Best team in the game hands down

Word. It does depend on the assists but yeah. Magz usually doesn’t stand a chance unless he’s backed up by psy or cyke though. When’s the last time you saw Mag/Sent beat Sent/commando or Sent/Cyke?(Assuming both players are of equal ,or close to it, skill.)

Wow, that’s true. I just scanned through all my videos and couldn’t seem to find a match where a Mag/Sent-RP player beat a Sent/AA player. There were some close matches, but Storm always pulled through if I remember correctly…

6 vs 4 to Sent? One on one? Wtf?

i think the best is cable/doom/commando

try to beat it, by the time you get a clean hit on cable you already lost like half your energy to chip, then you gotta pray you don’t mess up

Superjump and block owns this team. It only beats people with no nerve.

edit: Also playing this team MSH Spiderman style wins (dashing in and jumping with lotsa hits repeatedly). The point is, once Cable dies, you die.

if i dash in and jump with a lot of hits doom will hit me then i get AHVB’ed off of the rocks

if i superjump and block i just eat chip from cable all day

but yea once you kill cable you’re good

Exactly wat im thinking. First off im giving sent the benefit of the doubt by making it a even match. But really its in Magz favor he can just rush that shit. Also ppl before u reply to anything we were talking about Sent vs Magz 1 on 1. No unfly is in Magz favor, with unfly its in Sents simple as that.

I don’t think you have (going by your post about storms Inf on sent). Your a troll :slight_smile:

I don’t think its the best team, but sjump and block get you killed by chip damage (if you only sj back). And, even if you’re just trying to sj and maybe falling with a unexpected hit, the advantage is with Cable, that can dash/wavedash all under you (probably the only situation where it is hard to block something coming from Cable).

Cable/Doom/Commando makes a pretty good Cable. But IMO, not a top team.

For magneto, yes, its true, wpng and sanford and everyone else should agree. Why not? So you use the most uncommon reset, which i find to be inf…dash around tri jump hk launch hk ad df inf…just about 2 or 3 of those would kill.

So team row does have an AA, but if you use it, you risk the advantage of being ahead a character.

Uh, why wouldn’t you want to be ahead a character? I think you mean behind a character. Anyway, you’ve just got to learn how to use that AAA. I know it’s not great, but it gets the job done. Also, I’ve seen a couple of cool combos with Sent/Cable AAA done by RowTron. You can’t spam it, but it can be effective and frustrating for your opponent. It just sucks to get hit by for some reason IMO. lol

I’ve seen a lot of matches from the top Magneto players like Taiji, Mixup, Soo, Justin, RowTron, JMar, Bin Laden, Josh Wigfall, etc… The only things that I’ve seen that are really damaging without resets that actually do kill a character are simple things: consecutive triple fierce combos off Sent-Rp, Mag/Tron, infinite to unmashable, etc…

I’m not saying that resets aren’t effective, because I know they are and an excellent one is deadly. What I am saying is that one-hit with Magneto does not equal a dead character, although it may. People fuck up. It’s as simple as that.

All u need is a strong setup, ROM till 45 then unmashable(wit psy or sent-RP). That my friend leads to a dead character, if u cant ROM by now give up on Magz…
P.S - Team Row still sucks balls… ,I,(0_o),I,

Dude, I can ROM my ass off all day. It’s not hard, and I agree, if you can’t do that, give up with Mags.

Team Row is good, really good. It’s so balanced. It’s a 3 character team, and I like that. I guess you just have a decent Cable to use the team effectively.

Also, I think ROM to 20 or so is more realistic. I really doubt most people are gonna get a 45-hit infinite off every setup with Magneto.

I dont like Row causew cable ets rushed for free regardless of how good ur cable is. He has no anti-air and assuming u have sent on RP u have no drones to use as anti-crossup…

ROM’ing Is THE EASIEST damn shiz to do… like yall said if u cant do roms after a week or so just go home. now…

IMO: The Best Team is Magneto Storm Commando… ive got combos that are unmashable that do instant 40% damage…ive got combos that do 60% pretty damn quickly (little harder to pull off) ive got combos that do 100+% damage with only ONE reset (easier to do thatn 60’s but of course u can block) bla bla bla i could go on

If your smart with commando then he will not die…

ROM to 45 is easy… i NEVER mess up on ROM’ing unless i attempt a reset… hell i could rom with a blindfold and earplugs on…and im sure many of you mag’s out there agree…

Someone said no one fears commando… psh… havent played me then…

my commando can wipe out sentinals 1v1 or even with an assist… its called knowing his INVINCIBLITY combos using spark and his supers… its called using LIGHT spark effectively and intelligently (tricky). triangle jumping on commando is useless… of course im sure some of you will go bla bla bla ur no one we dont know you… of course sure… go ahead… i play at one place: James’ Games in Ontario… small place… usually every friday or saturday… im the guy with glasses and my team is always Mag/Storm/CapCom… if u can beat me then ur pretty good. i admit it. but u will know the pain of my commando combos. hoo ha! (Think of the movie Scent of a Women with Al Pacino.) :clap: :clap: :badboy:

what’s with all the fucktards?

No idea…

Forget everything I said about resets. One-hit kills with Magneto are there, I guess I just suck. Still, I love that damn rocket punch. Man, I just never really noticed some of the shit I or other players do, like triple fierce off rp then sj and ad down, another triple fierce combo. Dead character right there. Wow, you guys were right…

I’ve seen your website…i didnt know you’re a music student. By the way, have you played about Flight of the Bumble Bee (or whatever), or Rondo Alla Turca by Mozart?

Nice Keyboard, and also guitars too…

