Found an interesting reset that will 0-100 most of the cast if it connects.
Requires Full meter, full V-gauge:
J.hp,, EX Bullhead, VT (Start charging a button), c.HP xx bullhorn. (370,528)
(RESET) Dash forward, delay s.HK (CC), walk forward slightly,, s.lp xx mp Bullhead (315, 473 Opponent stunned).
J.hp,, mp Bullhead (Final hit builds last bar of meter) xx Super. (641)
370 + 641 = 1011 Damage. 528 + 473 = 1001 Stun
First time uploading something from PSN so I haven’t trimmed the video well. (I’ll clean it up later and change the link out)
Works anywhere on screen. Kills everyone but Gief/Birdie. Leaves Birdie with only 39hp. Gief does NOT get stunned due to having 1050 stun, so is the only one it’s not going to be useful against.
I have only tested this from 100% hp. Not sure if you start later whether the scaling ramps it up too much. Ryu dummy was set to mash jab on wakeup. Also tested against 3f jabs.
I was experimenting with trying to get more damage out of this, and I can get 1055 by subbing the, s.lp for a after the CC, but this only nets me 976 total stun.
This isn’t a MASSIVELY practical reset, but it’s also not IM-practical either.
You first need full meter AND full V-gauge. Very doable. BUT you also need to land the initial jump HP. That one also isn’t CRAZY hard, BUT you ALSO have to land the Crush Counter after the reset. That one is harder, but still not impossible. Those 3 things individually will happen pretty often, but managing all three effectively at the same time isn’t THAT likely. But it’s also not far fetched given people currently have the MASHJABALLTHETIME penchant.
Not something that I think people should work into their day-to-day games, but it might just clutch you out a round you desperately need.