no to flight of the bumblebee, since it’s really hard on piano
yes to rondo beacuse it’s fairly easy
thanks for the compliments
no to flight of the bumblebee, since it’s really hard on piano
yes to rondo beacuse it’s fairly easy
thanks for the compliments
Msp nuff said
your commando must be awesome…
Best team in the game–msp :karate:
MSP=New Age Team Scrub.
Um… no. That team contradicts itself. The commando assist pushes ur opponent back while ur trying to rush. Also the commando assist isn’t that usefull in combos for magnus unless I don’t know of any combos or ur still using tempest combos but that’s kinda pointless. Also the team can’t take a hit… u get hit once then u die. Not to piss u off but u gotta go somewhere with more comp. I can see that team being effective but not quite the top ten teams.
Cable/doom/commando is a very solid team… untill cable dies.
But this team counters any other keep away team (team scrub).
When i said Magnus vs. sent one on one is 4 to 6 i meant point on point with both chars having assists. Ie. Sent/ commando vs magnus/psylock sent wins 6 to 4.
One on one i give it to magnus b/c once magnus gets in u wont move. With unfly i still give it to magnus.
I agree with Golba. I’d take any other Mag/Storm team over that. MSC, MSP, MSS, etc… I just can’t picture Mag/Commando working well, but I’ve heard Justin won a tourney with it or something. But that’s Justin, so…
^^The one that he lost was with Magz/Sent/Commando.
I heard he had Storm instead of Sent.
it was mag/storm/commando
honestly, i think the best team is MSS drones. why??
best DHC’s in the game, each character has at least one good assist, no safe snap in (eg. in MSP you have psylocke), anti rushdown assist, drones always make a team better, meter building + heavy burning from all three characters.
despite the fact that i hated this team at one point, this is by far the best team in the game.
I just can’t get into that team. RP is much easier for me to work with. I’ve seen people like David Lee beast with Mag/Sent-Y, so I know that it is pretty good.
I will say that Storm/Sent-A isn’t that great, though. She’s so much better with drones.