Blanka ULTRA SSF4 Changes

no no no i know you can cross up in sfxt
but jmk and all the other good crossups are the same as unblockables you can block them in both sides
i play the game in the last weeks a bit it also happens to me that i block for a normal jump in
but it was a cross up and i blocked it but charater land on my back on the crossover side
its overall easier to bock jump ins in this game because of that

You can do an ambiguous crossup, you just have to figure out a setup.

If they make the same change in sf4 I’ll be able to figure out setups that are still ambiguous, it’s what i do.

Anybody with a head on their shoulders should agree to this. Hitting someone with Blanka ball spaces you out of your optimal footsie zone most of the time so being safe on hit is a nice bare minimum.

doesn’t this opinion depends a lot on the following

  1. Who you’re fighting against. Example vs sim if you’re not in his face it’s not optimal range.

  2. If they have some punished even on hit.

  3. Your position vs opponents, if you’re cornered or you cornered the opponent the bounce back is usually not ideal for both situation

if you ask me blankas ideal range is kinda close like after a blocked electricity, the range where he can Kara throw or move out for a sweep or continue pressure with far jab


Okay so combofiend said HBall knocks down always right now.
What do we get from this?

Safe ball combos.
Cool but no brainer

Safe bison style crossups on wakeup.
Kinda cool having this option. Would like to know if you get any kind of mixup after crossup ball because blanka lands right next to his victim getting up iirc.

Anything else?

I guess it’s safe ON hit but terrible on block. basically adds one more thing to gimmicks.

The question is does EX ball have the same benefits if it does it’ll be a pretty big buff, the match up with Dhalsim will be MUCH easier.

I really think if only HP ball knocking down is pretty damn useless most of the time, i guess it will reward me for doing HP ball once in a blue moon to catch people trying to interupt my LP/MP ball with c.LP/c.MP but honestly that’s like using it once in 20 games against a character that i can use LP/MP ball in other words it’s not gonna make a difference.

I guess there will be other rare scenarios where your opponent is charging their meter with their specials like Honda doing empty command throws on the other side of the screen, this buff might benefit it slightly… or Zangief whiffing PPP,

but I think the wake up cross up thing is more or less the only real situational buff and it’s pretty damn useless most of the time.

Just thought of some more gimmicks but might not be as good as the wake up one.

I was thinking maybe with this buff you can now do something like

FA lvl 2, back dash cancel, forward hop, wait a bit, c.MK xx HP Ball.

I haven’t tried this out yet but maybe something similar to this might work, might need to replace c.MK with c.LK/s.LP? or maybe need to delay the cancel a bit.


That won’t work because balls can’t juggle. Cr. Mk will hit but the ball just wiffs.
And whats the point in doing this?
Am i reading you wrong?

Assuming the knockdown has the same frame advantage as current hp ball(+21)

crossup ball > overhead is solid especially if opponent doesn’t have a 3f normal, 4f normal trades and might be comboable off of.

overhead > xx hp ball knocking down is nice, prevents punishes and allows you to not lose positional advantage

Crumple > normal > crossup ball

I think that crossup Hori Ball is a lot less punishable by reversals than Dictator’s PC, right?

A lot of invincible reversals tend to whiff against hori ball, since it travels so fast and the hit/hurtbox is a lot smaller in comparison.

On the down side you’re much more open to punishes on block than Bison is after a crossup psycho crusher

Tried out the crumple xx hp ball in training in order to get hp ball to connect and must be blocked it needs to be range specific around tip range.

Because it needs to be in tip range back dash after the fa the forward hop isn’t viable. Then more obviously the damage doesn’t make any sense to do this if you’re dashing forward after the fa just to manually move back to get into that range.

edited with the new info release a few days ago

Guys we just got significantly buffed again…

  • Close standing MK from start-up to 4F is airborne

FA lvl 2 is now officially significantly better, his okimeze game is improved,

To me this is the best buff I’ve heard so far, I like the c.MK frame buff but this definitely makes things much better…

CL.MK - Airborne 1-4f
Cr.MK - Advantage on hit +4 > +5
HP Rolling Attack - Knockdown first 2 active frames > ALL ACTIVE FRAMES
Vertical Rolling - FADCABLE
Backstep Rolling - 2f additional blockstun
U2 AA - 7f > 9f

changes I know about at the moment.

Vertical ball is FADCable? So we can EX Upball -> FADC out for 3 bars? With the delayed wakeup mechanic and overall nerf on vortex shenanigans, it won’t be as useful in Ultra, though I could see it as useful against grapplers like Gief (though if he does U2 or double ultra, that won’t be an option).

Also, U2 AA startup increased to 9FF? That move is already horrible. Is there a buff that goes along with that? Makes no sense to me.

Yeah, the problem with Blanka in AE2012 is that his AA U2 starts TOO fast… right…

so crMK buff gives a 2-frame link into u1, right?

do you guys see anything good with the frame-change of u2-aa? i rather had a bigger hitbox ala ruy’s ultra 2 -> true anti air ultra

why do we get another nerf on rainbow ball? that thing was already easy to punish on block.

lakecrono, ex upball fadc? huh??? afaik jimmy cannot do that :wink:

The u2 change is a nerf, the rainbow roll change is a buff

thanks ves for clearing that up :slight_smile: i misread the blockstun as a nerf.

i guess i’ll go back to 100% u1 :frowning:

Oh man. I’m excited.

I don’t know what the intent of the blockstun buff on rainbow is though. The move is already negative 5000 on block and 2f blockstun doesn’t change anything that I can think of?

hoping that is a mistranslation and it is horizontal roll, or that it’s +2 on block