IMO, the best 2 BH players of all time are Samnang, Stiltman [hard for me to say which is better I think Stilt is but I don’t care right now…], and third is probably Alex Valle. Stiltman uses a better team structure in BH-Sent-Capcom, than Samnang who uses Mags-BH-Cyc. These 2 players use completely different styles of play.
Samnanag uses Mags-Cyc, rom infinites, resets you, then launches you with BH, h[p/k] you down into the inferno, then does a tempest. You die. If you don’t die, Magneto can attack more times, then airdash up with more hits and go Tempest Armageddon. At that height it acts more like a framecancell meaning it is still a combo, meaning he’s just killed or done 95% damage to you. Also, if Magneto dies, BH can probably triple as many times as he wants and it will combo. There are all kinds of tag combos either way, and safe DHCs that allow for character order changes in this team.
Samnang won Canada’s biggest fighting game championship twice with this team and finished 9th this year, so this is why I view him as one of the best Blackhearts of all time.
Now for Stiltman…
Stiltman has found a way to neutralize BH’s biggest vulnerability; getting raped by Cable. I can say that, but only upto a certain point. He does it by rushing Cable down, chasing him into the corner, using Capcom to keep him there, and then destroying him off 2 levels with a DHC into Sentinel. Most players can’t say that. Another thing is that most players with Blackheart totally suck, abuse, or misuse certain things in circumstances they shouldn’t on a chronic persistent basis. What I see in Stiltman is a minimization of use. He doesen’t do alot.
Stiltman finished top 25 at Evo 2 years ago, and has been consistently finishing real high with his BH teams for years in Seattle. Seattle used to be one of the biggest hot-spots in Marvel and spawned many national championship finalists like Jmar, Kuan, and Rowtron.
Let’s compare Mikeheart’s 2 matches to this…
It’s obvious that on some levels his Blackheart knows what it’s doing, but on other levels, it doesen’t.
Match 1:
I won’t give a full breakdown on the first match. He didn’t want to start Cammy, and got raped partially because he did. He probably got flustered, taken out of his mindset, and just plain taken out. I can tell because the Doom/Cammy player was making all kinds of mistakes that are abnormal for a Doom to make after that point and Cammy on point was a non-factor. I heard a “What the hell” when he saw he had Cammy first. The good part though, is Mike has exceptional use of Blackheart’s pokes. I haven’t seen many Blackhearts that are anywhere near this good in this category. In fact, I’ve only seen 1 [I think it was a Montreal player. Either Samnang or Blackestheart…]
Match 2
This no offence was a comedy of errors. Using InfernoXXHOD is a very bad idea on Cable mid-screen. It’s so difficult to superjump cancell Blackheart’s ground dash you have to literally view it as impossible. Since I didn’t see it superjump cancelled, and the cable had meter, you were literally asking to get shot for that one. Also, some Cables can AHVB BEFORE the HOD hits, and fry Cable AND Doom simultaniously. I personally have AHVB’d in the MIDDLE of HOD in the past by guardpushing in the air knowing full well that I can fry his ground dash afterwards. Don’t ever do that again unless the Cable has no meter at all because that is very, VERY dangerous.
The only time EVER that this is recommended is if the Cable is sandwitched between the corner and Doom [kinda like when you have your worst enemy’s mom sandwitched between you and your best friend]. Okay, on with the breakdown.
The Cable vs BH part was both really good [lots of trap escapes, nice demon punish vs Cable’s handgun, superjumping hk timed so well it disrupted Cable’s patterns, etc…] and really BAD [too many Inferno xx HOD, using attacking Doom with Cable just out of reach were he might AHVB your limbs,]. Even I learned some cool stuff watching it, so, I complement the BH player for that.
IF you had Capcom AA and used it in the combo instead of Cammy, both his Cable and his Doom would have died right there when they were bouncing. Fortunately for Cable that didn’t occur. Fortunately for Blackheart, Cable didn’t try to AHVB BH’s limbs while he was hitting Doom as he flew back. [of course, seeing that Cable escaped, the BH could superjump cancell the mk and try to get over Cable…]
Also, when Cable was bouncing, you should have tagged in Sentinel, and did rocketpunch, HSF, Dash, launch, then Air combo. This means you can potentially have killed the character right there.
Opportunites like these aren’t going to be passed up on for big damage by Dasrik, Stiltman, Alex Valle, etc… Now, since I mentioned these combos to you, these are the kind of things that would be easy for the best players in the world that are BH specialists to do.
Again, I say this. Your smart and excellent use of BH’s pokes is virtually unrivalled. Mags was lucky to walk away from that alive. When he did the HOD, I bet he was actually planning to inferno XX HOD and the inferno failed to come out. Had that came out, he would have lost Magneto right there no matter what. He was moving forwards, so the odds of him eating it were much higher. Hand the inferno been dodged, the HOD would be under him, or under Blackheart and in either case, Magneto would have died to chip. He’d have to block the inferno, guardpush it, then airdash away from it [and Blackheart would probably attack him again, or waste more time [and with the command he has over the pokes, Magneto as well…]. Also, he should have guardpushed the tempest so that Magneto couldn’t advance and regain the initiative while he was pinned in the corner at the very end.
Basically, I’ll probably be using Video Downloader to take one or both of the matches for myself, but since I’m sure this wasn’t a tournament match, and I do not know what you’ve accomplished in a tournament with him, there’s no way I can even come close to saying you have the world’s best BH.
I will say this though. You’re beginning to get somewhere with Blackheart. Keep going, and keep on playing him. Who knows, you might shock the world someday and win something big with Blackheart.