"BEST BIPSON!" - Dictator Match-Ups

rogs ex dash punch is too fast for SK he’ll punch ya before u get the second hit.

Not always. But yeah I know what your talking about for sure. But thats why you PC if you think an EX Dashpunch is coming.

Nowdays I have started using st. hp for antiair, and it’s really worked wonders for me, so i just thought i’d throw that bit of advice out there for you guys. My personal rule of thumb is that if there is something that usually beats st.hk, s.hp is a great answer and even if it trades, it is almost always in your favor. It is especially useful against those downward angle jumpins that hit the middle of bison’s extended limb of st. hk. I’m talking about well timed dive kicks (rufus or cammy), sakura j. hk, ryu j. hk, zangief j. hp, etc. It is slow, yes, but not as slow as cr. hp and is a great tool to beat out most of the stuff that gives st. hk a run for its money.


how did andyocr do an ex psycho on justin blocking that close and not cross over into the corner? he didn’t use fadc.

Against some chars the EX PC doesn’t switch sides on block, I noticed this when I played against claw and Dudley, no special trick involved.

Street Fighter 4. For real, it just happens sometimes.

When I do the anti-air Devil Hand, and then do the c.MP, which is the best PC to use for the cross up? I’ve been using the light punch version, but I was wondering if Medium or Heavy would be better.

The medium works as well. I prefer using medium because you get farther away from your knocked down opponent. Use light PC if the opponent doesn’t get up way too quickly. I think heavy PC whiffs sometimes. Not sure.

So now that I have learned on how to deal with Dhalsim and Balrog, my 2 new problem characters for my Bison are Honda and Dee Jay. I can beat Dee Jay on a good day but no matter what I do 75% of the time honda beats me. :mad:

Heres a pretty detailed writeup i did earlier in this thread for honda:


The only thing i’d like to add to that now is that nj. mk is a good antiair answer to his j. hp and j. hk


Apparently Ken has an unblockable (but not unavoidable) j.FP setup.

Still plenty of escape options, albiet at the cost of EX-meter but it’s nothing entirely new tbh.

tonylew84, I must commend you for such a great sticky. This information has helped me out very much.

TY! I’m glad people are benefiting from this at any level possible!

It’s a little stuck in a limbo for some match ups because nothing news being put in. :smiley:

This just in:

Fuck cammy.

that is all.

Small updates to Zangief and Guy.

I was playing a Guile and his c.mp kept beating my c.lk when I tried a SK loop. Is this because my timing was off or is this the norm with Guile?

You’re either doing the c.LK a bit late it seems.

Yeah I didn’t think a mp would beat a lk. I missed it twice in a row and hadn’t missed all day so I figured maybe it beats it.

Can someone who understands the Cammy match up please let me know why it’s listed as 6-4 for Bison? I can think of many reasons that the match is not in Bison’s favor.
She’s hard to AA on reaction, her jumping normals beat yours, her spiral arrow beats your scissor kick, TKCS trades with ex psycho, option select on any teleport away and her DP beats headstomp and devils reverse.
She can also near full screen hit your reverse with her ultra on reaction. It’s also incredibly hard to pressure Cammy, because of the DP scare (and the fact they nearly always have cancel meter) and if you’re baiting DPs fly over you and reset your charge.
I can’t find a single match of a good Cammy losing to a good Bison!

Cammy is no worst than Rufus for Bison. She is harder to AA but has much less health and is easier to bait and punish. TKCS can be stopped with a s.LK just like Rufus Divekicks. If DP crosses you, learn to do c.MP, s.HK. Or just U2 her :wink: