Best MODOK teams for top tier play


MODOK can use rapid slash in combo extensions. It can just be a little tricky to use. And you can always use Doom.

Strange works there as well

Modok/Vergil doesn’t have strong enough synergy for a mid/anchor shell IMO, might as well just slap Doom in instead of Dok and have a much much stronger team

I disagree, honestly I think DOK vs Doom depends on playstyle. I personally like DOK vs DOOM a lot. Dok has some really nasty incoming with rapid slash and solid combos as well. Comboing off rapid slash I don’t find to be much of a chore either.

Nova/DOK/Vergil is mad solid.

Nova/DOK/Strange has more team synergy overall though and just as solid but…strange.

If you dare…

Nova/DOK/Coon while DOK doesn’t have the BEST DHC synergy with COON per say log trap + DOK is amazing, you’d have to learn f+H less optimized combos/infinites to make it work. My friend plays Joe/DOK/Coon just to piss us off with slow miserable deaths but that assist for characters with good defense?



I’m curious about using Doom Rocks for MODOK as a “get off me” assist for the start of the round. Can it work in certain cases?

Generally, I’ve found plasma beam to be a better get off me for Dok, as well as being far more useful in combos. Doom comes out so far back that he is decently safe to call, and it scales HSD much, much less than rocks does, which is important for Dok. I’d say just try it out and see if you like it though, but expect to have to cut your combos a lot shorter to combo into wallbounce with consistency with it unless you have another combo assist available.

Didn’t mean to necro this quote but I’ve revitalized my marvel interest and am looking at optimizing my modok/xxx/doom team. I posted something similar in the ultimate team thread but wanted to take it here as I know everyone here is widely experienced with modok teams.

Keep in mind that I’m also building a fb/doom/xx team so that may explain some choices
I’m leaning towards

Super Skrull - mainly for my fb team. Does he offer anything for a modok/doom shell?

Amaterasu - I like having the doom/ammy shell in the back although I have little ammy experience. What does the dog offer the shell?

Dormammu - Modok/Dorm/Doom is a fairly strong shell and I’ve played Dorm in the past. Have u come up with a true unblockable incoming setup that can’t be pushblocked? I used to exploit thAt setup for a long time till people caught on and would push block the stalking flare so that they would delay their landing on the slime.

Strange - I can’t play this guy but am willing to learn if he is significantly a better pickup than dorm. Experience tells me the advantage is not that great. However I’m open to persuasion.

Any other options I may have missed? Sentinel? Morrigan?

I don’t think Skrull adds anything really to a point modok team. Ammy, Dorm, and Strange all are good options, but I’d say that Dorm would probably work best for you, since you have past experience with him. There is no true unblockable incoming setup that can’t be pushblocked simply due to how pushblocking works. However, you can always setup an air grab into unblockable setup in those cases. You can mess around with something like the following too.

cr.M, M cube, grounded aduf, adf, j.H/grab

That sequence will air grab on M cube pushblock and you can a quick low into high on block. You can throw in the assist to make things safer. If your reactions are good enough, you can try the following.

cr.M, M cube, grounded aduf, adf, react

  • on hit: j.LM, st.L, cr.M, etc
  • on block: j.L for an unblockable
  • on pushblock: j.H for a grab

It’s been a long time since I’ve labbed that out, but my reactions weren’t good enough then. However, you do have more time than you think to react.

Thanks. I would love to learn de strange but the time commitment just isn’t there. In between learning firebrand unblockables, all the doom infinites etc not sure if I can add the complexities of strange to my plate at this time.

Will stick with dorm he was always as strong second

Dok/Doom/Skull is fun, some sick cube combos and setups with incoming missiles/tenderizer. Its tougher to kill more durable characters but jam setups all day. If you find yourself if Doom/Skrull?

Sphere flame dhc torch cancel to force a mixup and a better shell. By default it’s a team that keeps Dok alive longer due to Skrull snaps.

Great theme team too lol. 3 old school Marvel bad guys.

Yeah it was one of my early teams. Dok/Skrull/Doom is safer though.

U mentioned dok/haggar/doom. What would be an ideal Dok situation with that team? There aren’t really safe dhcseither. Also would u use barrier or bomb?

As someone recently super interested and enjoying MODOK thus I was curious what deadpool give modok. I would like to add him to my comp, but I am curious what are the strengths and weakness of the team (MODOK, Deadpool, Doom)?