Beating the AI

So im practicing my execution against the AI as ive recently built myself a stick. Is it just me or is the AI insanely hard to beat? Out of the 300-ish tries, ive beaten it once.
Maby i just suck badly =/

I find the AI to be quite hard as well, possibly because I’m just starting out with trying to play competively; I’m not sure. I can’t even get past the first stage without picking Ken or Ryu and spamming fireballs. It seems that if you get close, the CPU will throw you around so much… at least, that’s what it did to me.

Frustating stuff :frowning:

I just stopped playing the CPU altogether

You have to turtle a lot.

You can beat Cammy, Chun, Fei, and Ken by simply blocking their attacks and waiting for them to jump at you. Blanka and Hawk too, though they can be a bit trickier as they like to grab and are harder to hit out of the air. I guess Honda fits in this category too.

Boxer is easy as you can just hit him low.

Claw and Zangief are the hardest characters for me. If you face Gief as the 8th characer, it’s super hard.

Dhalsim, DJ, Guile, Ryu, and Sagat are guys you need to be more offensive against.

waste of time, AI does not play like a human opponent, get yourself on GGPO and find a proper challenge!

Waste of time you can beat the AI with strategies that simply wouldn’t work on a human opponent, get yourself on GGPO and find a proper challenger!

You know he’s serious when he tells you twice! :bgrin:

The AI was designed for ryu and ken

Good you told me, i never would have figured that out!
On a more serious note, i really dont feel like playing humans when i cant pull of DPs 100% yet.

Playing against a human opponent will help with your execution alot more then playing against the CPU. Not only that but you will also figure out how to use normals as AAs instead of just DPs.

you only use the AI for training purpose only and are you play on hte hardest level and who are you using

lol DPs arent the only way to win at ST as Sanjuro_The_Ronin pointed out :confused:

You will be all the better learning proper execution under realistic pressure, so what if you lose because you messed up your DP, at least you will learn proper strategies…

I never play the AI, if I want to practice I will just use player 2 as a sitting target to work on my combo timing. Everything else you need a live opponent.

I can’t stress this enough…do yourself a favor, and drop that mindset. Most likely, when you think you have DP’s down 100%, you will be midmatch against a living, breathing, thinking (hopefully) opponent, your DP’s will cease to come out.

And, like he said, normals have AA properties, not to mention are paramount to proper spacing, pace control, throw setups, whiff punishers, etc etc. Who cares if you lose 1000 times while trying to learn?

SO true. It seems like everyone who sticks with that idea ends up burning out (getting bored of it), or throwing a fit when they finally play others and discover they can still be beaten.

Don’t wait until you feel like you’re good enough to start playing against other people. You’ll have wayyy more fun with real competition. You won’t embarass yourself because nobody cares if you win or lose in casuals anyway, especially online. Join up, it’s all good times! :smile:

The CPU is good for practicing safe jumps and a couple of other, sillier things, and that’s about it. You are correct that it is insanely hard to beat; it’s just a robot that reads your inputs and has a varying level of randomness/unfairness/cruelty in its responses. Dynamic thinking is worthless against it, which is kind of silly when dynamic thinking is the core of what really makes versus fighting games interesting. Playing against the computer, you will not develop the ability to read your opponent or to avoid being read in turn, which are both critical skills to become a strong player.

Please tell me when you have them down 100% so I can pull you out of it with a SPD muahahahahaha. :rofl: j/k man. Get on GGPO. The shit is like an orgasm.

lmao how did that happen :rofl:

At least they are a little bit different. :rofl:

lol, you never do that to me. :shake:

I know that DPs are just a piece in the puzzle of getting better at ST, but not being able to do them properly gives me less pieces to work with.
And i dont quite agree with jumping in on living humans from the get-go. I see the CPU as a middleground between a dummy and a human; not good for tactics but it does give some pressure while trying to pull off moves.
The goals was never to absolutely master DPs/supers/whatnot, just to be able to do them at all.
Thanks for the input guys.

Dude if your having trouble doing DP’s why dont you try a charger there alot more fun to play with. and can pull of 100% death combos easier, Like Bison or guile.

100% agree with you there :wgrin: