Batman: Arkham City thread

ok. if you say so.

at least they put a creative way of getting them marked on your map.

i wanted to complete all the side quests and shit before finishing the main game, not going to be completed anytime soon with 400trophies+riddles+breakable crap

on the bright side, bats is almost fully upgraded, and im only at 57% for the main story

I need to figure out what i need to do to get the ability to Grapple launch myself into the air for longer flight.

Those riddler trophies are as bad as crackdown orbs. I’m like those dogs in up…squirrel!

You need to do the first 4 AR trainings Radiant.

Drat! I hate those fucking things lol.

Edit: Lost reference was lulz.

Alright I need your help gang regarding a side quest:

[Spoiler= Containers] So for the Titan Containers quest I have 5 out of the 6. Somehow, I can’t find or missed the one near/in the Steel Mill where Joker resides. Can anyone tell me where it is, and if inside, how or when can I gain access in there again?[/spoilers]

Ayo. Go inside the steel mill through the back door. It should be right in that room.
[spoiler= Ending] Could be a hint at the third game[/spoilers]

Awesome man thanks.

Wait. Do they only have Riddler Trophies? Or are the riddles you have to scan back too? I really liked the scanners.

Theres trophies and the scanning stuff too.

Yeah I forgot about scans until six hours in, then it dawned on me so hunting all those down once more.

I just finished. I thought that was a cool ending. Pretty ballsy honestly and a great send off.

I’m very sorry; I asked this before, but I’ll ask again, in case some of you have been playing this nonstop and just got here:

Does this game have more replay value than the first? The first was good, but I didn’t care about it after the riddler challenges. My gaming budget is only really allowing for MW3 and MAYBE one other game.

A lot more.

Yea it’s got over 400 riddler puzzles to solve, a good number of side quests, a NG+ and the challenge rooms as well.

Cant wait for the Robin and Nightwing challenge maps. BTW one thing I hated about this game


Why did Talia have to die? This was the first time I’ve ever seen her (what a booty…i mean beauty) although I’ve heard of her before and she dies right at the end. I understand why she had to get shot, but she could’ve just been seriously hurt and then make it so that you have a timer for the boss fight or she’ll die. Well, here’s hoping Batman can hook up with Catwoman. I hate that Joker died too but he’s a villain with no known identity so they could easily just make a new Joker although he being voiced by Mark Hamill is what made him great.

Think I’ll do some challenges tonight

Where do you go to redeem the costume codes an shit?

Reedem codes like you would a point card.

I’ve never used a point card before…

If you’re on xbox. Hit the Dashboard button. Go to the left until yo usee the option redeem code.
PS3, go to the PSN Store and go to the upper right and you’ll see redeem code.