Best SBO USA qualifiers ever imo…2008…when actual hype and rivalry existed…the hate at this event was intense…my old girlfriend even turned against me!
If you thought that was hype, you should’ve came out to one of these ^^
This would’ve been the true heat and rivalry. Chinatown Fair vs Denjin
"Pyrolee? PyroFREE"
i personally liked the year you and frank waxed everyone in tx for the spot. but of course the best usa moment is a tie between kokujin coming up to frank after casuals in japan and damn near apologizing to frank at how bad he is / and the all in sa3 activate off throw techby u, all in chun super to parry exhibition…ironically less talked about than wozzler vs daigo, console, half screen parry =]
Most iconic moment was Pyro talking mad shit about how the rest of the US wasn’t seein FFA, and then goin to Texas quals with Frankie and proving it. The amount of salt from the EC was legendary.
I remember there was this SBO qualifier trailer many years ago that looked really hype but the actual video never came as far as I know.
The only thing I remember from the trailer is Chun throwing Ryu out of a Denjin setup.
Anyone know what happened with that video?
This thread makes me hope that the SBO corpo team gets their shit together soon, so Japan can have their FG Super Bowl back, and the hype can overflow, once again