Blanka Match Up Thread Round 2

he’s very random and doing a lot of unsafe stuff.

Blanka is a very deliberate character, and I think Mizoteru and NISHIKIN(DeLUCIFER if you want an american going off of evo results) have proved that as they’ve probably been the Blankas who have shown the most success and their styles all conform to what I’m saying.

You have to know your spacing, know your frame traps, know your setups, you can’t just be random and keep doing stuff that gets punished repeatedly. Even T SRAI who many people see as a very unsafe Blanka plays smart for the style he’s playing. Yes he fishes for big damage, but he still does a lot of smart stuff to set it up.

Well. This was a very friendly set, almost coaching me through. That’s why I wanted to know how I could maximize the damage and what was my best option once I had him pinned down. I wanna know… Yourself in his shoes what would have flustered you.

I think you need to be patient and just sit on db more when you are ahead. Blanka’s options to get in are all punishable by Juri in one form or another. I think as a Blanka player the only thing almost as bad as repeated option selects on wakeup(Cammy and Abel are BS), is a player sitting back on their life lead and just playing patient and only hitting buttons when they need to.

When you have Blanka cornered you either want to be a little ways out of the corner yourself so you can punish ex rainbow on reaction with a n.jump whatever/hitting him when he lands or right in his face where you can punish the startup of it. I see Blanka getting out for free.

You need to hit confirm off of your and other random shorts I see you land. you throw 90% of the time or do a non hitconfirmed string that blanka can punish, but just isn’t.

Jump less, cr.strong jumpins more.

Dude isn’t afraid to wakeup ultra, you need to do more to bait it, or you need to instant dive kick over him on wakeup to deny him charge, then do meaty low short. Pretty sure you can pinwheel upball on hit IIRC(I don’t play juri much).

In neutral situations, stock some fireballs up, no reason not too. the low one is a pain for blanka to deal with in particular. This will make Blanka come to you and you can punish him coming in pretty easily. You need to be hitting buttons to tag those dash/hops in more often.

First off. Thanks. I posted here to get exactly this.

I was worried about a hop > ultra/up-ball It would have worked. I waited and when he hopped I threw him. He told me it beats his normals and lightning.

I’ve always been bad at being too aggressive with my corner pressure. As I said in video one… I’m working on putting more work in Kara stores to stay in range for my normals. Since I was trying to stay in… I missed a few ex rainbow punished.

I don’t know how to bait properly. There were times I blocked on his wake up and just got thrown. I was trying to bait! Lol.

I tend to jump a Lot when I feel the tide turned in my favor as I wanna pressure and stay on him. Bad habit. You’re right.

Storing fireballs is a gamble. I throw lows when he walks forward but if I throw some he can ball over them if timed wrong. Mids stuff horizontal balls but slide beats mids. Low beat slide but loses to horizontal. I’m afraid to zone blanka for this reason.

There were a few times where my dash forward lk pinwheel didn’t hit. Do you have safe blanka balls?

yeah hop -> basically anything loses to throw, but a perfectly timed ultra will beat throw, so you gotta be careful.

Just be patient, good think to work on.

If you stand still it’s hard to bait things out. walk back and forth, dash forward, jump, hit buttons, whatever. Just do something so he isn’t thinking about what he can do to hit the guy standing in front of him. walking out of throw range is a good idea.

Yeah I jump too much too, so I know how it goes.

There is a safe store range. Slide is a huge gamble for Blanka because of how punishable it is, don’t worry about it as much as you would the mids. Most Blanka’s don’t have good footsies and are just looking to hop/ball/dash in, so just focus on that if that is what they are doing.

It depends on what frame the ball hits on, and generally jab/strong balls are safer than fierce. You really just have to recognize how far the pushback is or where he balled from. Balls can be pretty safe though vs. Juri.

Is ex up ball 4 frames? It’s safe jumpable, eh?

What do you have the hardest time against when getting rushed down?

4 frames, blanka gets up 2 frames slow though, which makes it even easier to safejump, unless you are Ryu or something.

Option selects on wakeup that hit backdashes/ex rainbow. I’m patient, I’ll just block and late tech, I’m patient and don’t really mind blocking, it isn’t like I have a guard bar.

what to do against Fei?

i hate him, due to rekka pokes…

guess in footsies, punish rekkas, lose anyways.

i think this summarizes the whole matchup and it is exactly what i was thinking…

…but i still cant live with this!

i dont know what to do in this matchup!
i just sit there and wait for rekka but it cant be punished
i have absolutely no gameplan!

vs. boxer it got better cuz of the unblockable setup you found!
its still hard as hell but everytime i am able to throw him i am like
so there is still some satisfaction and …you know…a gameplan…

but fei is just a pain in the ass!
not even speaking of that military slut cammy!

sorry for my language but i’m a little pissed!

damn i love the T.Hawk matchup…

far st.lp buffered into ball. that’s about it.

I use safeballs to bait punishes then punish.

i see that there isn’t a slot dedicated to T.Hawk… is this because he’s free… or that not many people use him?

this is technically not the super matchup thread but people use it anyways.