Best Gaming laptop under $1000 and best fIghtpad for pc?

The Gaming Laptop
I’m going to purchase a gaming laptop for under $1000 so I can play SFV. I have this one in mind:

Does anyone have any better recommendations?

The fightpad

I want to get a good quality fightpad for my laptop. Not a joystick. Does anyone know what the best options are?

Why would you not just buy a PS4 if its for one game?

Because it’s about time to replace the old laptop I have, so I want to shoryuken two birds with one stone.

Asus Rog G751JY (you want the 24 gb+ ram version)
Hori Fighting Commander

To OP: Steam is fully compatible with DS4’s now if you already use that. XB360/XB1 pads, DS3 from everyday use they same to be buit to last. I have the HFC and HFC4 which are great but since they’re rarely used I can’t say of their d-pads will last as long as OEM pads. Brooks adapters to use older OEM pads as well…

Use what works best for you just stay away from the PS3/4 MK pads & MCZ’s first SFV pads a lot of broken ones there are.

Thx. I was all excited to get the hori commander but I’ve read multiple reviews saying they fail after a couple months. The dpad just stops responding and then the buttons too. I think I’ll have to stick with the DS4.

As long as it got as dedicated Graphics card, you are doing ok.

SFV’s System Requirements, direct from Steam.
Under $1000 for recommended specs is a pipe dream (for a laptop).
Minimum specs will have you turning down graphics settings like mad.
Good luck.

According to gpuboss the gtx 1050 is just above the 960 in terms of power so looking for a laptop with that might be your best bet. I saw a few on with a 1050 between $1029-$1099. This was the cheapest I saw on amazon.

As for the controller you could always use the default DS4. You are able to use DS4 windows or whatever other program to emulate it as a 360 controller and have it work for SF5.

EDIT: Also remembered that now with Big picture mode you can use a DS4 completely natively and have it work with Steam. So you wouldn’t even need to use another program.

i use a similar desktop build with a 960 and an i5 3570k and i am able to run sfv fine. one thing you have to keep in mind with laptops is the constant issue with thermal and power throttling. a normal desktop will have a power supply ranging from 450 to 700 watts but a laptop will be limited to the 150ish watts provided by the power brick. with the gpu and cpu a high load you will see a performance decrease because of the limited power available to each.

thermal throttling is also a big issue with laptop gpus. as the gpu nears 80c the performance will take a hit as the clock speed throttles in an effort to cool down. playing enough games at high temps will eventually lead to the thermal paste wearing away. you will have to open up the laptop chassis to renew it or face eventual heat damage to the gpu.

i would implore you to explore other options. a solid desktop build at the same price would outperform the original laptop listed and not have the same issues with throttling. depending on the specs of your old laptop you may be able to jimmy up an external card setup via either the pci express or thunderbolt connection if you’re lucky enough to have one. a gaming laptop is almost always a bad idea unless your profession demands that you be on the go 24/7 (i.e. traveling sales, consulting type positions).

I’ve been thinking about this. It’s way over 1k but I might save up more so I can get the Razer Blade Stealth ultrabook with the Razer Core. The Stealth just has intel graphics. But the Core is an external GPU that hooks up to the Stealth via thunderbolt. So I get the full gpu experience without taxing the laptop. Only problem is the hefty price tag.

Razer Core is a wonderful idea. Problem is, they’re harder to spot than Bigfoot. I had mentioned this in a meeting I had with Razer engineers last year and they (nervously) laughed.

If the primary reason for getting a laptop is gaming, then you seriously need to consider a desktop. Parts are cheaper and interchangable/upgradable. Aside from this, you can actually choose the display panel you use to play. This is arguably THE MOST important aspect of play, particularly when it comes to fighting games. Laptop manufacturers commonly use a multitude of panels in their models (even gaming models), with varying levels of pixel response and input lag times.

If your primary goal is just to rock SFV, I’d just get a cheap laptop and a PS4. It’s the tournament standard, and a helluva lot cheaper in the long run (aside from annual PSN gouging). Mind you, this is coming from a (almost exclusively) PC gamer.

sometimes i forget that not all of the FGC is poverty. i can’t tell a man what to do with his own earned money. but like jopamo says, the display is very important when it comes to competitive gaming. even linus from linustechtips has noticed lag on razer blades.

you may be able to get some life out of your old laptop. games like sfv aren’t so cpu dependent. i myself just recently bought an external PCI x16 adapter. there are more tried and tested adapters out there but i’m cheap as hell.

it’s supposed to let you connect a desktop GPU to a laptop via the pci express slot, usually reserved for the wifi card. i’ll post some testing results here when it comes in from china. here’s hoping i don’t fry my (old) gpu and laptop.

For science! Never heard of the work around before. Will your external desktop card have enough power or will it need an external psu as well?

NEVER skimp on your laptop. Save more if you can.

One of the few laptops I’ve seen that handles things is my friend’s. Fucker weights like 15 pounds lol.

PCIe to USB? Gah… with USB 3.0 only supporting a max of 625MB/s that thing’s gotta bottleneck throughput like a mofo!

You could rock a PCIe 1.0 or 2.0 card, but only up to (BIG MAYBE) x4 (on 1.0).

There’s another adapter for around 35 usd that comes with a power brick plug in. But I think I remember the guy in the YouTube video still using an external psu because the desktop card still wouldn’t power on correctly with the brick alone, so I have an extra psu handy for when it comes in.

The other adapter I saw was using an hdmi looking cable for the pcie end but wasn’t using hdmi 2.0 for transfer. So I think it’s just some Chinese engineers being creative. My plan is to run a Gtx 660 but if it doesn’t work I won’t be too upset. It’s only 6 dollars.

It looks like Alienware is also using pcie with a proprietary connection for its external graphics card solution. It can still be a viable option for lower end cards

The New Dell Inspiron 7000 Gaming 15" is pretty good:

Has a GTX 1050 and starts at 800USD, even cheaper when on sale. You also have the option to pay a little more for a 1050Ti.

FWIW, I have a 2014 Lenovo Y50 with GTX860M and can play SFV at 60FPS @ 1080 (can’t remember my settings off the top of my head, but I didn’t need to downgrade too many graphic options) so any 2017 laptop with a 1050/1060 should be able to handle your requirements without an issue.

Yeah, the $899 one would be perfect for @learis1 's needs. GTX 1050ti crunches 1080p quite well, with headroom for more taxing games as needed.
if you can afford the ssd version it will be worth it for the quicker performance. I have the older G551 with the 960M. Runs SFV ok on 1080p default settings. But it runs perfect on 720p with high settings. Honestly I cant even tell the difference with the resolution lower. The newer one linked above has a 1050 so it should be able to handle 1080p much better than mine.