Best team in the game hands down

Ok, just wondering what other people think. Every known team such as MSP MSS Matrix Scrub ect are good. But IMO, I think the best is Matrix, simply because, in every team, storm and sentinel balance it out. Storm and sentinel are the best according to the tier list. As for cyclops, its one of the best along with cammy and ken. I wouldn’t pick ken because he cannot fight alone as good as cammy cyclops.

As for MSS, Row ect teams that have no AAA, yes, you are ahead a character, but you lose a character then your assist gets raped by an invincible AA. True that MSS and those other “non-assist” teams are useful if you are ver skilled, but I find it lots easier to get out of traps zoning ect and do zoning and stuff a lot better. I guess it depends on the player really, IM is very deadly but not against a good storm or mag. Its a little like rock paper scissors, but still, Storm and sentinel is the most balanced duo IMO.

So if sentinel rapes storm and mag, cable rapes sentinel, and storm and mag rapes cable, its hard to decide which 2 gods will give you the win. Of course, mag, just needs one hit to kill you, your assist or your whole team with the GB and resets.

Two teams r very good but don’t know which one is the best. Santhrax is good, but everyone knows that commando alone doesn’t scare neone. Matrix is the same but cyclops can at least fight. He can keep away and turtle to SOB u or ur assist. I still don’t know which team is the best. Used to think that cable was hard to beat, but storm could take care of that problem. I don’t think that sent alone could beat a magneto one on one, imo. Its only cause of the assist that backs up sent that allows him to zone out mags that he can defeat mags. IM i think still can win, but how do u get that hit if mags and storms tri jumps r much faster than urs. They could just turtle or just rush im down. Im unescapable guard break is what ppl fear if he can land that. But of course sent could just beat im all by himself. Would somebody please list the tier ranking or just how u think it should be and why. Interested to know what ppl think. Cammy aaa isn’t as good as it used to be. Not when sent has commando. I sometimes use storm sent cammy but, sent commando or cyke beats sent cammy. What do u think?

Commando is a very good assist if timed right and used properly in a combo, it can do devastating damage. Only problem is, 1, it gets raped by lots of assist (if pulled out at the same time) and 2, it only hits once. Other than that its one of the best.

I still IM has a chance of beating sentinel 1 on 1, as well as cable, 1 on 1 but will get raped by mag and storm. If you’ve seen julius jackson’s IM you’ll see what i mean

But agreed by MOST players, storm+sentinel balance the team out the best.

Cammy will just about beat out anything on the assists but that doesnt do much, you wanna aim for the primary character. Commando cyke ken and cammy all do that well, you use an AA basically to get mags storm off ur ass, and zone sentinel and cable. Cammy is one of the best to be left with. A conrner infinite and a good air combo like mags’ hyper gravxxMT.

In all it rea lly doesnt matter which assist you have, as long as you time it right.

And for mags, strider, IM, BH, and cable players, they are all deadly and they all have a triangle beating each other.

storm+S/D is my anti-scrub. And sentinel+storm can beat that pretty well if you match sentinel against storm and storm with strider.

Santhrax. Close thread immediately.

EDIT: Seriously.

  1. santhrax / storm sent cyke
  2. row / mss-drones
  3. msp

cammy wont beat doom. she bounces off the rocks, then gets hit by them. commando beats cammy. cyclops beats her. ggpo

RE :Commando hitting once isn’t a drawback when you factor in damage scaling, as he does more damage than cyke or cammy.

IM gets beaten by sent WORSE than mag or storm.

cable vs. sent 1v1 is sent’s only bad matchup. and even then… if you don’t get fly crazy, you still win. make sure you have unfly, make sure you can keep cable in block stun. don’t go on top of cable, like you would aginst storm, mag, etc, because of nades, scims, and ahvb. chill, kick back, and spit a while.

edit: i did mean 1v1 bad matchup… storm / clops and cable / clops hurts sent with almost any assist too

Storm and Magneto both beat Sent 1v1. :karate:

EDIT: Wow, your advice is terrible.

What is Sent going to do from full screen against j fp, j viper beams, j grenades, etc? If anything, Sent needs to get directly on top of Cable so he won’t be hit by anything except jumping lp.

Sentinel rapes magneto. Its pretty obvious. Sentinel also has a good chance against storm

Still, I’ve seen good IMs, including justin wong’s raping sentinels everywhere.

But what i do agree on is that sentinel far from cable = loss match.

tell me PLEASE how magneto beats sentinel.

the only ways i’ve ever beaten cable’s with sentinel is getting under his ass. dashing under him while he’s doing all the forementioned shit, and launch him. u go on top, and you get raped by scims, and you can’t stomp beacuse of nades.

One on one, what’s Sent going to do to keep Magneto away? If Sent beats Magneto one on one, then Sent/aaa beats Magneto/any assist 9679634487645-0.

Sentinel can only do so much before either:

  1. Magneto finds his way right underneath Sentinel, where he can sj and infinite for free
  2. Sent gets caught grounded, and gets crossed somehow into infinite.

That may be the only way YOU’VE beaten Cable, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the way it’s supposed to be done, is it?

Get right on top of Cable and proceed to stomp the shit out of him. If you have unfly, even better. Let’s say he does Scimitar you, maybe even a few times. Its only a matter of time before you unfly and block one of those scimitars [they only do like what, 15 damage or something?] and then dash forward, lk lk rocket punch HSF.

And if you’re right on top of Sent and you’re getting hit by grenades, you are doing something wrong. Those things take hella long to come out.

Keep in mind we’re talking 1v1.

about magneto… there’s little magneto can do to sentinel fly back except get hit by frying pans. even some good magneto’s, like khameleon’s, sanford’s, etc., i see have hard times getting in on sentinel with or without an assist, just when the sentinel is flying backwards throwing pans out.

about cable… wait for him to do j.hp xx vb. get hit by the vb (if you dont’ have unfly already…). get over the range of fire, unfly, land, get under him, launch. that’s how i’ve beaten cables with sentinel. that’s the only thing i find that works. (mind you, i’m not talking against local cade scrubs… strangely, i lose to them more than i lose to top players… low tier strats are like wtf)

I don’t know who the fuck “khameleon” is, but I know Sanford’s Magneto isn’t going to lose to fly back fierce for 99 seconds. Neither will Justin’s, neither will Mixup’s, neither will Soo’s, neither will Row’s, etc. Do you want me to keep going?

We seem to be talking about two different levels of play. You’re on some of that mid-tier game, whereas I’m talking top-player status. You and I both damn well know that Sentinel is going to do more than fly back frying pan. There’s way more to Sent’s game than that, even if it’s 1v1. Just like there’s more to Magneto’s game than you may be letting on.

sj EM disruptor, empty air dashes, empty dashes. All safe from frying pan, all help your positioning against Sentinel. Eventually you can pressure Sent to the corner without taking damage [except for frying pan chip, which is pretty much unavoidable]. Once you have corner advantage, have fun. The key here is keeping Sent from flying/sjing over you, to start the process over again. Catch him with a sj. lk, or a sj fp, just catch him with something. He doesn’t have an assist. From directly underneath, you don’t have anything to worry about except for Sent’s jumping jab. And even from above, coming down with repeated sj hp, hk is relatively safe since Sent doesn’t have an AAA.

“Dash underneath and launch?” That’s your strategy against “top player” Cables? Here, maybe this will help:

I could care less about Cable strats. That’s not my area of expertise. But Sent beating Magneto 1v1, especially with tactics listed in your post? I don’t think so. I’d give Sanford and “Khameleon” a little more credit than that.

It’s the best. Don’t deny it. :pleased:

khameleon’s leader of the decepticons… last time i saw him play sanford, they were going match for match… he was keeping up with sanford… i think at the last CTF tournie, he came in second. not sure.

and you’re right. i don’t play on a competitive level. i haven’t in over a year

:nunchuck: I cannot deny :pray:

Stop with the fucking theory fighter. None of those characters get raped automatically due to their matchups. It’s all dependent on the player. Row’s Cable shoots EVERYONE, Sanford fights Cable with ease, and there’s a ton of smart Magneto players that kick Sentinel’s ass. And how does Sentinel rape Storm if she’s the best character in the game?

One-hit kill with Magneto? Bullshit, I’ve heard that so many times and it’s simply not true. People don’t get the GB everytime, they get reset-happy and lose, etc…

Team Row DOES have an AAA.

As for the best team, it’s either going to be Santhrax or Matrix, obviously. I’d say it’s dependent on your opponents’ team. Cyke cuts through a lot of shit, like Tron, but like everyone knows, Sent/Capcom is just devastating.

When it comes to Sanford’s Magnus u gotta understand that he has a nasty Sent, so he knows how to fight against a sent player when he knows Sent like the back of his hand. When its one on one its allabout priority timing, that shit will make or break you. IMO its an even battle until sent gets Unfly then Magnus just has to try to play safe and make Sent waste his unfly.

Even without unfly i give 6 to 4 sent over mags.

I just scanned through the replies, but imo the best team is whoever is behind the team. I don’t think there is a best team.