Hello, the only game I’ve played seriously was SF4. But I just played BB at a friends house and I really enjoyed the artwork and music. I’m probably gonna get the game. The thing is, SF4 feels very straightfoward and simple. I get really intimidated when I see all the complicated things in BB. So I have two questions:

  1. Is there some sort of basic gameplan I should have for learning things in a particular order in BB? Beginner’s strategy, then intermediate, then advanced stuff?

  2. …Hakumen’s my favorite for some reason. Is he a tough character to learn? If possible could someone list all the characters in order from easiest to toughest to learn? I’m not talking about tiers, but more of just complexity of strategy involved with the character in order to be effective.

hey guys i just got into bb and ive been using bacon and rage in gears, is there somebody like them in bb? or who should i use? based on those 2 thanks

edit: well i find hakumen perfect for bacon. and i hear that caca is great for rage, but caca’s drive jump has me at a learning disadvantage atm. so, i’m picking up litchy to fill in for rage

There’s still not been a European release, and now they’re making a new game. While Ps3 isn’t region locked I can’t say I have the patience to wait for the European release. Is it worth me getting the game in from America? Should I wait for the next instalment? Should I wait for the Euro release? As much as these questions sound like “Make my decisions for me” shipping from America is expensive, a month is a long time and I don’t wanna be playing a game that no one else is. >_>

Thanks BB fans. :smiley:

Just hold out imo.

Hold out for CS and hope it’s not region-locked…unless you get off on buying a 2 year old title for 40.

Perhaps I do… ;D

Though is there an estimated release date for the American version? Cause I’d just like to play BB, CT or CS. If CS is going to come out in a few weeks I’ll wait but if I’m going to get a few months (or years) out of CT I’d rather get it than waste that time.

Again, thanks for the help.

Yeah I know, same here, and I’m going to buy CT anyway, just saying it’s ridiculous. I had to say it or otherwise I couldn’t have lived with myself. :stuck_out_tongue:
Can’t help with the other question, sorry.

If you’re British and looking to get it and get it cheap, I just got it for 27 quid with shipping from America. Pre order was 40. From here, game is 30 dollars, 15 dollars shipping, rounds off at a nice 27.

Thanks, but I’ll wait for the euro release :slight_smile:
HF with your copy^^

I got some questions about BB. I play MvC2 85% of the time as far as fighters. I have several GG games (X, Isuka & Accent Core) With playing MvC2 soooo much, Ive forgotten a few things in those games. Put shortly, I like BB and was wondering what the BB knowledgables here thought of me maining V-13 and Hakumen? I saw vids of 13, and she reminds me of Testament somewhat (with an array of offense spammed) and she has a lot of mixup that I saw one guy use against his opponent. I like her style and I know I can perfect her with practice. Hakumen is more appealing to me because I like his persona, and how he moans at his opponents in disgust. I know hes slow, but with every con there is a pro and vice versa. I would work on overheads,’s for setups etc. and spacing. With all of this, do you think that these characters are worth putting the practice time in for tourney or heavy casual play? And just give me a overall opinion about the two (and other characters for a BB noob) Thanks…

Both are pretty pro and pretty easy to learn without much practice. Take note though that v-13’s new version h-11 or whatever in Continuum Shift took a good nerfing so she isn’t as broke as a lot of people thought she was in the first iteration.

As far as v-13 compared to the GG cast I think of her as Eddie more than Testament.

V-13 is more like Axl than either of those. Carl is the gay version of Eddie, and Arakune is a super Testament.

Yeah I guess you’re right there, that makes more sense. tbh I totally forgot about Axl because nobody around here plays him lol

Yeah, I forgot about the Eddie’s and all. But Ive all of a sudden become intrigued with BB, you all may think “Where have you been dude?” Which is understandable, but I have been busy and Ive only focused on MvC2 as far as gaming. I watched some tourney matches yesterday and was impressed at the level of skill displayed in BB. That Carl dude really has some sick cross-ups, Arakune, Bang, Litichi, Noel and others really impressed me how they are able to pull off some cool combos. I saw Arakune combo string that was ridiculous and I thought the opponent would never see the light of day (lol). But that kinda turns me away from BB, the long combos. Well, its not the combos really, its just that the game is slower, so it seems like an eternity when being comboed on. Which requires patience, because you have to time everything right. So, seeing the amazing, 1 hour combos done on opponents (lol), I think Hakumen will have a hard time in battle, but I like him so I’ll practice with him in the future. I saw a match between Hakumen vs Carl, and Carl was all over Hakumen, it was actually funny seeing him growl and moan while being attacked from both sides, I felt sorry for him. 13 would be my aggressor/zoner style player, where using range and “apple slapping” the opponents with spam. Apple slap refers to a game I used to play in elementary, where you had to rub your head before sitting down or you would get slapped in the back of the head. Simply put, 13 slaps opponents in the back of the head a lot and it frustrates them. Thanks for the advice, I’ll work on all characters regardless but I’ll focus on those two.

What makes Rachel so “unusable” in this game. From seeing the matchup lists, her worst is 7-3. Some of the characters (like Vega) in SF4 had alot of 7-3 matches but he still showed up in tournaments. Does the battle mechanics make it more lopsided?

Do you mean in CT or CS?

In CT, Rachel’s the best character in the game when played correctly. She takes some skill to play but she has everything. Big Damage, Mixups, Zoning.

in CS, they took away her crazy mixup game and nerfed her damage, so she’s much more of a zoning character, but now that a lot of the cast has better options against projectiles (like Hakumen’s Projectile Barrier) Not to mention that it’s a lot harder for Rachel to get damage, she’s been nerfed to the worst character in the game.

But being the worst character in the game in CS is like being 2 tiers above the worst character in CT (Tager.) So the tiers are more compressed (So far)

PS: Vega sucks and while they still show up at tournaments, I haven’t seen a Vega win anything since the game was first released.

But she is still usable? It’s not like Akuma vs Zangief in SF2HDR case for most of her matchups, is it?

recap= the european blazblue will include costumes that match different European flags. sadly no extra characters or balance tweaks like they mentioned earlier.

heres where i pre-ordered from, they also have the limited edition for around 35 cheers guys

she has a matchup chart that looks like Viper’s in SF4.

she’s still usable imo. also don’t play your game by a tier list, it’s not a very fun way to play any game.