Wait so since I call myself a fraud then am I not really a fraud because I know I’m a fraud? BBH never claimed to be good at marvel so is he technically not a fraud?
I play one of the most fraudulent characters in SFxT so… nope
Ok so I’m a fraud because I get bodied by bbh and he’s not even good at the game.
Yugo is a fraud because he can’t beat me and got bodied by sam using phoenix wright.
Sam is a fraud because its not marvel 2 and 10 years ago.
Simon is a fraud because he never plays anything anymore.
Chris is a fraud because he let sam steal his money.
Kevin is a fraud because he’s white and white people suck at video games.
T-bone is a fraud because he lost to rocket raccoon.
Ross is a fraud because he uses rocket raccoon.
Jetay is a fraud because he lives in salem now.
Ronnicle is a fraud because jetay bodies him and he’s white and he lives in salem.
Best bout beatdown was fraudulent because top 3 in sfxt was all white people and marvel had 2 white people.
Slash don’t forget to tag my videos with the most racist man in oregon. That will likely get more searches than 1TruKing. I suppose you can tag 1TruKing too.
Can we just call you el asesino negro from now on? Or is that not hardcore enough?
if you say so marty
Best Bout Beatdown 11 Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition v.2012 Results
Bracket: http://khaosgaming.challonge.com/bbb11_aprae2012
1: LordBBH
2: Fatbear
3: Kwyjibo
4: Hoangief
5: CPR
5: Phanther
7: PDX Jive
7: FullMetalRoss
9: G_Effect
9: Beboped
9: Bimmy
9: Foos
13: OMNE
13: TJ
13: Taziri
13: TBone
17: Brennen
17: Slappy
Best Bout Beatdown 11 Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Results
Bracket: http://khaosgaming.challonge.com/bbb11_aprumvc3
1: 1TruKing
2: Yugo
3: Chocomuffins
4: FullMetalRoss
5: TBone
5: TJ
7: LordBBH
7: CPR
9: JediNoah
9: Foos
9: Bimmy
9: Eternal Blaze
13: Moustashe Massacre
Best Bout Beatdown 11 The King of Fighters 13 Results
Bracket: http://khaosgaming.challonge.com/bbb11_aprkof
1: LordBBH
2: Daniel T
3: Darwin
4: Eternal Blaze
5: FullMetalRoss
5: Kwyjibo
Best Bout Beatdown 11 Street Fighter X Tekken Results
Bracket: http://khaosgaming.challonge.com/bbb11_aprsfxt
1: LordBBH
2: Yzae B
3: Zony
4: Shawlong
5: Yangsing
5: Geesemaster
7: Eternal Blaze
7: MetsuMatt
9: FullMetalRoss
9: PDX Jive
9: Chocomuffins
13: Bimmy
13: Taziri
Best Bout Beatdown 11 Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion Results
Bracket: http://khaosgaming.challonge.com/bb11_aprt6
1: Geesemaster
2: Darwin
3: TJ
4: Bimmy
5: Eternal Blaze
Best Bout Beatdown 11 Soul Calibur V Results
Bracket: http://khaosgaming.challonge.com/bbb11_aprscv
1: Brennen
3: Tyler
4: TJ
5: Bebopped
5: Slash
7: Zony
TwitchTV VOD: http://www.twitch.tv/teamkhaos/b/314271960
Youtube Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF1A62D908A99F704
Damn I wasted time watching umvc3 WF…
Just posted the youtube playlist up. Tell everyone and share! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF1A62D908A99F704
I hope someday I can make it out there. On my weekends I just get lazy and don’t want to go anywhere. Just play online while I solder and dremel things. Looks like fun. The completion looks intimidating though.
Welcome to the club. I’m gonna try to come out for casuals on Friday just to get a couple matches in and hopefully learn something but I have been procrastinating big time.
It’s kind of one of those things where you have to examine why you play. You should always have fun doing it, that’s a given. Do you want to improve? Do you want to be a part of a community? Are you happy just with online or do you want to be a competitor? I found myself examining these things when I returned to fighting games, here is what I found for myself:
Does it have to be fun: Yes
Do I want to improve: Yes
Do I want to be part of a community: Yes
Am I content with online or my small circle of friends? No
Do I want to be a competitor? Yes
If you find yourself dedicating a lot of time playing online (or with your small group of friends) and truly wanting to improve beyond where you are at, connecting with the larger group and schooling with new people is the way to go. Online truly will only take you so far. The other thing is if you are looking to meet new players and chill people the fighting game community is pretty social. If you find yourself interacting a lot with players online, you might as well meet the crew in person : )
What a lot of newer players don’t realize is how important they are to the scene. It can appear tough stepping into a scene where a lot of people you don’t know might be better than you, but the reality is that the new players coming in keep the scene alive and fresh. They’re the ones that are going to carry the torch eventually, and as much as I have respect for the OG’s holding it down (cough BBH cough Fatbear) they aren’t going to be around forever, the new peeps are the ones that are going to continue the scene. So it really shouldn’t be too intimidating to step into the scene (as everyone is nice and welcoming save a few online trolls ; ) but more the older more experienced players are happy to see new interest and people. Bunch of the people here talk on a regular basis about how to bring new people in and not scare them off. New players mean a future for our scene.
Cruise on down to Best Bout when you can, meet the local crew and get some games in! Sure the skill level might be higher (though the skill level does run the gauntlet), but guaranteed you will improve by playing the in house players. Think of Best Bout as a lab, and during tournaments an arena. Hell, if you just want to meet good peeps and have a few games for fun Best Bout is good to check out. Trust me, you won’t be the only new peeps there either. It’s all about having fun, meeting chill people and leveling up.
You guys…seriously. Take it to PM.
You guys… Talk to the elder if you want this to stop.
I’m telling both of you, I don’t care who started it or whos involved.
Already told both of you.
Ok, so after two successful rantbats we are gearing up for Ranbats 3.0. Now that we have two days open for fighting games, we need to decide which day to have ranbats. What do you guys think? The poll is here;
It will be $1 buy ins per game, so there is something on the line and some reward.
No facebook so i’ll vote here. Tuesday and raise entry to $2
I say $2+
As it is a season, all payout would be at the end of the season, basically to promote people staying in the ranbats to the end.