Beating the AI

I just need to get my stick working on my pc, and get ggpo to work. Aside from that, i just read up on strats, and use stupid bullshit to work my way through matches (i have no strats or yomi, just shenanigans and randomness). I feel so bad that i didn’t play in the ST tourney at MWC. I felt like i would have been throwing my money away if i signed up, but i was doing very good in casuals. but i guess i’ll never how i would have done. Oh well…

  Oh and about facing computers... just stop. Training mode is a much better use of your time. They will cheat to win.  I remember facing zangeif on easiest, and he did the fierce hold and killed me with it from 100%.  Yeah, a 100% hold from 1st round easiest zangeif. Fuck the ai.

My internets been down at home for like a week now so I’ve been practicing against the downright psychic AI. Some of the shit they pull reminds me of the SNES days (instant blanka balls, perfect walkup blocks at the last nanosecond, perfect anti-airs every time, etc). Ahh, I miss the arcade days…