BlazBlue Centralfiction (PC)

Does anyone know if this game has input shortcuts for 360s? I’m having issue landing Bullet’s command grab raw.

Ive been hearing a bunch of problems about this port, do any of these problems really mess with someone who just wants to do trials and play online?

be sure to hit the b button direct with the up or up/forward input, when you do it afterwards she will just jump.
the time window after the halfcircle forward or backward motion to the up/forwardup+b is quiet big.

its actually so big that you can do halfcircle forward + forward to dash then input up+b and she does the command grab!
(playing on hitbox, might be a bit harder on stick…)

do you have a amd graphic card? when yes you will get visuall glitches…keept myself away from online beside of that one jump in. going in next week after some practice.
check out the steam forum for recent issues/problems and if they are solved.

Why make a thread for something that could’ve just been a post in the current main thread…


this is a thread for the pc version which got a recent release.

there is no crossplay so its a own community and with that i dont see why there should be no own thread which covers pc
intern things like problem/steam/discord groups ect.

and its giving that release some attention so that more people see it and might jump on board.
for me there is no reason not to create a new thread.

Actually I figured out the issue: the shortcut HAS to end with the up input and not up-forward, i.e. you have to do 4123698 and not just 412369. It’s not an issue you have with a hitbox of course.

thats not true, i checked the inputs of course while i tested it.
works with 412369 too, you dont need to have a clean up motion/notation at the end.

will check it later on a stick to see if i manage to do it there too.

It doesn’t, people on the Discord also confirmed to me that the correct motion is 4123698 in CF.

it works with the hitbox, why should i lie?
with the stick now i cant do it because i suck with sticks and maybe i am not fast enough but you dont need the 9
you can do 41236 (neutral) 8+b

in both directions so you can wiggle back and fort with her using the half circle motion and grab then with a direct 8+b without 9
at the end you can test it out when you dont believe me…

Maybe because the hitbox doesn’t really have a separate up-forward input?

Which confirms what I said. You really need to argue for no reason huh?

i tested it out with a hitbox and gave you the infos, then i did the same with the stick and gave you the infos which i gathered with it.
its not a argument we have here but a interesting reaction from your site.
you asked for a shortcut, i gave you one…for a hitbox and one for a fightstick.

neither do pads or stick have a seperate up-forward button.
each device register forward+up buttons or switches pressed together as upforward.

Even if a stick has 4 direction triggers like a hitbox, diagonals will always register cleanly as diagonals. But because of the way hitboxes or keyboards work, doing a 270 will mostly make you end with the up input no matter what, while with a stick it’s easier to stop at a diagonal.
I already said that I found out that the correct shortcut has to end with an up input - I even specifically said “it’s not an issue you have with a hitbox” - and your further posts were either misunderstanding of English or pointless arguing.

so now you want to say that a fightstick is more precise than a hitbox?

i understand you very well and i tell you because the hitbox is more precise when it comes down to inputs (same as keyboard) it works with ending at the 9 (up/forward) too.
just because its not easy to pull of with a stick doesnt mean it doesnt work with it but at the end of the day the up motion is easyer so thats what you should use anyway.
you are on pc…use your keyboard and try it out when you dont believe me, no need to argue with me and i dont have anything to proof.

at the end i just wanted to help…you got your answer and i guess your “problem” is solved.

I’ll wait until the game goes on sale. I always been hesitant on buying on arc system games on PC since a new update usually gets announced after the PC release.

thats why i skipped the last one but they said this one is the final version…but i heard they said that already back in the past. not sure if its true or not so… :bee:
i hope he stick to his worth.

is it intentional that you are forced to watch matches while you are in a lobby and dont fight by yourself and that you cant get out of them?

Sadly that’s the default match/spectate mode. Only one game at a time per room, everyone else has to watch and you can leave spectator mode. I much prefer free for all, but that mode won’t let you spectate at all.

okay, that explains why i couldnt request a fight so many times because other people did so already.
i thought it works like in the gg rooms where its one room but everyone can play with each other at the same time with the option to watch matches from other people.
strange that they didnt implemented the same system. does it work the same way on consoles? i heard they had some huge rooms…kinda doubt that everyone there
has to watch/wait for that one match to happen.

Alright, went through the tutorial of the first few characters.

Ragna and Jin are pretty straight forward. I like Jin a bit more due to his mechanic but overall they are no characters I want to main.

Noel seems fun. Huge mixup potential.
Taokaka and Bang are too fast for my taste.
Litchi, Rachel and Arakune are too hard. Arakune seems really weird lol.

Carl is interesting, reminds me of a RPG character (well a lot of Blazblue characters do).
And Tager was the most fun experience so far. A grappler with magnetism? That’s cool.

But overall he is probably too slow for my taste. But I can imagine messing around with him sometimes.

Looking forward trying out the other characters in the next few days.