so say you block a dive kick, or say you’re wakeing up, you can opt to delay your crouch tech for a couple of frames. That way if they do a meaty attck/random dp you block and if they go for a throw you tech.
They can then delay their attack/throw to counterhit/grab your opening frame of your but they probably wont
Some tips against good Akumas? I’m playing against very good ones these times, and I’m having trouble to get to them(which is normal), and then to keep them under pressure(I can’t always anticipate teleport). Seems wake up cross ups are not a good option…
BTW, is there any way to anti air the 623k+k(don’t know the name…), besides electricity?
Take away his fireball game any way you can. Akumas…a lot of those dbags start the round with jumping backwards, so I usually hop forward to up ball to start the match right. This is the easiest thing that blanka can do to get a lot of damage on akuma. Throw out your upballs before he reaches the peak of the jump and all is good. Playing against Akuma is kinda boring to me. Half the match i’m just walking/hopping/neutral jumping under stupid fireballs and knocking them out of the air. You can also wait until they jump backwards and horizontal ball (EX or regular) them for guaranteed damage, as it catches them on the way down from the jump and will go through all fireballs. If they’re throwing the red fireballs and you’re jumping over them into range 2 or 3, be safe and don’t give up your tripguard.
Sometimes, better akumas will get away from the crossup game every time by teleporting, so if they get away from you, realize that they’ll do it every time and rely more on your poking game instead of xups. Usually if they’re within Blanka’s c.HP range, they’ll try to create offense (c.MK or F+HK) rather then teleporting backwards. When he teleports, just hold DF, and do two surprise forwards. you’ll be in perfect ‘blanka range’, that awkward position for opponents where blanka can do anything on reaction and is out of most opponents’ normal range. Usually it will go to the ballin’ games mentioned above.
As for demon flip stuff…don’t quote me on this stuff cuz we don’t have a serious akuma player in our crew. electricity is always my go to for the most part when i see those funny-arced jumps coming at me. i think neutral jump HP will beat the kick if your jump timing is on point, but even a jump forward/back HP will trade in your favor if i remember correctly. standing HK/HP probably trade in your favor, c.MP would probably be a little more even damagewise.
Watch for Akuma’s focus attacks and other ways he can set up raging demon, so also watch your ball ranges later in the match. Test the lp ball to grab shenanigans to see how they react.
The thing about akuma is that it’s very easy to tell where his next spot on the screen is going to be. Nobody has any idea where blanka is going next, and if you’re playing deliberately, fireballs will never hit you.
zoning is your friend as she will try to dash near you all the time. Don’t jump too much and keep yourself at slide distance. Once she has her ultra, stop balling and zone even more.
Is there any way to safely jump in against gief? I thought J HP was ok, but a late lariat seems to beat it every time. Is it my timing or is it just a bad tactic?
Up-balling from any distance, on-hit or on-block (doesnt matter which way) can be kara-uppercutted. At first I thought only point blank ones could be punished, unfortunately that’s not the case.
At least horizontal-ball is safe from the kara-uppercut (not from the ex-tigershot) but how are we going to punish sagat’s ugly strings from here on out? ex-upball was our only chance…
my sagat sparring partner has been kara uppercutting the up balls for a while now, i assumed it was only ranged ones but having checked in training mode just now, if you use hk to kara the fierce tu you can hit him back very easily. I’ve been saying the match is completely fucked up for a while now and no one really agrees with me, people still sy it’s 6-4 to sagat.
time to start back dashing strings…into tiger knees
Played 11 games against Alioune this week(first one in championship, two rounds, and then 10 games with three rounds. Alioune is always playing three rounds games).
I won the first one, then one out of the next ten. You can do…nothing. Only button you use is mp. Everything else will be punished. The 2 games I won were at the beginning so he made some mistakes(won the second one 3 rounds to nothing, and stunned his sagat(!)). He sent me a message saying he had not met a Blanka doing shit(he didn’t say it like that) for a while, and that’s why he got surprised. It was probably true though:rofl:
Anyway, this match up is so fucked up it feels like you play a shoot’em up and try to progress between the laser shots.
Anybody saying this match up is less than 7-3 has clearly never played a good Sagat.
I recently played a lot of games with StarNab who’s playing a decent Fei Long on the xblive, and have the honor to announce that this match up is very fucked up too.
You cannot use: Balls(any), c.HP, c.HK, slide without being punished. won’t work as an anti air if the guy knows the match up.
Obviously you can’t jump on him because of his dp.
Basically, you can do almost nothing without taking huge risks.
Somebody has any tips?
I’ve played him too and his pressure game with footsies is impressive as hell. Only thing that works for me is lots of crossing up and dont get stuck in the corner, he wont let you out!
You can’t play too much with cross ups too, because sooner or later, you’ll eat a dp.
I used to beat him a lot like 2 months ago, but now he knows the match up…It’s almost as hard as against boxer.