Bill "Deus" Wellman beats Justin Wong 10-0


freeeeeeeeeeeeeee money

True.Maybe its true but Justin was playing one handed or whatever. Even for a lie, its a bad one. If it was somethjing like “Bill took Justin on some mini tourney” that shit would come out better.

What I wanna know is:

Will EC peeps bet big money on this Bagnus guy against |Justin and Sanford at Evo or will they chicken out again like in the 5 on 5 at ECC? (WC could use Bagnus, but EC couldn’t use Justin, Sanford, Yipes, heck, I think even DSP would be forbidden to play in it)

This is potter:

I don’t understand why no one is believing me when i said that justin lost to bill 10-0. Also, the 1st post(by me) did include a little sarcasm. I guess it was over the heads of many of the geniuses on srk.

I don’t understand how one litle post turns into a fuckass war over stupid shit. People are hating. Plain and simple, no love for Bill.

DSP: I’ll sidebet any amount on bill over you. Yes, any amount. 500+
I don’t think anyone would bet on you, but i’ll definitely cover bill on the 50 and anything else anyone wants to add.

Biggzy: what place did you get at ecc when you went? Nuff said.

ok… potter got 3rd at evo. Who is mixup to talk shit? Guy hasn’t won anything outside of florida. If we’re going to talk white guys using magneto I like jiggabry > mixup


LOL these niggas is silly. Dipset all day everyday. Playing at the break and playing on console is 2 different things. At least dips actually show to these tournies and get love. Theres ppl on THAT coast that go nowhere while we came from cali/az.

thats what im trying to wonder.sounds like someone riding someones dick.

ill answer that for u well as your boy Potter talking stupid saying dip to much on life which is dumb cause im sure everyone here has a life but game as a hobby.which means hes full of it but some people on ec coast have jobs and least marvel players to even think about traveling.

oh why is it only the CA players riding this guy bill nuts.

Biggzy, you just don’t understand. Deus on arcade and Deus on his stick are two totally different people. Not even close. It’s like that nigga goes super saiyan on console.


just spoke to justin and he said he was sandbagging so the hype of east coast vs. west coast drama would increase 10X for EVO!

So do I.

That match is beyond free.

Potter: I obviously didn’t go to ECC this year. I went to ECC9 when there was GOOD fucking comp, and I was able to place top 16. This year, anyone could’ve placed top 16 from the looks of it. So don’t brag about worthless achievements. Nuff said :tup:

Adam Warlock: That may be true. But if he’s only amazing on console and just ok on arcade then I doubt he could hang with the top players.

Sorry guy, but Bill can more than hang with the topest of players. I have admittedly told everyone that has asked who is the better player, and it is Bill by far. Those who played him on console have felt what I have everytime we’ve had a session. =(

He usually works me 40-10. Not 4-1, because 4-1 is random, but he gets a 30 win lead on me, and that is CRAZY. And it’s not like I suck, but he’s just the best console player on earth.

Also, I don’t know if justin was sandbagging. He continued to win the next like 30 in a row on us, after he lost the money match. O_O

<3 <3 <3

But he did ok
so he is third just shut up

arent you gonna play the 1k money match against viscant

marvels too random now so i do beleive it a 12 yr old picks santhrax and has a chance agnst any ordinary msp

i can’t believe this is working :rofl:

but yeah Bill has magical powers. Not just in MvC2 but in CvS2 as well. I got him dizzy in tournament and still lost cuz I couldn’t handle his aura

Bill can block denjin

all i can really say is that anyone who says anything negative should play bill for $100 at mvc2 console… justin couldn’t, who the fuck are you? then play me for $100 at cvs2 unless you are ricky/choi etc :open_mouth:

Bill rhymes with kill