Blanka Match Up Thread Round 2

i love fighting starnab, he’s very fun. i don’t know the fei matchup, but yeah i played him today and he beat me in champ mode, it was close but i learn’t that everything is punishable by rekkas :woot: time to work on those footsies i guess.

Yeah playing alioune is :shake: . you will enjoy playing his cammy also :sad:

ok i just had a big set with starnab and he beat me pretty handedly, i was under the impression that horizontal balls were punishable on hit so i didn’t use far st.lp x ball to punish stuff like blocked rekkas, kinda anoying in retrospect, would have helped.

basicaly on block rekkas punish:
non max range slide
up ball on hit or block

slide is punishable on block by super
ball is punishable on hit with super

i’m sure there’s more but thats what i noticed from the set. most of your useful moves are not available to you, enjoy playing half your character in this match as well.

anyway after hitting training mode it became apparent that every rekka is punishable on block with st.lp x ball. and if youre in the corner you can do far if youre in range. hk doesn’t hit jab rekkas that are done max range but yeah at least its something. the timing to punish is pretty tight though, so dont expect to get it going on online

I’ve been using Fei Long for the last few weeks as a secondary. All I can add is that this match up is pretty strange for both sides, but I still think it is advantage Blanka.

Some shit to look out for:

Flame Kick > horizontal ball if timed correctly.
Chicken Wing > horizontal ball if executed near the same time…if he’s hitting you with this, you’re telegraphing hori ball
Standing Roundhouse > almost all jump-ins except cross up

Stuffing Horizontal Ball with s.jab is difficult in IV for some reason. Doesn’t matter, because it seems to be punishable on block anyways.

C.Fierce/C.Strong > electricity

Fei has really nice pokes overall, but I don’t know what beats what in the Blanka footsie war. Every Blanka I play online is 100% shenanigan set ups, which is like the complete opposite of every Blanka I play IRL, which is 100% own your face with smart footsies. Off to training mode then?

i think its a 6-4. you’re out ranged and stripped of hlf of your moves.

you’ll be looking to pressure with st/ but to do that you have to walk waaaay into fierce rekka range. the moment you get into poking distance you’re FA bait. fei has a tough time getting past FA’s himself but really he dominates, you can’t avoid wakeup pressure easily and he will counter hit you and hit your pre jump frames if he’s smart.

don’t get me wrong, its not sagat or boxer hard… more like sim. difficult, but probably very doable if you learn the matchup and your execution is on point.

Talked with Starnab who says the match up is 6-4(blanka’s disadvantage) after playing against you(he thought it was 7-3 before).
It’s indeed more like Sim’s match up. I can take a lot of rounds, but only a few games.
Against a good boxer, it’s hard even to take a round.

Ever played Vryu or Violent Fuma(akumas) Mullah?

i played vryu at svb, and we went back and forth, i think he might have eeked out a few more wins i can’t remember exactly. He’s a really cool cat and his execution is excellent and he’s obviously put a lot of time into his character. But yeah the ak v bl matchup felt 5-5 even with my missing half my combos lol. I played sendo’s vega as well i beat him 2-1. i he won the last match by cutting back his game to just footsies, i was like wth is this i’ve never played a footsie vega before! i’m not sure what works vs vega’s normals but i’m pretty sure 5 mins in training mode and you can learn to shut that down too. Sendo was fucking cool too. i’m looking forward to meeting up with both of those guys at the next event. maybe cannes in 2010.

Unfortunately i haven’t actually been playing blanka seriously for a while now, my execution is pretty whack. I think it was pretty obvious at svb asi was the worst offender when it came to missing BnB’s. i missed about 6 ultras vs starnab last night. But yeah the fei match is definately winnable, if i actually know whats up with the matchup and the connection is sharp enough to let you punish rekkas i think it’s pretty much a 6-4 /5.5-4.5 because rekkas are unsafe on block too so both of you sort of gimp each others offense. blanka has the edge in footsies (maybe, even with only mp being available lol) but fei has srk>fadc wakeup and get out of jail cards + much bigger damage on punishment of everything.


I played Ryan Hart the other day at the arcades and his reactions were so good i couldn’t even ex ball him from the distance after my up ball got blocked:grrr:

Basically all i had to resort to is play a good footsie game and try the ambiguous ultra on him which surprisingly worked. Obviously he guessed some right but all our games were tight. I still couldn’t beat him though!

Sagat has an answer for everything that Blanka can throw at him. Its so hard to beat a top sagat without hitting them with your ultra! You have no room for mistakes. I was trying to turtle against the tigers when i had a lead but one hit me so the game plan was out of the window

Sendoh is an out-of-this-world player. He can play with any character without knowing the match up and still win against very very good players. Very cool guy(only way I have to beat him is to make him speak a lot on microphone so he doesn’t pay attention to what his doing, lol).
Playing the bottom tier, he beats almost everybody in Europe if he’s playing seriously(think he beat Ryan Hart in London on a money match). Fortunately, he doesn’t play that much SF4 and is sticking to kof…

Oh, and if you beat him like 3 or 4 times, that’s when he begins to play seriously. You should play against him online, first to ten, to give it a shot.

Hey guys,
GGs to you Mullah. I was impressed by your Blanka last night. No other Blanka plays like you online for sure.
I still think that Fei has an advantage (I first thought 7-3 but it’s rather 6-4) for the reasons you’ve mentionned already.
I gave a try in practice mode and noticed that st.LP could punish unsafe rekkas. I was like “oops”.
Rekkas are unsafe when not performed at max range.
I’m always playing as the “hunter” in this match-up always facing the random Ultra trap. So i’m wondering what would it be like if I sat there waiting for you to come ?
If you want to give an other try, just let me know.
Cheers mates

Hey starnab would you mind me sending you a friend request? Ive played you a few times before too, dunno if you remember.

Hey StarNab,

Would you mind get out of here? It’s not enough for you to make me miserable online?

Petit chenapan, va!

I feel that if you put Balrog in the corner, he can’t do anything. If you keep a specific range, Blanka has a counter or reversal for every option Balrog has. So, you just keep him in the corner, and don’t press buttons until he does. Mind you, I just picked up Blanka, so there may be something about that strategy that doesn’t work. If so, let me know. I’m leaving in a bit to play Keno’s boxer, so I’ll try to see if this works out for me.

I made a post about this a few weeks ago. There’s a competent Vega player in my area, and they’re NOT easy matchups. Once they learn to not do any overheads, and just poke you and play defensively, the match truly does become difficult.

Here’s what I noticed.

[]You can punish Vega’s slide kick with a ball on block. Works every time if your timing is on point.
]His rolling ground attack cannot be punished by ball or sweep on block. He can essentially out poke you after your block, so I’d recommend trying to escape it if you’re in the corner, or just continue blocking. They WILL go in for a throw right after, so tech.
[]Overhead specials are useless on Blanka. Spam lots of electricity if you see them coming down on you in the air.
]If they attempt a Super, a jumping fierce punch will knock them out. Ultra, just block.
[]You can use slide to punish some of his ground normals and specials if you’re the right distance away. c.FP is a great poke in midrange against Vega, highly recommended in approrpiate situations, like if he’s rolling at you from a distance.
]Wake up pokes can be effective against overly aggresive Vega’s who are in your face on wakeup, particularly cr.LK, cr.MK, and cr.LP.
[*]The most effective Ultra punish I’ve discovered is during Vega’s rolling special move. If you throw it out as he’s about to hit you, you’ll get him every time. There’s a long startup on that move, so it’s not difficult. Works on recovery as well.

The match almost turns exclusively into a poke match on Vega’s end. Blanka can NOT out poke him, but luckily, we have some specials that can punish his ground game. I almost NEVER use vertical ball, only psychic ones. Vega will be planted on the ground almost the entire match during this match up, so you don’t want to be caught flying around in the air. If you land a weak poke on Vega try to go straight to electricity if you’re quick enough to combo in. Once they start playing smart and defensively, it’s extremely easy for them to poke you out. Thankfully, if you want to apply pressure, a fullscreen horizontal ball cannot get punished on block recovery by Vega. Their slide will not reach. Another tip I can give is to try to bait out that slide, because you can punish it with your own slide, or ball, whatever your preference is. Slide gets knockdown though.

I guess, to make it as simple as I can, the point of this match up is to keep a safe distance against Vega, and get him to do an offensive ground normal or special. Whether they’re sliding, rolling, or trying to poke at you, you can punish them. Staying too close to the Vega is when it gets dangerous.

I do really wish some higher level Blanka players would thoroughly examine this match up. It seems like there’s so little experience against good Vega players (as Blanka especially), that people just generally think it’s an easy match up because they almost never play the character. And if they do, the person isn’t very good.

As it stands, with this guy I play, I think we’re a pretty solid 5-5.

what is “crouch tech”?

Frame Data Question

Are there more start up frames for jab electricity as opposed to fierce electricity?

Are there more recovery frames for jab electricity as opposed to fierce electricity?

No and no:

Thanks, good to know that jab electricity does start up faster though

To answer your previous question: Crouch tech just teching a throw while crouching. What makes it better than standing tech is that a whiffed throw is that a whiffed c.LK comes out instead of a whiffed throw animation, and the former recovers much more quickly than the latter. Both still lose to a basic frame trap, though.

Also, not to be a dick, but the q&a thread is more appropriate for these questions than the matchup thread:

How do you beat really solid boxers? I’m really struggling

I played Zak’s Boxer these last 2 days at the arcades and i can take a round off him but most of the matches is just me poking. I can’t cross him up too many times 'cause c.hp is god like and even when he gets me in the corner i do ex v ball and he just does c. fierce to put me back in the corner!! He always has a super 2nd round as well so any mistake such as a blocked c.hp by me = free super :frowning: