses is up to no good…
well, is not like stark would take the position anyway
hmmm, dunno why i remember that he was stated as alive, was he on the actual dead, or on the shrug list?
if grimmjow is dead, I’m done with this series. He’s not dead as of yet
i seriously think that grimmjow and starkk arent dead, this is bleach for godsake, kubo doesnt kill anyone who has a good fanbase (except for gin of course), that is basically the reason why hiptergaya is not dead yet, and as his fandumb wants to think, its the 2nd protagonist, lol