As a result of playing random people, alot of people throw footsies and zoning out the window. This a prime example of a Ryu that performs little to no zoning / footsies AT ALL. I will try to scrouge up some detail about your game in this match, but the Ryu didn’t give me anything to work with honestly.
You don’t use Devil’s Reverse offensively in this game other than as a mind game for people who like to focus it. A good ryu can just Cr. mk xx Shoryu FADC ultra a Devil reverse or Headstomp follow up no problem, So I would say never use either of those moves (Headstomp only in the corner, and only if you think they will try to get out). Only use Devil’s Reverse full screen, LP version, to build meter, and sparingly.
Normally I like to work off good footsie based offense, mainly stepping in and out of cr. mk range and punishing close fireball attempts with Focus Dash in throw / Cr. lk. You normally NEVER want to just jump in on a shoto because you’re in the air ALL DAY and anyone who plays this game for more than 30 hours can MP shoryuken AA easy mode on reaction. This includes jumping over fireballs from a distance because Ryu can STILL AA you with it. EX SK and (now) EX PC have become great tools for getting around fireballs. You can either just sit there and neutral jump them, focus them, EX SK through them, or pre-emptively EX PC them (full screenish, as they fixed the hitbox for countering fireballs).
Close: Focus dash through them and throw (loses to EX haduken)
Mid-screen: neutral Jump (No charge) or EX SK
Full screen: As soon as you see it EX PC (it’s like +4-3 fullscreen even if they manage to block it if your reactions are too slow){loses to EX haduken}
You lacked any sort of Meaty pressure or mind games whatsoever. At least sit in their face and backdash if you want to bait reversals. You want to zone them in the corner and mind F*** em. If they like to jump, dashing forward and using HK pre-emptivly or post jump usually works because they jump over you. LK SK is also an OK poke against cr. mk at mid-close ranges, and it also goes under Jump-ins while keeping your forward pressure, if they jump react and HK.
That’s all I can think of period for the Ryu matchup, but its not like half of it matters cuz the ryu was lackluster.
If you have any questions about the lingo I used just PM me as this isn’t the thread for it, I know words like “meaty” and “zoning” aren’t in everyone’s dictionary.
If shawn would ever get some of these videos up from the SBO qualifiers I would love to post them.