well for a long ass time i been wanting to post some of my bison techniques but was just to damn lazy to sit thru the typing.well some of that laziness is gone and ill post a little bit and ill post the rest later.now most of my tactics are set ups for different moves and u guys can post what your strategy’s are too to get this thread alive.
*first off bison is an offensive player and should be played as such.
*c.lk,c.lp,scissors kick should be your go to go move.whenever your fighting and need some time to rethink your strategy kick that out as its seems to have more priority than most short attacks(i stopped sakuras lv3 dragon punch super with this combo.
*now u can add c.mk to the c.lk,c.lp scissor kick combo i just find it easier with the two crouching shorts.
*bisons roundhouse kick is one of th most prioritized moves in the game and also one of the fastest roundhouse kicks.it should be used abusively because its so quick and a few of these will leave opponents dizzy.
*as u all should know RC psychocrusher is a monster mover(i dont use that roll cancel shit though im just posting it.
*the head stomp is a good move for scrubs,but any pro will definately nail u for using it and i only recommend it for a surprise factor in a match.
*scissor kicks/knee pressnightmare isgood for people who like to poke with c.mk’s and sweeps.anticipate the sweep andlet em have it he’ll go over their kick and embarass the fighter.
*ok that was some of the basics here goes the rest.
*a good way to set up all of his moves are in empty jumps.lets say for instance u thrown the opponent from one side of the screen to the other at your at a full screens distance.empty jump from where u are at while charging back and as soon as u land you’ll be in front of the enemy fully charged for anything (preferably psycho crusher or super psycho crushaaaaa!!)when u land the opponent will be blocking and when they see u are landing and not attacking,that split second it takes them to let go blockand try to attack is all u need to deliver the move.shit to make it more damaging hit em with a lvl3 and ill bet they scream “man i was holding block!!” but they wasnt and i call this technique the 1/2 interval.
*actually with bison you’ll be using this technique alot and even though other characters can do it by him bein so quick he does it real good.
*u can use it to repeatedly bash the opponents ribs with rh kicks by varying between mk and round house.and repeated roundhouses will get the opponent dizzy because his kick takes so much damage.just shoot out a mk,wait a split second for them to block and when they try to attack u bam!!roundhouse kick outprioritizes their move.and u can do this repeatedly but after a while people will catch on to it and learn how to stop it.
*c.lp,c.lk,c.lp,c.lk… repeatedly will force an opponent to block low and when they block low unleash a psychobanisher as unknown to many players it has overhead properties and will hit a crouching blocking opponent.
*well thats all i can think of right now and im about to go eat some barcecue and ill post some more shit later.just remember the 1/2 interval technique is a killer and u should go and try it it will really improve your bison game…