Best Looking Super In Marvel 3?

Thor’s Might Punish then Chaotic Flame is a close second. I love the fire effects for the move.

I like Akuma’s Level 3.

I like X-23’s Weapon X

Magneto’s Gravity Squeeze (“YOU ARE DEFEATED!”)
Iron Man’s Iron Avenger

This game is OVER! :mad:

I love Skrull´s lvl 3… but a big part of it is how it sounds, Skrull sounds so insane shouting DIE DIE DIE.

From looks alone, Dormammu, Ironman and Wolverine lvl 3s are probably my favorites


Dr. Dooms level 3 is by far the sickest in the game and it isn’t even close.

Okami shuffle is number 1 for me for full screen elements of fire, ice, thunder and I love that sound it makes when it activates. It was an appropriate super for Amaterasu because it is Godlike.

Viewtiful Joe mach speed

Arthurs Gold armor and fire dragon.

How come the short guys get the pretty supers? lol

Sadly this entire thread will be invalidated whe-CHAOS DIMENSION!

Iron Avenger, Weapon X and Dark Dimension are my personal favourites.