what is, and how do you rapid cancel?

this is a good site for info like that.

Rapid Cancel
Abbreviation “rc”, Rapid Cancel is inherited from Guilty Gear’s Roman Cancel. Rapid Cancel uses 50% of the Heat Gauge. By pressing A + B + C during an attack to cancel its motion, Rapid Cancel has two main uses: further combo (usually more damage) and pressure strings (continue attacking). Most moves can be Rapid Cancelled. You can check the availability in character move data.

Find a character you like.
Go to and and learn:
An easy BnB combo. (Should have a gatling fast enough to punish icecar)
An easy air combo.
When the combo is applicable (what it can punish and how you can set it up)

Character specifics, how does the character play. What’s the general game plan against each of the other characters.

More efficient combos (generally bridging from BnB to Air). More specific combos (corner, mixup, position vs damage vs oki)
More specific matchup knowledge.

And practice practice practice to get your execution and reaction down.

My noobish question is tournament related…

What rule set do people use for this…

First to 3, 99 secs?
Console mode?
Button mappings allowed?
And of course no infinity characters…

I just wanted to know so I can get use to the time and such during the game. (And I plan on hosting some tournaments…)

  • Best out of 3 rounds, usually. Some people use best of 5 rounds, but that’s your discretion.
  • If it’s on console, it will be played on console mode, AFAIK. I don’t think it does anything but supply astral heats to characters without them (they’re never unlocked anyway) and fix some bugs.
  • As long as “button mapping” isn’t “one button special”.

As Taokaka, how do u keep from bouncing of your opponent after your own midair drive attack has made contact.

Any advice for finding match videos that don’t suck on youtube? Hecatom’s stuff from gamechariot and SBO quals are the only things I can find. Sure are a lot of button mashers that like to record themselves…

Im not on PSN but atleast on xbox I got the first achievement at 100 games played and the second at 201 games played. They seem to be somewhat bugged sometimes as I’ve heard of others complaining about not getting those achievements when they should.

Hold forward when the hit connects. She’ll do a flip to signal the forward cancel then you can continue your combo from there usually into a j.C.

Guys shameless newbie question.
I tried to learn some combos today with Rachel

I go with 6A 5B j.B ok no problem landing 6A 5B but by the time she jumps opponent already hits the ground?
What am i missing here ?

Try checking in this thread first;

It’s not rachel related problem i don’t know how to make j.B move properly i thinks it needs some kind of cancel ?

It’s a jump cancel (jc). you cancel the 5B by jumping quickly. You can cancel certain moves with super jump too (sjc).

Thank you very much, but, what’s j.c.?

Its a jumping C attack.

Thank You I’ll keep trying then :slight_smile:

I see lots of people barrier blocking at seemingly random times. I understand it gives you an advantage compared to regular block. When is the best time to use barrier block? How often should I use it? (because currently I use it almost 1% of the time)

Edit: last night I had some luck using it when stuck in the corner to push the opponent back and give myself some space.

It’s a typical Beginner’s Mistake to not use Barrier Block frequently.

You should do it most of the time while blocking since it pushes the enemy further away.
Mix it up with your normal block in order to screw his blockstrings^^
He may miss hits and it’s an opening for you.

another tao question, while in midair and attacking your opponent, what moved make the enemy move up higher in the screen.

Heres a bitter question: Why on God’s Green Earth did they make it so that you have an instant of absolute vulnerability after doing a ground or air escape?