Still nothing?
Maybe at TGS
Still nothing?
Maybe at TGS
I’m not expecting anything there, tbh. I think the focus will be on DBFZ.
It’s a game that’s early in development. We’ll have to wait at least a year to get any substantial news.
Actually, we should be getting news sometime in September (I forgot about this game completely, to be honest):
Huh, got a birthday present.
Now watch it be Teddie just to make me salty.
I’m calling either Mitsuru, Aigis or the P3 protag that I can’t remember the name. I’m sure it’s a P3 rep.
This’ll be a nice pick-me-up after Irma. A p3 character sounds likely, and while the p3 hero (Minato is the name I see used most often) would be a huge disappointment lore-wise, it would also be super exciting, as his first appearence in a decent game since his first (not counting re-releases, or his lobby avatar in p4u). That said, Aigis and Mitsuru are much safer guesses. Could also be Labrys or Sho, since they’re more closely tied to p4u in particular as two of the game’s originals, but the same thing could work against them, since they’re less recognizable to casual fans.
Here’s hoping for Chie or my boy Adachi.
Seems silly they’d announce just one character from a previous game. Might be someone who didn’t show up in Arena at all
Well maybe they’re revealing one Persona character and somebody else from another series, plus there’s TGS soon and the news about the game last month said they’d start revealing the roster starting with September
A bunch of people seem to speculate it’d be like Joker from P5 or something. Though, I could see it being Makoto Yuki (protagonist) from P3 too.
Well, it does say “new playable Persona character”. If it was anyone who we’ve seen before, why would they say new? This has to be someone who was never in the game, period.
That feels like a bit of a stretch. Seems less like “reveal of a new character” and more like “new reveal of a character”. It could certainly happen, and I would absolutely love it (though I can’t really think of any new Persona characters I would be excited to try outside of Tatsuya, Lisa and Eikichi, and I doubt p2 is getting any rep outside of color palletes), but I just don’t think they’d reveal a brand new character as their first bit of post-reveal news, especially when it’s apparently so early in development. If it is anyone new though, Joker and Makoto/Minato are the most likely.
The only non-playable relevant P3/P4 characters that aren’t in P4A is
Doubt it’d be Fuuka since she’s not that popular. Pretty iffy on female protagonist too, so it would probably be male
Although with Persona 5 Arena already trademarked, maybe it’s a P5 character? Could see it being P5 Protagonist or Morgana
It should be Maya Amano. No one will expect characters from the first two Personas.
That’s an odd way of spelling Sunglasses Hitler
Make one of the characters the twin wardens and give them an alternate skin for Nanako/Maiko.
Randomly throw in Shinjiro and be like “yeah, he’s fine”. Or well…I guess they could do some weird thing like throw in those 2 people from Persona Q, or Theodore from P3P.
The first mistake of doing what they did to Shinjiro in the game, is that they never knew how the series would develop, and how much of a wasted potential it is that we can’t have him in the fighting games.
Sure you can. It doesn’t necessarily have to be actually him. It could be like some “Shadow Version” of him that the game’s story created that takes his form but isn’t actually him, making it so you could play as and fight him without actually changing what happened. I mean, I imagine it would be better received than including Metis or having them give Chidori her Persona back so that she can be used.