The only dual audio I care about is for the Blazblue and Persona characters, since I’d much prefer being able to play this dubbed than anything since those VAs were good.
You better hope it can be set per character. If not, you might not be able to appreciate the english dubs for those characters after Ruby makes your ears bleed.
In all seriousness though, Ruby’s english VA could probably be fixed if they just toned down the levels on it.
RWBY has an official Japanese dub and there’s already a clip of Weiss’ JP voice on niconico. I personally don’t expect the entire cast to have a dual language option
They had the English VAs pronounce the game as Bureiburū? What is their voice director doing?
Honestly, I didn’t think they’d add another RWBY character to the game. I guess they’re cheaper to make than I was expecting, due to the game’s control scheme not requiring them to make as many moves and attacks for new characters. Maybe the full eponymous team will show up after all.
I hope we get her instead of or in addition to Mitsuru.
She said “Blayblue”, no Engrish. Isn’t that how they want “us” to say it?
RWBY has its own character row comparable to BlazBlue, P4A and UNIB. Seems more likely for them to have equal size rosters. Also note that there is a row titled “ETC”. If we were only getting a couple RWBY characters then I think they should have been in ETC.
Nice, multiple rwby characters are hard confirmed. But Rachel and Hazama? That’s just weird. I’m not terribly familiar with Rachel, but most of why I’ve been wanting to pick up hazama is his weird ass movment, and in a game with run only and no drives, that kinda ruins the appeal. I also had a wild as hell and far fetched but fun idea for Carl, Relius, and Shadow Labrys to get in without sacraficing what makes them unique like with what they’re doing to Hazzy. Instead of a full team, their assist/tag buttons control their puppet akin to their d buttons (ada and ignis attack, asterius guards), and they get minor buffs to make up for not having Resonance or tradituonal assists. Not happening, but theorycraft is fun.
Having characters you can’t make part of a team in a team game defeats the purpose of adding them into a team game. That’s on top off locking them out of a significant part of the meta.
Not sure why people are hearing weird things with the VAs saying “Blazblue”. Like…for me, I could hear the “z” in it pretty clearly. And wanting Terumi when Hazama, who Terumi is possessing is in, is well…lol.