Batwoman TV series thread

Bruce’s cousin is coming…

Get with this…


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Shit shit shit shit, the day before I start my new job?

…for who you still love.

Is she wearing contacts with the batsuit?

Personally think theyre pushing the sjw lgbt too hard on this one. Like, yeah we get it youre gay dont have to go ott with it.

How? She is proudly gay in the comics.

Like…so far she’s comic accurate. There is absolutely nothing wrong with LGBT+ representation. In fact it’s long over do.
Just because you don’t like it that doesn’t make it “sjw”.

People like the throw that sjw acronym around without really knowing what it means and as a thin veil of “I don’t like this” or a round about way to hide their bigotry towards whatever demographic that media is trying to tap into.

It’s played out and kinda silly.

Don’t like? Don’t watch it. Not everything is going to be made for you. But that doesn’t mean you can just blindly label it as something it’s clearly not.

Also, Don’t watch it knowing you’re going into it with a negative opinion and then get mad because you hated it. That’s dumb.


Dont plan to watch it mate. Doesnt mean I cant post an opinion of what I think about it

Oh wow…

Lmfao wat?


" The Batwoman catch is that Maddow’s Fairchild will never appear onscreen — at least there are no current plans for her to do so."

^ah, well that’s a relief. There is something so incredibly unappealing about that woman for me, visually speaking. I hate even accidentally seeing her when I’m channel-surfing, man.

I might actually tune in for this show out of curiosity…perhaps even to poke fun at it. Oddly enough they’ve played it safe with the latest trailers not exactly being provocative in any way.

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Ewww, so Ollie hit that? Must’ve been one of them days where none of the Canaries were available :nauseated_face:

He hit it with a steel arrow… From 3 miles away

Cmon, man. How you not have a general outline? Lol

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…Thats bad


Darkseid sent him back in time lol


The premise of the show is that Bats is gone and Batwoman is pickin up his slack but the producers don’t even know where the nigga is

When I read this article I came up with like 3 possibilities in under a minute off the the top of the dome but these team of jokers to lazy to do it

  1. Jason Todd died and it broke him
  2. Eloped with Selina Kyle
  3. Offworld of League business

Cmon :joy:


Will Crisis have a Batman???